Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dessie777


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Destiny watched The scene unfold still on the ground. The infected were coming out, a few more survivors had joined the fray, and she was pretty sure the girl outside the store had lost her mind. She had picked a terrible day to break into this store. Wishing she had just kept walking for few more blocks she stood up one arm still holding the other.

"What can I do..?" She nearly whispered looking down, hair covering her face. "I'm not a skilled fighter but I'm alright with tools."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


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Maria looked around the building, since the door clearly would not open. she found the broken window, dropping the head before making her way in. She heard barking, so she barked back only once. "Shhh... The nosy neighbours are attracted to noise..." She quiets herself. "Bad dog, Scott!" She quietly scolded herself.
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from his lookout point the doctor could see across most of the shopping district, and he could also see the amount of infected moving in towards the pet shop. he let a nervous laugh escape him "why can no one just keep quite" he sighed and ran down the ladder grabbing a few extra mags popping one in the gun as he approached the ladder. he climbed up to his lookout point and aimed at the few infected approaching, one was coming out an alleyway, one down a street and finally one near a pet shop. he fired at the one closest to the pet-shop but the bullet went wide and hit the lock on the front door, he re-aimed and took the shot nailing the guy in the head, he went down like a sack of bricks.

he re-aligned his sights on the alley walker, calmed his breathing, and fired the shot hit his leg. the mucil exploded and he fell behind a car.

he then aimed at street, the bullet tore through his splean and fired another and it smashed his brain out the other-side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xLillyliciousx
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Olivia sat on her skateboard outside of the new town that she discovered, the last town that she had discovered, every time she opened one of the boarded windows, there would be a swarm of the infected. It was almost if someone had trapped the infected in the houses and buildings to starve them and kill them off easier. It was a pretty good idea but something still must have killed off the survivor or they died with thirst or starvation; either way, she knew to stay away from that town.

She lit the cigarette with her pink lighter and stared into the town as she relaxed and smoked. It wouldn't be dark for a few hours so she knew that she was safe for a while. It had been a few days since she has talked to an actual person; Olivia still haven't figured out why she hasn't gone insane yet. She's witnessed a lot of people going insane, she's watched people walk up to an infected thinking they were an actual person, and getting ripped apart. She shivered as she shook those images out of her mind. That was something she did not want to think about right now.

The woman stood up, stretched out her arms, slide her messenger bag onto her shoulder, picked up the ax that she had found on the streets. All of her guns had ran out of ammo so the ax was her only weapon for now. When she was ready, she stepped onto her skateboard, and started to roll into the town.

Olivia snooped through some of the houses that she was able to break into; she wasn't picky about food, but she loved to find cans of fruit. Well, because fruit was good for you and there would be either syrup or fruit juice in the cans which help with her thirst. She still didn't trust the water; people can swear they cleaned it, and it was completely safe, she wanted nothing to do with it.

After a few hours of finding a little bit of food, and not finding any place that would be safe enough to sleep in for the night; she continued her search further into the town. Olivia found a house that looked fit enough to stay in for a night, she broke into it, and was starting to search it as she started to hear faint voices, and than gun shots in the distance. She groaned, what the hell were they doing out there?!

Olivia stepped out of the house, she kept her things in there except her ax. She started to walk towards the noises until she got to a corner, and she peeked into the next street to find a pet store where people were starting to either flood in or out; her eyes scanned the street as she watched the infected start to pour out of the dark shadows towards the noise these people were creating. She smirked, none of these people are going to survive another night if they continue on what they are doing.

She pulled out her pack of cigarettes, lit one, and turned around. She jumped and almost had a heart attack when she seen one of the infected trailing behind her, it must have followed her from the house. She held the ax up, ran up to it, and bashed the flat end of the ax against it's head. When the infected fell to the ground, she chopped the head off, and smashed the skull in; she knew that was probably over-kill but she liked to make sure the thing was killed for sure.

Olivia started to walk back to the house that she had found, tomorrow morning, she would go back to the pet store to see how many of those idiots were still alive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


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Alexis looked out from her roof top over the other side of the city no were near the shopping district sat her lonely place. Survivors were rare and usually trying to break in thru the on window that was open on the second floor for fresh air. The hum of a generator putted out as night started to sink over the city her building was closer to the hospital. Most of the infected had scattered and it was a great place since infected stayed around the darker areas here.

A slight chuckle came from her mouth it was soft and barely heard but it was there. Turning around from her position with the goggles she walked to the small strawberry Bush she grew since she had been here and found the seeds. Walking past the Windows she closed the only open one and drew the wooden latch across it. Locking it from the inside, the group should disperse before that area crawls with even more infectys.

Dinner, that was her next problem. What to have, what to have. The old rugs felt nice under her bare feet as she walked to the stockpile of cans she had on a self. Hmm I know let's try some leftovers from last night. She walked over to the cooler and opened the lid. A breath of cold air puffed out and made Alexis shiver as she quickly grabbed the metal container that had her dinner from the night before in it. Closing the cooler she locked it and shoved it back in the corner that was the coldest. She would turn the electric icemaker on the next day when there is a smaller chance of the infectys to hear it.

Lighting the gas stove she put the can on and waited for it to warm up. Walking away from it she walked back on the roof looking thru her goggles to the fight again one which she knew someone would die.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valkyr
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Aaron turned away from the insane girl, feeling very disturbed. She was killing the infected with surprising ease, but he knew this would not last. The night had only just started; soon they would be unstoppable. He jumped as the gun fire began. He hurried back inside, worried a stray bullet would hit him. A thought crossed his mind and he swore under his breath. He turned to Delilah.

"We left the ladder down," He said. He wasn't too worried about the infected trying to get up, but he was worried that one of the survivors would see the ladder and try to get away with all the supplies. "You should go back up. I think we can handle ourselves down here," He lied. "I'll help you if there are infected in the alley. Just remember to not lower the ladder until morning."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Harlan looked from the broken window to the man with the shotgun. Even if they did manage to patch the window the infected would probably break through whatever simple patchwork they could do under such short notice, and in the meantime they weren't going to let up while they tried to fix it anyway. "I'd be a lot more useful to you if I had my gun back."
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Charles looked at the sun as it was setting over the backdrop town, it was getting late. "stay awake dear boy, awake" he snapped back the firing pin and a bullet flew out. he took out the mag and layed it to the side. leaning it on the wall.

he then got up and went down the ladder grabbing a bottle in a brown paper bag, taking it up stairs he took a swig. his face went from neutral to a grimaces, "wow this stuff is strong!" he stared at the bottle. he then extended to slouch on the wall, pulling his legs up to his chin he layed the gun closer to him the mag in place without the cocking.

he sat there going through his emergency essential supplies: M9, Fixable Bayonet, M1 Grand, Food for a Week, Enough Ammo for a Small Armoury and a small radio.

he just sat there waiting for the moment to strike again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dessie777


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The first man she had encountered asked for his gun back and, in the present situation, she thought it wise. With just one armed man, a wounded girl, and a vigilante sniper their chances seemed incredibly low. Suddenly the crummy apartment sounded like a palace.
Destiny looked to her arm and then to the infected outside. "Can they..." The first time she said it her voice came out a mere whisper so she repeated herself. "Can they...Smell me..." Lifting a hand off her wound the blood began to drip down her arm and onto the floor. "Blood...They...Can't smell it can they..." She inspected her bloodied and yet uninjured hand before placing it back on her cut. Remembering her brother being torn to shreds in front of her eyes she started to shake harder. The number of infected outside had grown as uncomfortably high as the number of humans inside. "Is there..A way out..We can't stay here." Her voice had returned to a whisper as she spoke to the men.
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Charles put his head above the wall peering over to see what was happening. the lights were out and it was nearly dark. in the current situation he could see nothing, and he believed nor could they, he took a bottle of "medical disinfectant" stuffed a rag in the top and lit it, throwing it to the street below. it hit the roof of a car and sprayed over the streets just near enough to the pet shop.

this allowed his to see any infected coming out, it also allowed him to see that there were some people inside, proberly oblivions to him up here. he took the first bullet out and scratched on to them 'frequency 4' he then took to firing them into the windows of the small pet store. he hoped that they would get the message and radio him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


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Alexis shook her head guns would just bring out more. She didn't care if it were her boyfriend or her mother gun fire wouldn't be her choice. Going back down she took the leftovers off the stove turning it off.bringing the tin can up stairs grabbing a spork she sat on a rusty old yard chair and watched the fight going on.

" Tsk task task , I don't go out much and by midday I'm back home. It's a better system then what they are doing that much noise and human bodies I'm looking at at least half of them dead one wounded and one scared out of there wits. " She took a few bits of food realizing she was talking to her self again. Why wouldn't she help the survivors down there, she wasn't going to risk her own life for someone she didn't need.

Taking out a old radio she went thru the stations, 1, 2, 3, 4.
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"i wonder if they have the message yet" he asked himself he took-out the radio on frequency 4 "hello this is the.... well its not important what my name is. can you hear me or am i going insane" he let out a laugh down the set "anyway if it wouldn't be a problem you ll have to protect yourselves for a bit, i don't want to waist all my ammo, out" with that he put the radio down, all he got so far was static
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


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" wow someone who uses these these things. I can hear you and you going to go insane." She paused marking another bite of her leftovers. " so where are you anyway oh and do you see the fight going by the pet store it's a great show. " She looked down thru the goggles and laughed.

" there is no way any one is surviving that." She said after the a few more infected started coming out of the side alleys going to the noise.
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"ha, see it im there. the stupid kids cant fire guns. if it wasn't for me knocking them down they would be with their ranks." he lets out a laugh "i dont give the a day, and how can you see it? you close to the hospital or the shopping district?" he peaked over the side wall "one sec" he started shooting at the infected leaving the alley, loud shots echoing down the radio "sorry about that"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


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"Hospital the old general store I'm having a great time watching" she finished eating her food " why bother waiting ammo there it's dinner and more supplies for us if there dead "/she said over the line before standing up and putting the container down. " No one down there is holding a radio you must be the sniper picking the dudes off. Though the bullets will probably get more attention." She laughed again and went downstairs grabbing a pudding cup from her shelf.

Using her spork she started eating the pudding.
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he looked down the sights at the general store "ah a fine place it is as-well, im no sniper just a man doing his bit. yes the bullets draw attention but i have more down below if you can ever get into my fortress and past the infected that roam it i might be inclined to give you some ammo" he fired a few more shots down to the general stores one open window on the top floor "now, i think you should go and help them" as he lined up his sights on the girls head "would be a shame to ruin the carpet wouldn't it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


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" Why would I help them I'm not risking my own life for there's it's not like I want to get killed. And anyway I'm going to bed night." She dropped the radio on her lawn chair and walked down stairs shutting the large metal hatch and locking it from the inside. She shut the open window and locked it from the inside with the rest of the Windows and then went down lower on the first floor and made sure the door was blocked and locked and so were the Windows.

Going back up stairs she looked at the bullet and tossed it her waste bin. I'm nothing to waste ammo on crazy dude. She took out another radio to the 4. " if your gonna shot me shot me while you could. My base has no begins there nothing to take every floor is sealed off from the other it would take more than a few days to break in. " She finished and set the radio on the outdated countertop and sat in her chair eating pudding like she was.l before.
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"gah fine" he grabbed his equipment, a surgeons mask and a pair of glasses and climbed the ladder down to the floor. he had the car keys in his hand and unlocking the ambulance he climbed in, starting the engine he looked behind him into the back. the large stock of weapons were still there. he had his rifle beside him and his M9 in his pocket. he popped the glove box and took his M1191. the car roured to life as he went down the road sirens blaring he pulled up next to the pet store climbed into the back kicked the door open and threw a duffel bag out the back threw the shop window landing at a girls feet. the girl seemed to be holing her arm for some reason.

the contents of the bag included: 1 double barrelled shotgun, 1 Mp5k and a few grenades. below them was a few mags of shotgun, pistole and smg rounds. on the bag it said 'from snipers with love' he stayed outside hanging out the door for a while shooting at infected that came near the bag or the door before shutting the door to the ambulance and starting the engine up again.

he drove past the general store and stopped giving it a toot and a mock salute before driving back to the fortress he calls home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


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" wasting supplies" she said into the radio again. Before she took a sip of mixed friut juice and relaxed in her chair.
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he grabbed teh radio "wow your not very happy are you? wanna drop for yourself?" he put the set down and carried on "i think we should team, you may be useful later on"
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