Avatar of Psi Force
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 44 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Psi Force 3 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current So since, my last two attempts in roleplays haven't work out, I would like to be involved in an RP, infact I'm needing to be involved in an RP.
1 like
3 yrs ago
It's been a terrible year for everyone, let's all have a happy christmas and make sure 2021 is a better year than this one.
3 yrs ago
I want an arena fight. To test myself.
3 yrs ago
So far, I'm liking this site. It's pretty awesome.
3 yrs ago
So my first post in a RP is a super long character sheet, hopefully it's good!


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Most Recent Posts

Psi Force is present!
It was rather easy getting into the CCN Center, and that's made her Alena smirk a little. Some of the cops she had killed, were annoying anyway. They were always so quick to draw their guns and now a few cops were dead because of her. Alena's posture changed as she appeared in front of Erica, considering this was a safe environment for now due to Alena's powers, she would be able to talk to Erica freely and she'd grin lightly before nodding slightly. Of course she would say that, but then again, she called herself a god, didn't she?

"I'm calling you, Magpie because you always like shiny things. You take what doesn't belong to you. So do I, that's why I killed about. Let me count.... way above thirteen cops outside. I believe you and I can do great things. We could rule the world. I'm Alena, by the wya."

Alena stated as she looked towards Erica and would stand up before approaching her and extending her hand, offering a handshake as she smiled lightly. Alena would then close her eyes for a moment and then looked back, she could hear the cops converging on their position and she would let go of Erica's hand before turning around and manifesting two electrical spheres in both of her hands and then laughed lightly.

"Are you ready to light these cops up?" @Chulance
Can't wait to RP my character! :D
Atlanta, Georgia

As stated b-

"Looks like I'll have to pay this little magpie, a visit." Alena sighed lightly as she picked up the radio and launched it across the room. She did pay this Erica a visit and see what all the fuss was about. She would then take a sip of her whisky and then slammed it down on the table before laughing a little. She would then zip away in a lightning bolt as she knew her intended location was the CNN Center to have a little talk with the "DJ" of the radio at this current moment. She knew how to fight without her powers and she was sure she could handle this little magpie..


That was sound of Alena zipping and electroporting to a safe place outside of the building. She would smirk as she would see every single of the police officers from where she was. She would start running towards them as she would leverage her speed along with her lightning powers. She would shift into a lightning bolt as she would hit one of the officers attempting to pierce through them, and then if she was successful she would start a chain shock, attempting to kill every one that had any radio or electrical device on them. In her lightning stream form, she was basically untouchable. If she was successful in trying to attack the police officers, she would use her electroportation to "teleport" inside the building. In front of the "Magpie"

"What are you trying to be... your cosplay sucks..."

Name: Alena Hunter
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130Ibs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Religion: None
Occupation: N/A

Ability: Electrical Manipulation: She can create and use magnetic fields to manipulate electrical currents, allowing her some control over electrical appliances. She can use this in a multitude of ways even as a electrical waves, beams or streams. She can also use this in a method akin to teleportation. But she calls this electroportation. It allows her to teleport to any place where an electrical device is being activated.

Background: N.A
Place Holder post
@AlternateMan Hopefully it's good now.
I like this one. Might make a character.
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