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    1. PsychoticBreakDown 10 yrs ago


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" I have food and fruit juice my base is just as good as yours. I also have a generator and a freezing mechanism. But ill stop by tomorrow." She yawned again " but I'm going to bed tonight. Night " she said before falling into a cat nap her ears open for all the noises.
" more people making noise in a area the more infected come I would team as you say but I would stay in my place." She said before yawning and curling into a ball pulling up the blanket and yawning again in the room.
" wasting supplies" she said into the radio again. Before she took a sip of mixed friut juice and relaxed in her chair.
Yes but she's not evil just a survivor who doesn't risk her life. Shame to ruin the fresh plants sitting in her garden.
" Why would I help them I'm not risking my own life for there's it's not like I want to get killed. And anyway I'm going to bed night." She dropped the radio on her lawn chair and walked down stairs shutting the large metal hatch and locking it from the inside. She shut the open window and locked it from the inside with the rest of the Windows and then went down lower on the first floor and made sure the door was blocked and locked and so were the Windows.

Going back up stairs she looked at the bullet and tossed it her waste bin. I'm nothing to waste ammo on crazy dude. She took out another radio to the 4. " if your gonna shot me shot me while you could. My base has no begins there nothing to take every floor is sealed off from the other it would take more than a few days to break in. " She finished and set the radio on the outdated countertop and sat in her chair eating pudding like she was.l before.
And Alexis will never go out after midday or let anyone in... so for him to come to her would have to be the only this though she's not one you would trust to save you as you could tell.
"Hospital the old general store I'm having a great time watching" she finished eating her food " why bother waiting ammo there it's dinner and more supplies for us if there dead "/she said over the line before standing up and putting the container down. " No one down there is holding a radio you must be the sniper picking the dudes off. Though the bullets will probably get more attention." She laughed again and went downstairs grabbing a pudding cup from her shelf.

Using her spork she started eating the pudding.
Carantathraiel said
Tic: I'm not one of them. Zombies aren't my thing. Also, I hve been playing Betrayal at House on the Hill for the majority of the weekend. Also also. Cousin saw the new Ninja Turtle movie sad it was horrible. Absolute waste of money. And this coming from the 20 year old dipshit who wastes his money on everything and has no taste for good movies.

This has no zombies in it.
" wow someone who uses these these things. I can hear you and you going to go insane." She paused marking another bite of her leftovers. " so where are you anyway oh and do you see the fight going by the pet store it's a great show. " She looked down thru the goggles and laughed.

" there is no way any one is surviving that." She said after the a few more infected started coming out of the side alleys going to the noise.
" what her problem,... " She realized the joke she was planning could get her in trouble with her. Finishing her food she looked at slade. The criminal mind in this job.
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