Name: David Martin
Age: 15
Grade: Freshman
BiographyDavid is a nerd. He is constantly fixing his glasses; a nervous tic he developed when he first got them and could not stop playing with them. He lacks basic social skills and always seems to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. He might come off as cold and rude, but that is only because he would rather not talk to people than accidentally offend them.
He keeps mostly to himself. When he is at school he usually reads, goes over his notes (even those he effortlessly gets 100s on every assignment, test, and quiz), or is seen drawing/writing in a notebook. He is currently trying to write a graphic novel based on a superhero he created,
The Iron Shadow.
David likes school because he likes learning. He would like to make friends, but is content spending the day alone. He enjoys thinking to himself, but sometimes ends up speaking his thoughts aloud making it look like he is talking to himself. Unfortunately this has happened enough times for him to be known throughout the school as, Martin the Maniac. He does not like to be made fun of, but, he enjoys the nickname and the attention when it comes.
Despite being a stereotypical nerd, David, is optimistic about his high school experience and can not wait for the memories he will make!