Name: Roland Myle
Age: 19
Job: Servent
Skills: Street-savvy, well-connected, keen eyesight, boxing and knife-fighting
Personality: Sarcastic and witty despite the circumstances of his birth, while not educated in the traditional sense he is very street savvy and finds himself at home in the back alleys and shady establishments. While he comes off as lax and flippant he is extremely loyal to the Alders and the rest of the staff. Still, the only thing that gets his heart beating is a good scrap.
Backstory(Optional): The illegitimate Mulatto son of a well-off merchant, Roland grew up without the guidance of a father. When his mother died of an illness when he was young, he bounced from port to port picking up whatever work he could find. When he was 13 he eventually made his way to London where he found more stable work in the citie's underground, working for all sorts of gangs and crooks. During this period of his life, he picked up many of his skills during this time in his life such as his boxing while fighting in underground fights as well as his love of a good blade from other endeavours. He became so infamous he began to be known as "Barghest" after the ghostly black dogs of folklore. Roland met his match however when he tried his hand and pillaging the Alder Manor. Needless to say, he got caught and instead of having him arrested Lord Alder took him in instead. Roland is still confused as to why but his code of honor dictates his loyalty to the Alder family now.

Age: 19
Job: Servent
Skills: Street-savvy, well-connected, keen eyesight, boxing and knife-fighting
Personality: Sarcastic and witty despite the circumstances of his birth, while not educated in the traditional sense he is very street savvy and finds himself at home in the back alleys and shady establishments. While he comes off as lax and flippant he is extremely loyal to the Alders and the rest of the staff. Still, the only thing that gets his heart beating is a good scrap.
Backstory(Optional): The illegitimate Mulatto son of a well-off merchant, Roland grew up without the guidance of a father. When his mother died of an illness when he was young, he bounced from port to port picking up whatever work he could find. When he was 13 he eventually made his way to London where he found more stable work in the citie's underground, working for all sorts of gangs and crooks. During this period of his life, he picked up many of his skills during this time in his life such as his boxing while fighting in underground fights as well as his love of a good blade from other endeavours. He became so infamous he began to be known as "Barghest" after the ghostly black dogs of folklore. Roland met his match however when he tried his hand and pillaging the Alder Manor. Needless to say, he got caught and instead of having him arrested Lord Alder took him in instead. Roland is still confused as to why but his code of honor dictates his loyalty to the Alder family now.