Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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1 mo ago
Current when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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7 mos ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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7 mos ago
9 mos ago
are you seriously asking for a savage carry on RPG
11 mos ago
"can you describe your character concept" "yeah have you seen that video of the elder scrolls online knight beating people up while separate ways is playing"



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Ranbu no Izayoi

Reisa answered, and Izayoi saw red. It was her. The architect of all her suffering. The physical representation of everything wrong with the Valheimian occupiers. The person she was going to kill. A wordless, furious scream left her lips, and she charged.

A hail of gunfire met her, Reisa's soldiers having evidently been more than prepared for the response. Bullets flew, and even the benefit of a Haste spell didn't allow Izayoi to evade all of them, one cutting her cheek and another grazing her left shoulder. She glowered, abandoning her frontal charge to take cover next to Eliane and Arton.

"She planned for us." Izayoi snarled as a stray bullet whizzed over her head. "By Himstus, by Imir, by the Mother, I will kill her!" Even in the throes of her rage, years of tactical indoctrination and war led her to consider the situation at hand as best she could. Arton was downed and Eliane was taking up his slack. They were being surrounded and Galahad was cut off. The situation wasn't insurmountable, but any way out could likely result in the death of at least one Kirin. If it was to be Izayoi, then she would at least take that wench with her.

A vial of potion was taken out of her sash, and she rolled it over towards Arton before shouting to him and Eliane.

"On my mark! I will break their line! Do not fail to take advantage of it!"

She ran a hand over her blade, coating it in wind magics before leaping up out of cover and slashing, a shockwave of wind crashing into the first line of gunners, a half-dozen wide. They screamed and fell, some diving out of the way while others were left with wicked gouges rent into their armor, flesh, and bones.

Not even the knowledge that she could have once cut through three such lines at once with a single blow slowed Izayoi as she landed and resumed her mad dash towards the remaining gunners, and past them, Reisa.

"Naught but the flames of hell await you, scum!"


Galahad's jump and throw planted his halberd straight through the Juggernaut's helmet and subsequently, his skull. Even as he landed and the titan of a man fell, a magical hailstorm began to assail him, shards of ice crashing down as their conjurer looked on from a distance. It seemed he'd planned for his comrade's defeat.

An entire line of frontline fighters diverged from the main battle and rushed Galahad as well, intent on finishing him should their lieutenant's attempt fail.


As battle rang through Atsu, the sound could be heard from afar. Not a single person within the ruined villages vicinity would fail to hear its din, attracting attention from those who would otherwise be unengaged...
Zhao Jinhai

Headshot. Headshot. Tracer. Tracer. Reload. Now it was starting to get annoying. Turkey shoots weren't quite as fun when the turkeys kept coming back to unlife faster than he could sight them. Right, they had to change tactics. A clap of thunder caught his attention, and Jinhai quirked an eyebrow as he saw Teratoma get sent flying.

Well, damn. Alright, bit more proof that it was time to do his job as a monk and start taking this a bit more seriously. He tucked his gun away, pulling out a handful of fulu talismans instead. Sure, his weren't exactly the best quality, but every little bit helped at this point. Jinhai surged forward past Teratoma, who seemed to be charging in the other direction, and moved to engage the samurai ghost.

He led off with flowing piguaquan palm strikes, each blow he threw at the samurai aimed to stick a fulu on it on top of trying to do damage. These Taoist talismans in particular were aimed at suppressing the spiritually unclean, weakening them for conventional attacks to work. Hopefully they'd at least do something to the big leader.

As the last of his half-dozen fulu were placed on the samurai, Jinhai switched back to baji, exploding into action as he sent fists and elbows flying towards the ghost.

"无为二无不为..." He chanted under his breath, aiming to steady himself mentally and spiritually as he struck. The more in tune and harmonized he was, the more his blows and magics would work.
In SPIRITUM 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kalina Kovalic

Would that they didn't have a job to do. For some reason, Kalina found the sight of the Petrified Forest fascinating, especially when the crash was adding a good deal of flame and ruin to the whole picture. There was probably something profound to say about it, but there also wasn't any time for that when she was on duty.

While Morden and Valerie started investigating the area, Kalina took the same track as Gerard and began checking the bodies scattered around the area. She searched through two. A half dozen. A dozen. The results were...strange.

The majority died of obvious causes: burns or trauma indicative of the airship crash. But no small few were full of bullet holes, of all things. A boarding attempt would explain why the airship suddenly went down over Rassvet airspace. Or, judging from the fact that most of the uniforms were similar, a mutiny. How curious. She wasn't going to complain about Vangar soldiers killing each other, though. If only they all did.

A hacking cough from deeper in the wreckage drew Kalina's attention, and she rushed towards the source of the sound, her gunblade materializing in one hand. By the time she cleared the wreckage, she'd found the cause:

This old veteran looked like he was barely holding on, his left leg looked burnt to all hell, and a trio of smoldering holes in his chest suggested he was shot by something closer to a lightning bolt than a bullet. His sternum raised slightly and elicited a rough wheeze as the Kali approached. As Kali checked his pulse, the eyes shot open- a glowing grey; the telltale insignia of a Vangar Royal Knight- that or overexposure to the Mist. The man jerked forward, his arm suddenly grabbing at Kali with a vice grip stronger than steel.

“The Princess..!” He wheezed, his eyes darting back and forth for a moment, almost as if they were seeing through the woman, searching for something, before they rolled back in his skull. The grip released and the man collapsed in Kali’s grasp, his last breaths weak and haggard.

Kalina frowned as the old man gave his last words, rising and turning away from him without any more care for the fresh corpse. Justice was right, then. This was the ship that princess from the news was on. Kalina might not have truly cared about the political mess this was, but she knew enough that it would draw undue attention to Barghest Squad for finding this in the first place. In other words, a headache waiting to happen.

She regrouped with the others, her weapon still in hand.

"No survivors. Most of them died from the crash, but there were bullet holes in a few. Boarding attempt or mutiny, probably the latter." Kalina reported crisply.

"One of them was still breathing when I found him. Old. Might've been a Royal Knight, judging from the eyes. Cause of death looked like magic, and he muttered something about a princess before he expired. Looks like you were right on the money about the princess, Boss." She nodded to Justice, seeming completely unaffected by the sight of a man dying in front of her eyes. Or over any of the corpses, really.
Shinozaki Yurie

Thankfully, the talking blue sperm cell with legs decided to shut up for the rest of the walk over to this village. She watched...Impmon interact with that Melody girl with a slight smirk, taking some solace in knowing it wasn't just herself that had to deal with some overgrown AI being an asshole.

They entered the village, and Yurie blinked in surprise. A bunch of...talking, hopping heads. What the fuck. She looked down towards Marauder.

"Y'know, I thought the way you looked was really unfortunate, but compared to them? Shit, you actually got a good deal."

"Ignorant cretin. We all look like that in our earliest evolutionary stages." The Gaossmon spat, though he notably didn't refute being better off than them. "For all intents and purposes, they are newborn."

"Huh." She tilted her head, barely registering the insult this time as she considered new information to devour. Whatever she was going to say next was cut off by Isaac's question. Yurie glanced back down towards Marauder again, waiting to see if he'd offer another answer. When none was forthcoming, she decided to take a stab at it.

"I was thinking about that too. If this world's actually digital, might be that mon's basically a filename extension. You know, .mon? Could just be literally that. Better question is, why's whoever running this a total weeb? For everyone besides Azuma-san, their names just translate to gramps and grandma."
Iraleth Kyrios

Iraleth wiped a bead of sweat off her brow as they emerged from Otis's Door. Lending him so much strength had winded her ever so slightly for the moment, but it was nothing she wouldn't be able to recover with a bit of rest. Compared to the previous day's expenditure of invoking her Ethos at full strength for nearly an entire hour, it was a drop in the bucket.

Still, rescuing Davil proved one thing: Professor Alto had been wrong as to Davil's safety. Again. Really, one could assume the man was deliberately trying to get him killed at this point. The alternative was ignorance, and considering how much Alto seemed to know of ley lines, that boded extremely poorly should it hold true.

The half-elf accompanied Otis back towards 103, an eyebrow raised in judgement at his choice of dragging Davil, chains and all. It was true that it was likely best for Davil to not move so much under his own power until he was treated at the clinic, but this manner of movement still risked some sort of injury for someone with broken ribs not too long ago.

She kept an eye on Davil as Otis questioned the professor, waiting for him to finish before looking back towards the Strigdae.

"Otis." Iraleth said flatly, her arms folded across her chest. "If you'd care to release him?" She gestured towards Davil. "He still needs medical attention. If I must, I'll take him to the clinic myself."

Salvator Rasch

Great. The warform wasn't at peak capacity, and that was just about their best method of actually putting this thing down. All things considered, the others weren't wrong: best to try to cripple it and call in evac.

On the bright side, close analysis of the first salvo against the mech revealed some weaknesses they could take advantage of: it wasn't as well-protected against kinetic rounds, which most of the squad were using anyway. They were managing to do damage to it, and from the looks of things, to the important bits as well. Evac wasn't a hopeless endeavour after all.

The walker began firing its thrusters, and Salvator used the brief reprieve for himself in getting back behind cover and focusing his semi-powered armor's subsystems fully into scanning it. Data began transmitting across the tacnet to every other member of the Envenomed squad, highlighting the mech's shielding not protecting against ballistic fire, as well as the cameras mounted atop the shoulders and head. Most importantly, he pinpointed the antenna on its back that was the most likely source of the communications blackout.

"Tactical analysis sent, it should be showing up on your HUDs. Taking out the cameras and the gun ought to stop it from being able to shoot down our evac, and if we put enough rounds into the back antenna, we should be able to call that evac in. Take what shots you can against any of those priority targets, but not at risk to yourselves. We're making it out of here alive."

With that said, Salvator crouched down and activated his camo cloak, blending in with the environment around him as he slowly wove his way around the edge of the combat zone to draw a bead on the back of the mech. Acquire the target. Line up a shot. Fire on the antenna. He flicked the fire selector on his carbine to full auto and began firing in controlled bursts, putting as much firepower into the antenna as he could fire accurately.
Zhao Jinhai

So that's what was going on. A singular spectre was behind everything. Made things far simpler, at least. Exorcise that one, and this whole operation came crashing down. Good thing the whole crew was united, then. It'd make this easier.

Too bad he didn't really want this to be easier now. A chance for a duel against a genuine samurai ghost, and it was going to be marred by the likelihood of everyone ganging up on it. Well, that and the fact that Jinhai didn't exactly have a sword right now. Truly, his will wasn't in harmony with the universe right now. The more he tried to force this, the less chance that it would happen.

Case in point, the freak of nature that was Teratoma surged right on ahead before he had the chance, moving to engulf the ghost warrior in one move. The former hitman sighed, raising his pistol with a twirl. So it wasn't to be for now. He could live with this, but he wasn't going to be happy about it. Maybe he'd get his shot for a duel if Teratoma screwed the pooch on this one. For now, he started sighting up rising ashigaru and emptying his pistol into them before they could interfere.

Really, it was complete bullshit they ever kicked him out of the temple. Here he was, following Laozi's philosophies to a tee. If only the Wudang could see him now...

"So once we're done here, any chance we can hit a restaurant in the area before we head back? Getting real sick of cafeteria food. Hot pot'd be nice. Or spicy ramen. Seriously, I'd kill for anything unhealthy at this point." He commented idly to no one in particular, just whoever was next to him at the time.
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