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    1. PsychoticBreakDown 10 yrs ago


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Alexis looked at vlad like he was the craziest out of all of them. " So that means i get to stand on and by fla,ible stuff? " the smile on her face grew a bit as she opened her hand. A flame appeared and her smile grew even widder as she faced her would be partner. " Hello Griffen i supose you are since ive met everyone esle. " she held the flame out and it waved to him.
Name:Jane Cherhet

Age:Looks around 21



Job:Hired Assassin

Appearance boots compliment her half black half white dress with gray belt that has a belt pouch. She has black and white tights that are opposite to her dresses pattern. Her hair is black and white and is oppisite as the black side is on your left when looking straight at her front. She has a dagger hidden in one of her boots maybe both. She wears gray gloves that match her peach and cream skin tone and dark brown eyes that stare into your soul.

Personality: Jane is a girl who would betray you at every chance it would put her ehead of the group. She is not one to tell secrets to others. Many have tried and failed to get close to her, few have succeed and those who did regreted it since her emotions are a fireball that shoots out at any one who knows her. She puts on a maskmof happiness over her. Shes the type of girl who doesnt know there beautiful and denies it when its said.

Wepons:The two daggers carved with a crow in them in her boots for one, a smaller hidden blade in a pair of gray gloves she wears. A small bottle of thorns in her pouch.

Abilitys:As her job states she is a assasin and being a assasin means having a certain set of skills. These skills include a set of martial arts, dagger training and a vast knollage of acrobatics.

Bio:Most of janes past is unknown. her birth day is July 6 but her birth year is unknown as the rest of her life though she may talk about situations she's been in but doesnt say dates what she does tell about her past is below.

Born into the usual lower class family Jane grew up on almost nothing. Her family was so wronged in every way by everyone. At the market people would raise there prices when her family came round. Was it their way of getting back at her father. Mother left when she was three with twin younger brothers who were always causing trouble somewhere. Her older sister left to be with some prince or duke she didn't care or wanted to know. Father drunken, this was the time she cared for her brothers and grew this shelter around her life. Soon becoming just another face in the crowd.

Her first job was in a market stall selling hot buns or rolls. She liked this job because she had a meal when she got there. At the moment she was just the ragged girl behind the counter selling buns. At home she was making a pair of gray boots to fit her feet. Jane was different while other girls had blond, brown or black hair she had a weird half black half white hair that was straight and never held a curl.

The next job she had was a maid to some high class citizen that job didn't last long as it was a summer job to earn money to pay for two carved daggers and a pair of gray gloves with hidden blades. In this time of her life her father past away leaving her nothing but a note to take care of her self at all costs.

A shady man came up to her one day with a offer, she learn to become a assassin and take mission from cupcakes citizens and she would be played well in the job. So she trained with this man learning everything a assassin should know. She doesn't like to talk about her jobs much so she didn't tell me the rest.
were has this thread been. Cs in the works, now were was my black and white picture again.
Well I've been writing again
Ya a page and half of murder mystery.
With the first victim implaled to a tree.
" never had gravy before?" Anna asked as she appears with her food on the other side of kyo she had been there all along but of course the shadows and her most covered her. " it goes on you potatoes as you seemed to have found out. " she said sticking potatoes with the form and something the bite on gravy.
Alexis looked at the stupid intercom and burnt the rest of her food then dumping it out. Letting the flame on her hand flicker and send sparks before shutting it off. Starting to head for the gym she sighed and kept walking.
Anna huffed she just wanted to leave this place go back home were. Wait what home did she have parents gone everyone esle there hates her as everyone here did.
"do i have tooooo..." she dragged the last part out like a whinny little kid would as she got up. The fire on her arm diminishing as she got up there. "Why do i have to throw knifes if i can throw lit lighters¨ she was half arguing half stating something as she put her lighter away to open up her other hand.
Anna appeared in the cafeterria. once she had heard the new girls power she had sunk back and went to her room. Sitting in the darkest corner of the room she put of the dark shadowy mist so unless they really looked they couldnt find her.
Alexis yawnned as she ate and burnt her food gaurds tense. Individual seasons huh, wondering when she was going to go.
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