Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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19 days ago
Current when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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6 mos ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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7 mos ago
9 mos ago
are you seriously asking for a savage carry on RPG
11 mos ago
"can you describe your character concept" "yeah have you seen that video of the elder scrolls online knight beating people up while separate ways is playing"



Most Recent Posts

@Expllo For attributes, I'm assuming that characters start off defaulting to average and can move them around in that category? Also a bit confused at how novice/average/good doesn't line up with unseated/seated/lieutenant/captain in the ability list.
Salvator Rasch

Salvator looked over the data-spool intently, committing as much of the mission data to memory as he could. Based on what the intel stated...this was going to be a close-quarters nightmare. Investigating a half-trashed space wreck? One of this size? It'd be nothing but endless corners and tight cover all the way inside. The purple ethereal disturbances on the holograph very much weren't helping his tactical analysis of the situation. As if the tight quarters weren't bad enough, especially considering the bulk of some of their best operators, there was ethereal interference to deal with as well?

God in the Void, this was going to be a shitfest. Salvator let his face fall into a frown beneath his sealed mask, very much not looking forward to this mission at all. Nonetheless, he had his duty. They all had their duty, unwilling and reticient as some among the squad might be. And wasn't that something that they just didn't have the time to sort out? Just another day in the life.

"Do we have any preliminary readings of the ethereal disturbances past the fact that they exist? Doesn't bode well that the station's natives are avoiding them." Salvator inquired after the floor was opened, nodding his head towards the holograph readout. "Furthermore, what's our criteria for objective completion? Are we to retrieve the research vessels' data, or just confirm their existence?"
@Psyker Landshark between our characters, I'd assume they're familiar with each other as classmates. Kobe would have even asked Ageha for pointers and notes on more than one occasion considering how much of a prodigy she is. Kobe would be the type to make an effort, and contribute during class. Maybe the fact that he was actually correct often would cause Ageha to humor his questions? He might respect her talent and she might respect his effort, leading to a professional relationship now and a friendship later on in the roleplay?

Yeah all of this sounds fine. Ageha isn't so much a prodigy as just someone who's had a pretty severe head start basically.
@Expllo Doing a balance pass on the stuff I made real quick, you think it'd be fine to lower the cooldown on both listed abilities by a turn for Ageha since they're not so much attacks as just changes in combat versatility?
Alright, in any case, I'm open to making preestablished relationships with other characters for Ageha. Can shoot me a PM or do it in here.
Lady Safina Haliel

Irritating. So the elves may have had an idea of what Safina did. That, or they assumed she had a role as some sort of an enforcer. Regardless, Safina doubted her so-called kin knew too much of her true role, but it didn't hurt to be cautious in this regard. If they did know she was an assassin of all things, she doubted their ambassador would be speaking quite so candidly.

"Oh, a handful." Safina played the question off, as if there was no real secret. Let the irritating woman make of that what she wished. "Her Majesty affords me a soldier here or there when there are small tasks that require accomplishing outside of her other servants' purview."

She couldn't quash the whispers around court that Evelyn favored her because she was directly under her command, so why not take advantage of them instead? Play into the lesser rumors, so that they didn't go out of control into larger ones. Always control the narrative. And speaking of...

Safina allowed herself to show her interest in Duke Willowsteel's imminent arrest and imprisonment. After all, she was the one who'd brought the matter up in the first place. It only made sense. She'd have words with that one later.

"Tis an unfortunate turn of events to have the gala be so...marred by these proceedings. Fortunate how I doubt you'll miss him, considering his beliefs, yes?"

So I'm assuming all our characters came up through the academy in the same year, so preestablished relationships are a thing, right?
"Thank you, my child. That is...good to know. Highly alarming, yet good to know, regardless." Cid smiled to Eve before nodding in acknowledgement of Galahad's contribution. He waited patiently for the Kirins to recover before gesturing for them to follow him inside the temple itself, Izayoi begrudgingly taking Galahad's aid in standing and walking.

The temple itself was a magnificent work of art, decorated with frescoes and stained glass in honor of the gods. For all its glory, however, Cid deigned to simply sit down cross-legged upon the floor, inviting the party to join him.

"Please, be at ease." He said to Ciradyl especially, laying his staff upon his lap. "This is sacred ground, and I will defend it with my life, this I swear. Now, on to the meat of the matter," His expression turned grave.

"This malaise you dub the Blight is not a new phenomenon. It has ravaged Arbor, the continent the Valheimr originate from, for nigh on a century. Why else do you believe they have come here, seizing land as they go? Their continent is dead. And the hubris of their rulers doomed it."

"And you would know this how, holy man?" Izayoi challenged, though with minimal hostility. Either she didn't have the energy to muster, or the temple itself convinced her somewhat of Cid. "By your own account, you have not left these grounds."

"Simple," Cid chuckled, taking no offense. "My life is extended by Etro's grace. In exchange, I am bound to Her sacred ground. All of it. As High Caretaker, I am able to traverse from holy site to holy site in an instant, but by covenant, I cannot leave it. And Arbor had holy ground of its own. You are not the first group of warriors I have advised in this quest. Even the Valheimr had heroes among them willing to oppose their emperor's tyranny. Unfortunately, they failed." The old man took a moment to marshal his thoughts before continuing.

"A century ago, Valheim was merely one nation among several on Arbor. Then, its reigning emperor conducted a blasphemous ritual, developed through decades of abusing dark magics. He siphoned Etro's very light from the land itself. In its absence, vile beasts plagued the land and razed the earth wherever they appeared. Shattered villages rot beneath the cruel sun and the blood of the innocent tainted the soil. Indeed, the absence of the Mothercrystal's Light from the land gives rise to rot, taint, and corruption: the Blight."

"Of course, Valheim had something to gain from this. In an instant, the nation it was on the verge of defeat against in war collapsed. Bound as I am to sacred ground, I could not intervene directly. Instead, I attempted to guide and advise heroes from across Arbor to stop Valheim. Those Warriors of Light failed, to a man." He bowed his head mournfully.

"The process repeated over the decades. Valheim weaponized its leeching of Light to dominate the continent, ensuring that it was the only nation standing after a century of conflict and tragedy. As to what they do with the Light, my knowledge only extends so far. Please, take a moment to gather yourselves, and then I will tell you what must be done."
Expressing interest, I'll probably have something up within a day or three
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