Hi, you can call me Spencer (she|her).
I'm a returning member of the guild (I stopped roleplaying here around four years ago). I have also not written anything in the past two years. Hoping coming back here will help me get out of the funk. What better way to stir up creativity than surround myself with creative people after all.
I have a bit of roleplaying experience, though I will likely be rusty. When I roleplayed, I mostly went to Casual and Advanced, with a bit of 1x1 when I can. I typically enjoy any genre, as long as I can imagine myself writing for it. I don't have any experience with tabletop but I'm insanely curious and would love to try!
Aside from roleplaying, I also enjoy playing video games (currently hooked by SimpleMMO and Splatoon) and watching shows and movies. Don't hesitate to send me a message. Would love to jump back into things!