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  • Old Guild Username: FragileMutedNeko
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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"You are so charming," Lydia's voice was dry, as she leaned it back on the edge of the tub. Ugh, I forgot my diet pepsi in the kitchen... "Oh really?" she murmured as he went on about the polluted air between them. "Well, I don't really talk to anyone, so, that's probably why..." she let out a sigh. Drunk as Adrian was, she might as well talk to him. She sat up a bit. "Yeah, I'm kind of a raging bitch all the time. I'm sorry about that. I've just always been a bitch." She put her arms back behind her on the arm rests. "I don't think I'll ever get the closure I want from Mythos... so... He's just a chicken shit." She startled at Adrian's last statement, his bold statement of sexual tension, and gave him an annoyed look. He really thinks my eyes are pretty? No. Drunken Adrian. Not the real thing. "I really don't think that we have any sexual tension. I mean, yeah, I might do more than my fair share of ogling but that's as far as it goes." The words were out of her mouth before she could think about them. Her eyes widened and she turned around to climb out. "... Ah, you know what, I'm really thirsty, and I forgot my drink in the kitchen."
"W- well, I can't say that I'm disappointed. In the first part, I mean. I guess..." I'm awkward as hell. Dillon won't be back for awhile. Why is he doing this? Lydia flushed bright red, all the way down to her neck. "Adrian, you're drunk, shut up." But the praise, even from a drunken Adrian was nice. It appealed to her sense of vanity. She did look pretty good. She worked out a lot, usually lifting and moving around the garbage in the town dump, mostly because she got to destroy what she played with... She realized she was off track, and calmly brought her mind to the present. Stranded in a jacuzzi with a drunken flirting Adrian. "I'd like to know how you would have gotten in this jacuzzi all the time if this is our first day living here." Floats my train? Nothing floats my train. Literally. I can't even float in salt water. Stupid weird body-density. I love water. She let the comment go.
Lydia came back, swinging in, settling on the bottom of the jacuzzi easily. "All changed... and man, he's not kidding, this feels amazing..." she tipped her head back, turning to look at Dillon, as she slid down, a little lower into the water. "You can go change now, I don't think you want to hop in naked either..." Speaking of naked, she glanced over at Adrian. He'd kept his pants on, but above that, was quite a show. He looked very much the battle scarred warrior. She looked away from him, tipping her head back. Well, she'd just have to keep watching later. Her own thoughts brought a ruddy color to her cheeks. "Damn it, Adrian. This better not be something you do regularly." She finally complained, not sure how to hold a normal conversation.
"Awww, isn't that sweet of you?" Lydia muttered. "... Alright but I'm getting in the jacuzzi. At the risk of you passing out and drowning, I suggest we use the jacuzzi opposed to the infinity pool. I don't want to rescue your drunk ass. Plus, I sink like... um. I just don't like swimming. Alright. I'm going to go change into a swimsuit because A, I'm not getting in there in my underclothes, B, I'm not getting in there naked, and C, I really don't want to be the one who helps you get to the jacuzzi or WORSE helps YOU change. That's all up to your minion. So... later." she walked off to her room to change into her swimsuit. She changed into her best top, wondering if she should really be thinking this hard about getting in a jacuzzi with a drunken Adrian. Worse, her drunken worst enemy. She shrugged it off, slipping a pair of swim shorts over her bottoms, finding that to be more comfortable. I hope he doesn't pass out or throw up in the jacuzzi. I'll literally kill him.
“Jesus Christ,” Lydia murmured, walking into the kitchen. “Did I walk into the wrong room?” She looked over at Adrian who was laid out on the counter, surrounded by champagne glasses and lying on a wine bottle. “I never would have thought you were a lush, Adrian,” she said, condescendingly, going for the fridge. She pulled out a soda. “You even managed to pour it all over you.” She leaned on the counter on the opposite wall, opening her soda, trying not to look him over too obviously. She hopped on the opposite counter, using the extra height to her advantage. Well, one man’s $600 bottle of booze poured down is another girl’s ogling session. "You look ridiculous, I hope you know that."
Yeah I didn't realize that old username search feature was a thing. D: I would have liked to have used a different name but I picked this one for convienience.
Lydia was silent a moment. "Well, this sounding as much fun as shooting fish in a barrel... I'm not comfortable with that, I have..." She struggled with the words, mentally, before giving up. "Private things. In there. I'd rather not have some stranger go through my private things." Willow gave her a strange look and Lydia placed her hand over top of his head, squeezing, and he winced hard. "So. At the very least, let me get SOME of my things, and your workhorses can collect the rest. I'll be back in an hour..."

"Owww, Steelia, that hurts," Willow winced, placing his hands up, trying to get her to loosen her grip, writhing a bit under her grip.

Lydia finally released him, looking annoyed. "So. I'm going to go and run to my dorm. I need the exercise. I haven't went jogging yet today. I'll pick up my stuff, and I'll come back. I appreciate the kindness but I'd rather not have someone going through my underwear and bras." She slid off the counter.

"Oh," Willow said, seeming like he understood what she was referring to finally, and Lydia shot a glare at him again, which he winced and moved away from. "Sorry!" he put his hand over his head. "Um, I- I have some stuff I'd like to get too, if that's okay!" This was directed at Benjamin.

"Good luck keeping up," Lydia muttered.
Lydia raised an eyebrow, leaning against a counter, running along the back wall. “Are you serious?” she quirked a brow. “You want ME to stay here, in your home?” She lifted herself up and took a seat on the counter. She gestured at a servant. “Diet pepsi, in a can. With a straw. Bendy straw.” she ordered. Turning back to Benjamin, she was confused and suspicious. “Benjamin, I think you’re asking for a real disaster here… not to mention I don’t understand your angle… What are YOU getting out of this?...”

Willow was hesitating. “I… I think it’s a neat idea! I couldn’t ever imagine living in a place like this! There’s a HOT tub and a theater and man, I… I don’t know. Steelia, please?”

“Stop begging.” She glanced at Willow, before looking up again. It might be a trap. But then… what would he get out of setting up this trap? He’s not going to be number one. You can’t just bounce to the number one slot. So he’s not trying to eliminate us. Copy our DNA? Use it to make some kind of… no that’s ridiculous. I’m thinking like a low level hero. “Unlike Dynabane and Titan, we’re not popular heroes and villains. In fact, everyone hates us.” she took the soda the servant had brought.

“This isn’t going to make you popular… it’s not going to get you more money. It won’t secure you immunity…” she took a drink of the soda, sipping from the straw. “More than that, I’m a terrible house guest. A real slob of a woman… I’m definitely not the housekeeping type. With that said… I’m a big girl and trap or no trap, I can handle myself. I’ll do it, if nothing else, to make you realize what a bad idea that is.”
Still a little suspicious of that champagne glass.
Willow was calling after her first, while Adrian and Dillon were talking. Lydia bristled. "I TOLD you not to call me by my name, Willow." She yelled over her shoulder. "I've been humiliated ENOUGH today. I just want to go to my favorite location in town and tear some shit up."

"Lydia, wait, I..." He stopped walking after her, moving aside when she didn't seem to care. "I took first in the sidekick games..." he muttered. "Good job, Willow. She doesn't care." He walked back to the other room, passing by Dillon and Adrian.

"Oh, now you're yelling after me?" Lydia said, angrily, when she heard Adrian calling out, deciding to stop and see what he had to say at least. "I'm in a serious fuck-some-shit-up mood so whatever you have to say better be pretty important."
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