Home Planet: Yhaesimir
Brief Summary of their Home Planet:
Empires This Race Belongs To:(This section is for if this race and any other number of races have any sort of conglomerations or anything with each other.)
Member of the Galactic Federation?:
Number of Colonies: (For reference, humanity has 18)
General Appearance:
Average Life Span:(In Earth Years)
Galactic Rarity:(How rare is it to find this species in the galaxy?)
Primary Governmental Structure:
Brief Description of Culture: (Keep this to a simple overview. Save the finer details for lower down.)
Special Traits/Racial Abilities:(Don’t get too wild with this, but try to be a bit creative)
Race Age:(For Reference, at this point, Humanity is roughly 200,000 years old.)
Brief History of the Race:(As said before, keep finer details for the sections below)
Major Technological Innovations/Inventions:(If applies)
Expanded Cultural Overview:(Here you can go all out, cultural holidays and traditions, customs, the works. Perhaps put this and the below category in hiders if they get long.)
Expanded History: (Now you can tell the complete story.)
Other:(Seriously, if there is anything else you want to add that wasn’t applicable above, add it here. We want these races as detailed and developed as possible.)
Prisoner Data Form
Prisoner Name here
(Put ‘N/A’ for any blanks that do not apply.)
Prisoner ID Number:
Former Faction: (The faction your character was a part of before incarceration, if any.)
Physical Description:()
Eye Description:
Hair Description:
Skin Description:
Scars, Birthmarks, or other Identifying Traits:
Facial description: (If no picture)
Description of Clothing/Armor:
Eye Description:
Hair Description:
Skin Description:
Scars, Birthmarks, or other Identifying Traits:
Facial description: (If no picture)
Description of Clothing/Armor:
Bionic Limbs/Synthetic Organs/Robotic Augmentations:
Weapons of Choice:
Charges/Sentences: (What did your character do to land them in space jail?)
Personality: (1 paragraph minimum.)
Personal Biography:(3 paragraph minimum, please)
Personal Belongings: (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE WEAPONS/ARMOR. This is simply the small personal things that they would collect from you when you go into prison, such as photographs, sex toys. etc.)
Other:(Anything else you think should be on the application that we did not cover.)
Theme song: (Optional)