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Rosemoss said
It's early night so the infected are starting to come out

So I posted and now let's see how long it takes before anyone comes by the general store.
Alexis looked out from her roof top over the other side of the city no were near the shopping district sat her lonely place. Survivors were rare and usually trying to break in thru the on window that was open on the second floor for fresh air. The hum of a generator putted out as night started to sink over the city her building was closer to the hospital. Most of the infected had scattered and it was a great place since infected stayed around the darker areas here.

A slight chuckle came from her mouth it was soft and barely heard but it was there. Turning around from her position with the goggles she walked to the small strawberry Bush she grew since she had been here and found the seeds. Walking past the Windows she closed the only open one and drew the wooden latch across it. Locking it from the inside, the group should disperse before that area crawls with even more infectys.

Dinner, that was her next problem. What to have, what to have. The old rugs felt nice under her bare feet as she walked to the stockpile of cans she had on a self. Hmm I know let's try some leftovers from last night. She walked over to the cooler and opened the lid. A breath of cold air puffed out and made Alexis shiver as she quickly grabbed the metal container that had her dinner from the night before in it. Closing the cooler she locked it and shoved it back in the corner that was the coldest. She would turn the electric icemaker on the next day when there is a smaller chance of the infectys to hear it.

Lighting the gas stove she put the can on and waited for it to warm up. Walking away from it she walked back on the roof looking thru her goggles to the fight again one which she knew someone would die.
Rosemoss said
AcceptedAnd I don't think Alexis has been taken

Yay now how to show up, what time is it at the moment in the roleplay.
Anna got a chicken and started seasoning it." We are probably going to be eating what we cook s. "She didn't really finish her sentence but instead pulled apart the chicken breast into strips which she put on a pan.
May sign up for this if your still need chars, I don't usually do zombie apocalypse roleplays but this sounds like a good twist on things. Oh and is the name Alexis taken I don't mind if it is.
Alexis ate her food grumbling about stuff and what she could probably get away with lighting a bit more of her body on fire.
Anna grumbled at her name again and walked to Kuro and Lily. " rice sounds good with chicken and a vegetable." She suggested getting out a few.utensils most meals would need.
" why does he only have stuff with you. Are you his type or something." Alexis still didn't get what they were talking about but maybe he just didn't want to be burnt. She flicked open her lighter, " only bad part about this situation for me was the injections you go thru. Or maybe it's just because I'm.not good with people or telling what people are feeling that I don't know if he is. " Alexis started rambling again thinking thru words, going back on what she had said before in a different stentance.
I chose sleep but k pop is good.
Morning saarebas.
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