Avatar of Qro
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 60 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Qro 8 yrs ago


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All my hope has gone down the drain.
I might be interested but I'll wait until you get some more information out there.
@CadenGallic If Tiggas doesn't respond what would I do, would I have to wait for a new person to show interest, or..?
Done! Let me know if you find any errors, I'll be looking over it a third time and doing some more editing in a bit.
EDIT: Updated character sheet below.
I saw a post from the GM a few pages back saying that you could create your own class advancement, so I scrapped my mage idea and went with this guy instead.
@CadenGallic Alright, great. I'll have a character up tonight or tomorrow.
You guys still accepting applicants? I might be interested in joining, have to look over the IC whenever I find time before I decide on joining.
How about instead of us shitposting, how about we talk about what class line we are gonna develop our characters with down the line. So, who has an idea about their base class, and promotions?

Novice > Base > Promotion > ???

I'm definitely going Novice > Mage, but I'm trying to decide between a Spellblade type character or a pure elementalist (most likely with a focus on Water (Frost) / Lightning based magic).
Fair enough. I'll have a character sheet up tonight or tomorrow.
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