Lydia was silent a moment. "Well, this sounding as much fun as shooting fish in a barrel... I'm not comfortable with that, I have..." She struggled with the words, mentally, before giving up. "Private things. In there. I'd rather not have some stranger go through my private things." Willow gave her a strange look and Lydia placed her hand over top of his head, squeezing, and he winced hard. "So. At the very least, let me get SOME of my things, and your workhorses can collect the rest. I'll be back in an hour..."
"Owww, Steelia, that hurts," Willow winced, placing his hands up, trying to get her to loosen her grip, writhing a bit under her grip.
Lydia finally released him, looking annoyed. "So. I'm going to go and run to my dorm. I need the exercise. I haven't went jogging yet today. I'll pick up my stuff, and I'll come back. I appreciate the kindness but I'd rather not have someone going through my underwear and bras." She slid off the counter.
"Oh," Willow said, seeming like he understood what she was referring to finally, and Lydia shot a glare at him again, which he winced and moved away from. "Sorry!" he put his hand over his head. "Um, I- I have some stuff I'd like to get too, if that's okay!" This was directed at Benjamin.
"Good luck keeping up," Lydia muttered.