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    1. PsychoticBreakDown 10 yrs ago


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Alexis yawnned as she ate and burnt her food gaurds tense. Individual seasons huh, wondering when she was going to go.
Lucky thing Anna speaks her mind.
Alexis coughed a little holding in another snicker. She wouldnt go up there ever unless she was teaching. Thinking for a few moments she had her lighter out.
Alexis held a snicker to herself, knives aren't the best weapon you could use. They will leave marks that scar up and bleed. Her method of burning the body to a crisp is much more effective will little to no blood lost. She knew how to handle knives she w as just waiting till Vladimir called her up to show them how to start fires.
HailStorm_the_Colorful said
I knew you were a girl, don't worry. And I know. Heels are terrifying.Pretty much sums it up. XD

Why would girls were them, they are death machines and they hurt your feet. I'm happy wearing my comfortable gym shoes to the dances we had in middle school.
Jumping into your topic here, I'm a girl, yes I am don't question my gender. I like dresses but no heels, dresses are with jeans underneath. But for me heels are like you trip once you fall and break your neck. The only time I wore heels are on boots that were like two inches. People already stare at me cause in different in my style.
Alexis walks with the guard playing with her fire. She loved that she had made, well a sort of friend since they burnt the rest of the food then went to bed. Well anyway she wondered what the days activities were going to be.
HailStorm_the_Colorful said
My brother is almost as helpful as a potato. I'd be better off asking my cat for help probably.

I know how yo ask animals. Tell them one blink yes two is a no. Easy if they under stand you ask them a simiple question like is your fur color insert here. If its correct and they say yes than they know.

I tried it on my sister dog it worked. Im not crazy.
Most of my characters have something really wrong with them. Anna is a daredevil whos not afraid of anything even herself. Alexis is a arsonist and has the power to light and control fire at her will.

Find whats wrong with me and ill give you a virtual high five. If you cant, a hint is in my name.
Alice put a flaming hand up and waved it around the end of the flames fluttering behind it trying to catch up. She didn't care what the others were doing as long as no one tried any thing she would be fine.
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