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    1. PsychoticBreakDown 10 yrs ago


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" What do you guys find wrong with glad?" Alexis questioned the girls who seemed to have a problem with him. " I don't find anything wrong with him other than he's a bit crazy about the project."
Ok so my friend got me hooked on K-pop music now so Got7 and other bands are friends at the moment. Stupid Korean songs.
1 4 3, A so many to listen to.
Contemplating, listen for k pop or sleep.
Alexis looked at the plate of food contemplating her choice of burning it all and napping more or eating something. She decided the later stabbing at it with her utensil and eating a bit. She didn't like how today went or how tomorrow will go. " much better not to sleep tonight either." She mumbled in between bites of the food.
Ok I got confusled.
Lunch but there in life skills or is it... I'm confused.
Anna sighed at the new commerce and the spittle chair. People were showing of powers it seems. Well to show of is one thing what I think is another.

Sighing she let the dark mist dissipate and her appear on a seat as it seemed she was in the darkest side of the class room. Slivers of the shadow wrapped them selves around her right ankle . " New people are arriving everyday it seems. " Anna said this to really no one just as a attention grabber.
Another slight yawn came from Alexis before the flame flicked of and her head dropped into her arms. Sleep was catching up to her quickly. " I'm not sleeping " she mumbled lifting her head with a hand before resting her head on it. The girl, Helena, why was she so upset with vlad. She wasn't sure of what they were complaining about he was the only person to care if she was ok, or at least still alive. Ungrateful mother who wanted a boy. What was it about the weird dude not caring either, are proxy and the other girl normal and were just weird? Then what about sales? Questions questions questions.
PajkaNight said
I like writing graphic and gory stories, sometimes on Friday the 13th, sometimes on Halloween, impaling people is Child's Play. Don't worry though, a quick walk around Elm Street will surely be a Hellraiser for you. X3 I won't hold a Grudge for the people who aren't horror writers. I should go see my doctor Hannibal Lecter, shouldn't I? I swear I Saw this coming.

Oh but impaleing people onto a building while there alive. And I've watched elm street on Friday the 13th I wrote horror. But as I say you don't want to scare away your readers in the first page. Implying is child's play but doing it while there alive to a tree it's creepy in the first page. And I the main twist is that someone the detective knows is the serial killer who is going around killing people more gruesome each time.
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