ASTA said
Had my interest until I saw this. Honestly, I can't suspend my sense of disbelief when sapient beings (whom, by definition, should be capable of heightened echelons of decision-making and abstract thought) are so one-dimensional in how they exhibit the subjective concepts of good and evil. I mean, is there a set rule that says that werewolves need to be murderous douche nozzles and elves are inherently destined to sacrifice their well-being and personal goals and wishes for the sake of everyone else's?At this point, these species don't even seem like living, breathing entities that reside within a dynamic world. They come off as mundane robots.
Good sir, There is no need to make a mockery off a single ideal that is just a concept. So before you attempt to judge someones intelligence so harshly maybe you should look outside your little box of intrinsic ideals and try to peer into someones train of thought.
I personally can't believe that a sapient being who should be capable of heightened echelons of decision-making and abstract thought couldn't see how this is a brainstorming thread so far with nothing set in stone. So please before you try to judge based off your biased opinions, read into the situations more. It was kind of the reason I put and I quote 'Inherently' which according to Websters definition means and once again I quote " Inherently is the adverbial form of the adjective inherent. They both come from the Latin word inhaerere, meaning "adhere to," with the root haerere meaning "to stick." " This is based off of common myth's centered around the set species. Yes just as there are 'good' and 'evil' humans. There are bound to be 'evil' elves and 'good' werewolves to use your examples.
So if that still makes no sense to you. It means they tend to lean towards certain actions but are not bound to do so. Another example is Humans are inherently greedy and spiteful. We always want more. We always strive to get more. When someone has something we want because they can afford it we tend to get jealous. That doesn't mean we are all cut from the same cloth. Some people give more then they should. They doom themselves to a life of menial existence to better support those around them.
Thank you and have a good day.