5'5 skinny. Wrinkled, but clean work attire. Carries herself somewhat quiet and reserved; often looking down or at a task rather than at people.
• Name: Vi
• Occupation: Bartender; back-alley medic.
• Age: 18
• Abilities: Great precision with both a scalpel and a gun, however her ability in a fight is highly undesirable. She reads people sometimes better than they know themselves, and has an ear for the loose bits of information that leak on the streets.
• Bio: The Asylum bar is a little known pub down one of the back streets of New Haven. Though given a name, it has no sign. No windows to plug posters; no welcome mat to invite wanderers off the street. No one knows how long its been there, but what few customers that could be considered 'regulars' seem to be enough to keep it running. No one knows who the owner is; just the girl hired to run it who seems almost as mysterious as the bar itself.
Vi is a quiet girl. Focusing on her job and serving the patrons as needed without getting too much into their business. Often found behind the counter waiting on the next order during all hours of the day. The only time she seems to leave is when a second bell chimes, different than the one greeting members of the pub. No one seems to take her place when she leaves; but she isn't gone long, and hadn't seem to miss the occasional free drinks served in her absence. It is when the second bell chimes that Vi departs into the back office; another section of the pub about half the size but twice as vacant. In the middle lays a table and a couple of chairs. Various trays and cleaning solutions are stored next to surgical tools. Here her moonlit occupation as a doctor shines to those who need it most.