Avatar of pyramidsoup
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 2 yrs ago
  • Posts: 25 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. pyramidsoup 2 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current mandatory meetings outside of workhours got me outside with a molotov
2 yrs ago
meme site?
2 yrs ago
your all dead ahhhh where r u people ahhhhhhh
2 yrs ago
hate tasting blood every morning :D
2 yrs ago
too meek for the arena, writes like yellow in snow, and won't "overly" play pretend


Write whatever you want in your bio. Everyone can see it, even people not logged in.

Ideas: Introduce yourself, keep a list of roleplays you're involved in, describe what kind of roleplays/partners you're looking for, provide off-site contact info, share some hilarious jokes, share art, share dank memes, etc.

Must be no more than 100000 chars

Most Recent Posts

So i want to make a roleplay that takes place mainly in nature
and depending on how much players travel and migrate I want to figure out
how to operate travel when they might wish to stay separate from each other.

Would a grid system be good or simple map be better. I want to have spatial mechanics
that arent too complex or matter when they are in the same areas, but I do want there
to be sometimes down time where travel has to happen to reach each other. I want there
to be the option to avoid other players and get lost.

Any tips and suggests. I for now want to focus one if treks happen via walking as I don't plan
on having any vehicles.
(@ShuDang I had a different character thought up n changed it! F)
🐸 croak
create 0,0: This space is seemingly empty, but within the area is the least dense liquid of them all and appears to stay as such. One might even call it a gas or even space between a massive larger solid, what ever it is, it is "space".

Visit 1,0: Enter a small kobold from an unknown world or plane of existence appears in a Tpose and immediately phases out of existence with a flash of a scream, "SKAAA-". The creature perhaps was invalid in this space as it wasn't yet generated. RIP Koblod with no valid place to "SKAAA-".
Action1: Generate/overwrite a coordinate
Action2: Visit a different coordinate

be it x,y
or even x,y,z,+a
every digit is a plane if you wanna get funny.
the coordinates are as big or small as you want but don't seep into others.

search your desired coordinate example 0,0 and if empty create it, if not replace it.

visit preexisting coordinate. Pretend your their now or a character, do a thing, up to you.
Create and Travel with each post

with each post time moves but every place experiences time differently.

no other rules. have fun be clever be silly be whatever.


In Hi... 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@POOHEAD189Thank you :} Thanks for the welcome
freshly generated atop of THE pentacrum / "pentagram", UNEARTHED, CAFINATED , AND moisturized is the smol self solemn salivating and content.

"Fashion is replacement for the skin and skin wraps the bones we call me. I contain but one bone and 99% milk thus describing the milky sacrificed as an offering to me. . . full and with no purpose who-eth skins themth selths aths 'hoo-myths'?"

Finishes milkway candy bar
It was a radical quest to discover dark desires that would cause damage to one's soul! Body odor was stanky, but we soldiered on passed the sweaty goblins. Questionable puddles formed under our large muscles mass, yet the awesomeness radiating outward evaporated into fragrant pheromones. Aroused, and desperate for ass, we fornicated however our hair caught fire easily.
Theres but one screen.

It holds chatrooms and news but all of it displays with text; nothing "real"
Those who have connections to the screen can't input more than text, but occasional the news introduces some images that can be reused.
The interface is basic and blocky with no browsing, limited to shortcuts.

You are a user of this "platform" using it to chat and share things about your life.
You can be whatever you want here but will other believe you?

Its a wannabe internet with something wrong inbetween and world building comes from building off eachothers 'statements'.
You can be anything but omnipotent.

Story and game changes to be expected [ expect little ]

_random event...
_1 2 3 4..../ a b c d
_recipients: 1,2

Really Roleplay and see where it takes you
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