Avatar of Rai
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  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
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Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Theme: youtu.be/bCLgWHE6fiQ
The closing of the doorway to earth has brought the intrigue of all major forces of this world. Those above, on, and below. As is with every world. When power is constricted and the mighty are confused and afraid. The grasp for power emerges. Tearing the peace the world once had to pieces.
As the blood of a descendant falls onto its very own corpse. As the claws and teeth of hungry beasts swallow the flesh of their fresh kill. The book this dismembered lump clung to soon became crimson with the blood of its owner. When there was little left for the beasts to feed on. Forming from conjured darkness was a black mass shaped as a doorway. Within it was a land of bones and blades. A graveyard for wars. This struck fear within the beasts and within a second they were fleeing into the hanging vines and other forestation. A being stepped out of the doorway, rippling the invisible fabric of the in between. Like a stone cast into water.

"This is what he died for.. If only he had listened to master.." The being reached within the bloody pool of bones and meaty remains and retrieved the book. He cracked the book open and scanned its insides. He then closed it shut. "Immaterial beings.. Return to a prison of my masters choosing." His hand was red, bloodied crimson by the now red hued book. He returned to the doorway and upon entering it the doorway closed in a collapsing spiral, vanishing.
The same doorway opens within the Royal room of the King of Vrondi. Confusion, leading to chaos. The very same being emerged from the doorway, before the God King and his few royal guards. No longer holding the book, for it was something put away. He raised his now free hands, palms to the sky and fingers half way into a grasp. "Hello.. False God."

A surge of lightning erupted through the royal room and for those outside the fumes of fire smoked a signal of the ensuing battle. However, shortly, things went silent... The bodies of the royal guards dropped as burned heaps from the walls and ceiling. The God King was no longer seen and the being remained. Clearly damaged but only from a single gash on his right shoulder. He grips it with his left hand and chuckles. "You indeed are formidable.. But now, you're a pawn.." His words spoke to the glowing sphere that floated above his right palm like a miniature sun.

The doors that entered the thick walls of the royal room were covered in a black smog. Those that attempted to touch it found their hands going through it, then pulled within. The location one enters after going through it is.. a mystery. Leaving no possible way for even the highest of royalty and powers to enter the room. Now time was ticking and things were getting worse by the minute.

Theme: youtu.be/gQHSZMm-yjI
The dragon rider above Rai & Sai closed in on them from above and then the dragon unleashed a flamethrower that touched the ground and licked at their backs, threatening to engulf them if they did not keep up their pace. However, as they ran their cloaks began to catch fire. Causing Sai, Rai's sister. To in act a desperate maneuver to get out of the path of the Dragon fire. She tackled Rai and rolled to the left. The stream of fire passing by them and the rolling effectively extinguishing the small fire on their cloaks. Leaving black holes on them. "Rai!" She shouted at her dazed brother, looking him in the eyes. "You need to bring him here." Rai rolled his eyes back to focus and looked into her vision. "We can escape!" He turned to look at the forestation and began moving towards it. But was stopped instantly by his sister who returned his gaze to his. "There's no other way. I'm sorry." Her eyes went white and gave a faint glow. This glow was then shared to Rai's eyes and his body went limp on the ground.

The dragon rider turned the beast to their direction. Sai stood up and looked at Rai. Her timid fear changing to sleepy gaze at what was happening to her brother. Ignoring the dragon coming towards them entirely. The glow of Rai's eyes brightened until it engulfed his entire form. The flash of light blinded the Dragon and its rider for a moment, and a hissing sound could be heard from where Rai was. Then followed by a pulsing sound. Until finally the light dissipated and the glowing silhouette of Rai was now standing and towering over Sai. "Don't start any trouble.. We simply needed you at this time." She looked down almost looking embarrassed at herself. Who she was talking to was revealed as the light faded. Standing there no longer was the scared young descendant. It was a white haired descendant with caramel skin and menacing eyes. "Well well well looks like I was summoned again. Can't you weaklings ever get things done without me?" He smirked looking down at Sai. "I'm sick of looking at your face." He said, his smirk turning to a frown. Sai sighed deeply and didn't reply, clearly bothered but holding her tongue as if talking to a superior. The dragon riders unseen face underneath the helmet gave a raised brow at what just transpired. But returned to his duty of killing. Taking out his holstered rifle and firing a dozen shots at the two while closing in. The man before Sai stepped in front of her. A glowing hue of light covered his person and the rounds hit his body but fell to the ground ineffective at piercing him. Then the dragon unleashed another flamethrower at the two. So the mysterious man raised a hand before the flames emitted out and midstream a vortex of wind escaped from his hand and consumed the flames and whirled around the rider and the dragon. They were instantly inside a flaming cyclone and were sent higher into the air, rolling midair without control and landing far off into the wilderness. Their landing marked by the sounds of trees breaking and miniature flying dragons escaping in flocks. "Not worth my time.." He heard the sounds of gunfire behind him and looked seeing the humans fighting the Dragon and his rider not too far from their position. "New friends eh..?" He looked at Sai who nodded. "Please, we need to help them!" She cried. But this man crossed his arms and then sat with crossed legs. "No.. I think I'll watch." He grinned. Leaving Sai to look on herself unsure what to do.

The Fotian Soldier scoffed underneath his helmet at the human charging before him. He placed his weapon on the hilt and then unsheathed his curved blade. "I'll gut you for fun." He lunged forward toward the patched man. Blade in right hand and left hand free. He stabbed forward, using the length of his 3 foot blade so if connecting only a inch or two would enter the flesh. He followed it up with another stab, sliding forward with this one to enter into the flesh atleast by a foot. Then he would pull back and come down with a slash.
After the deadly fire escaped from the Dragon's mouth its other eye was shot by Viola's constant fire. The other bullets hitting it's hide merely plucked off a few of its scales. This led to a blinded beast that writhed in pain. It began swinging its tail around and waved it just above the heads of the Fotian rider and his combatant. It came down to where it last sensed the humans and crashed down beside the covering spot Viola was hiding. Then it raised its wings and flapped them causing a gust that sent it air born. It however flew sideways into a tree that was near Sygma. Who dodge rolled and ran to escape its further thrashing.

Sygma ran over to where Viola was and knelt down next to her. "Great job!" He said through heaves of breathes of life. "We need to take out that guy." He looked to who Alan was fighting and saw the battle wasn't a one time kill as usual for his seasoned partner. "Stop him for a moment and that's all is needed for him to take that guy out. Then we can get the hell away from this blind dragon." He watched Viola's reaction, knowing that he had no abilities to change the situation like she could.


Within the town of Sunfire the Aion leader Mirror conversed with Eden, a now dying breed of Hannoxx descent. The Aion leader, Mirror, who wasn't exactly towering over Eden. Still looked at him as if he was looking down on him. His fluid words didn't rub this one the right way entirely, obviously. But it didn't seem to annoy him, rather he looked past Eden's comments of fun. His expression a bit worried. "There will be time for fun later. Come with me please." He motioned Eden to follow as he stepped through the crowd of unawares civilians toward the bar Eden was now familiar with.

"I know you don't know who I am by name. Which is fine. Perhaps it is better this way for now.. But we will be getting to know each other very well."

He entered the bar & inn, which was still dealing with a dazed manager, and made his way up the stairs. There he entered the room next to Eden's own private lair of sexual conquest. He sat down at a desk within the bedroom and grabbed a scale from a ink bottle and began writing down on a piece of paper something very quickly. He finished within a few seconds and looked up at Eden. He rolled the paper up and stamped it with a blue wax seal. He looked up at Eden after this and placed his elbows on the desk and intertwined his fingers.

"I've been thinking of how to ask you this but I'll just come right out and say it. Why would anyone want to have you dead?"

11:05 am

A roleplay ive created combining several fantasy elements to a Nation building Kingdom setting. For example there are Dragons, Angels, and demons coupled with humans. Wizards, Warriors and every fantasy class thought of can exist. With the addition of advanced science classes such as gunners and mechanists. Allowing a combination of these fantasy styles. The lore is original and while it correlates with some of the ancient texts of the real world it differs still immensely. Be creative and have fun. Im still working on it but cs creation is still up for whoever wants to dive in immediately.

Though it is in the Advanced section it is still high Casual.

A roleplay ive created combining several fantasy elements to a Nation building Kingdom setting. For example there are Dragons, Angels, and demons coupled with humans. Wizards, Warriors and every fantasy class thought of can exist. With the addition of advanced science classes such as gunners and mechanists. Allowing a combination of these fantasy styles. The lore is original and while it correlates with some of the ancient texts of the real world it differs still immensely. Be creative and have fun. Im still working on it but cs creation is still up for whoever wants to dive in immediately.

Long ago. After the Templar De Villiers escaped with most of the treasures, leaving in secret what his comrades were burned alive for. Within the darkest corner of our world a means to enter from another arose. This led to many of what we call legends and tales. In our modern day it is kept under control by a secret agency that keeps tabs on the public. The agency is quite old and though its formation was founded in 18th century it's roots date back to the 15th.

They have been doing experiments on their soldiers with a nearly 100% success rate to amplify one's latent abilities. The ones born with these abilities are called either indigos or starseeds. Indigos are born with abilities of psychic and kinetic control. Starseeds are born with some of the memories of their past selves, here on earth or elsewhere, allowing them to cast what would be seen as spells, enchantments, summons, etc..

The Copper Scroll leads to many treasures in its inscription. One of those treasures is the portal that leads to another world. The agency tasked a few of it's members to find this treasure. However when they find it they're forced into it and wind up in a world known as Protogonos. A world of Dragons.

The Edafos

The Eden man saw when they first laid sight on it.



The Royal Families

Anyone can join as a family member. Ask the DMs if you can.

A new age of royalty has taken over this world. The former kings and queens have either passed down their titles through bloodline, or have been succeeded through trial. All the same the price for ushering in a new age of command is paid for with life and blood. This means each king and queen of each era has died. This is now on the second era of royalty without dragon rule. Will there be war or peace? The new age will tell a story that will change the world forever.

The Hanoxx
Eden Niscent-Hanoxx

The Nept Family

The Mythue Family

The Niscent Family
Eden Niscent-Hanoxx

The Vrondi Family


Basic rules apply. No Godmoding, Powerplaying etc.
No ongoing details of sex and mutilation etc. Some is ok.
The IG stands for In Game. What is allowed must be achieved in the roleplay.
The descendants range from demon, angel, dragon, and mixes between these. Nothing more or less.
The world is as it is, confusing and mysterious. Keep it that way, however your own history and even something like a village can be created to fit it. The overall world must remain the same.
Fighting and dealing with death is based on how I decide things should be fated. Most of the time if the battle Is fair between pvp I'll allow the victorious their decision. People will die in this RP.
Humans are limited to a small number. If a human dies a spot will open for a new one to enter the story.
Descendants are unlimited except for the Seraphim ones.
Have fun.

Humans do not live in Protogonos and so are not a shared bloodline in the Descendant species.

Character sheet

Age: (Descendants mature like humans up until the age of 20 which they don't show signs of aging for another 30 years and live to be around 200.)
Species: Between Descendant and human.
Blood%: What % of blood from each race or species does your character have? Must be in multiples of 10 and equal to 100.
Gender: Male Female Both or Neither
Sex Preference: Hetero, Bi, Homo, Cannibalsexual?
Physical appearance: Your Picture &/or Description. Your appearance should match your Blood%. Meaning a 100% Dragon should not appear human unless a shape shifter or magic.
Apparel:Your customized clothing and armor. Quality armor is IG unless achieved through experience or history.
Vehicle: Your transportation and its top speed in mph.
Personality: Brief description on character's quirks, likes, and peeves.
Occupation: Your job if any.
Faction: You may choose a faction or not.
Pet: Only Tamers with experience with elite feral dragon trainers on Gaia's mountain peeks can have full fledged dragons as pets. There are only Dragons on this world, no dogs or cats etc. You may create your own species of dragon and detail its abilities. Fully grown animals that can be used in battle can only be achieved IG for those with no listed experience. Exceptions must sask DM.
Adv. App.: Only those with experience with fighting in elite squadrons on either Fotia or Tearianaris. IG If you want an exception ask the DM.
Exp: Brief description on your character's training.
Spells: Conjuring and other manipulations of dimensions for specific effects. Only 2. If no abilities then 4.
Abilities/Powers: Genetic or enhanced potential. Only 2. If not a spellcaster 4.
Weapons: Your weapon. Only 1.
History: A brief tour into your character's life and how they end up where they are at the start of the RPG.
Trivia: (optional) Didn't know that!

Quote: The three of us will not be satisfied.
Name: Lance thire
Age: 17
Species: Human
Blood%: Human
Gender: Male
Sex Preference:Bi
Height: 6'0
Weight: 178
Physical appearance:
Apparel: Raine Wears a heat resistant set of cloths refusing to wear the gear that the other guys wear.
Personality: Seeing as lance has three each one will be listed.

Lance he is at the moment emotionless and direct he only cares to preserve his life and wishes to be left alone if spoken to he will only speak back if it is needed.

Ice is a bubbly type he likes to talk and be active in life but he is not without his cold side even his words cut with an ice blade if he is driven to that point.

Slaughter is a foul mouthed blood crazed fool that only thinks to devastate everything in his path.

Faction: You may choose a faction or not.
Adv. App.: Only those with experience with fighting in elite squadrons on either Fotia or Tearianaris. IG
Exp: Lance was created for the job of being the perfect human killer so as such he was given extensive training in gun play and CQC (Close Quarters Combat) along with most weapons and there practical and battle based uses. His mind was molded for espionage and infiltration.
Electrical Manipulation: Lance has built with the ability to manipulate electricity in both of it's base forms to create powerful attacks and effects in and outside of his body.

Crafted Warrior : As a genetically created human his body is built to withstand large amounts of damage and recover at an accelerated pace cuts can heal in moments broken bones in days fatal wounds if treated can heal in hours untreated dead like anyone else.

Accelerator: By focusing on the currents of electrical energy in his body he can force his body to react faster then normal this puts a great stress on his body the longer used and if used to long can over load his heart.

Drain: Lance can feed off the electrical energy of living and material things absorbing it to increase his power output or rate of healing.
Weapons: Tesla Gauntlets: A pair of Titanium Gauntlets that generate an virtually infinite Source of electrical energy that lance can use as a catalyst for his attacks so as to not rely on his own body as a constant source. Due to a design flaw lance can't drain electrical power from it or it may crash and become useless

History: Lance is a creation. From the moment of his conception he was to be formed into a weapon perfect the first of many ,or so he was told, he was the prototype but he came out far better then was planned but I am going to far ahead lets start at his birth. The day he was born was not Recorded they simply planned to give him and age based on the way he looked at the end of the process. From the moment he was pulled from the womb he was taken to surgery to begin the building process binding the body with special materials to grow as he grows to make him stronger make him live longer anything they could think to stuff into the body of a newborn to watch how it worked.
Over the next few years he developed quickly he was only three years of age but had the body of a five year old walking and talking in full sentences as he was taught to and that's when the real experiments began the painful shots and surgeries done with no anesthesia he screamed and cried till one day his brain snapped and the pain was gone he stopped crying he stopped felling pain his creators saw this as a breakthrough, a way to start the battle training, over the next years he was crushed and beaten till he had gained the skills to kill a man without weapons. Once he was big enough they began on the perfection surgeries making him look just the way they saw him in their visions slim hiding well crafted muscles under a weak looking body to make him the perfect assassin.

As time went on it became clear that when his Subconscious wiped pain from his mind it also took his emotions so as a way to get them back they went to hypnotism to create them as an alternate self as a result they made two different personalities one to contain the emotions needed to be social when trying to gain access to a facility or a group. He was taught the ways of the world how to talk walk and blend in anywhere even how to please both men and women sexually if it was deemed necessary to get where he needed to so as to accomplish the mission. The other Personality was built of pure carnage and destruction a last resort to crush anything in his way made as a fail safe to protect the investment that billions had been poured into.

Each personality was made to awaken to a code word a trigger one to match the signature that was branded into there eyes. One had eyes of a glacier blue which seemed to bury cold into the very core of your body he was code named "Ice" And was summoned by that very word. The other had eyes of the purest Crimson eyes that matched his activation name "Slaughter". The time had come for his molders to finish him and activate the last component of his body. The final surgery was finished and his powers had be activated the thing that was implanted from birth and crafted to advance over time, living copper, and now it was done the next few years had been spent only training him to use the powers that had become one with his body. The final test was now coming the field test he was now the perfect slave a creature crafted to do as he was told obey orders without question but now he was to take the last examination the last of the hypnotism tests required. Once asleep he seemed to wake up in the same room the big white room he had spent endless days siting waiting for the pain to come back and visit him and sitting in the room with him two boys identical to him sat. They began to speak in unison the same words "They are making us real making us separate from you separate from one another we will be free but sealed." then one stopped speaking the one with blue eyes continued while pointing to a black box in the middle of the room "This is all the pain you have held in you once we are free we can be ourselves but we both want to protect you." the blue eyes boy stopped speaking and the red eyed one spoke again his voice full of hate and malice this time not like it was before devoid of emotion and even. "We will free your mind just this once so you may free your body." Then the boys spoke in unison the voice was now soft and sweet but with blades of ice trickling off the edges. "We will open this box and let you exact your revenge but with one wish you lets us protect you" A grin on their faces "Your mind is not built for the word so we shall protect you so you can keep this box closed so many times we have had to hold it shut and keep you contained so that you could grow and become what you could be but now it is our turn to truly protect you we will let the pain flow back to you so that you may make it flow back to them show them all of your pain you will be a spear a LANCE!" As the last words trickled from their lips the box sprang open and a black wave washed over him and poured into his body. On the outside a single tear had flallen from his now metallic purple eyes doctors had begun examining his eyes and saw it as a reaction to the other brands then it happened a sound like metal ripping flew from the lips of Lance as the doctors flew in all directions lightning like bolts flew from his body ripping the devices from him. One by one killed the doctors and as he killed each one more tears fell from his eyes.

This continued as he made his way up from the underground facility he killed each and every person that even thought to look at him in a way that would make him think they planned to stop him. One floor made him pause though he passed a window and saw a room full of kids playing and saw a number tattooed on the side of their neck each one a double digit then he remembered he saw the same mark on him the number double Zero he could not take the thought of more but before he could act more guards came from the floor above him and he had to run but he caught a glimpse of something as he turned one kid looked him dead in his eyes grinned and waved as Lance ran away from the window he had the number Zero-one on his neck. After several hours Lance made to the main floor and walked now covered head to toe in blood outside to find himself in the middle of a dock he saw this and fell to his knees and cried his emotions all fell out he howled like a child in brutal pain and glee the sun which he had only seen in pictures and the cool breeze he had never felt before made him so happy. Then all at once it all shut down and in his mind he heard them both. "The contract his hereby activated you who have experienced an true wonder of the world and have gotten your revenge shall now be protected by the two of us." Lance did not care he was content it was at least for now over. The next few months had been hard Ice had taken over as the main personality seeing as slaughter was not willing to be active unless he was trying to kill an opponent that Ice could not handle and had agreed to be the last protection for Lance and was to let Lance out if Slaughter could not win the fight. as lance can use all of the powers at the highest capacity as the main personality.

It was not long after that the 'Agency' Found him and offered him a place in there ranks offering him safety and a real life so long as he helped them. Not having many other options in his current situation and join them but keeping himself distant
Trivia: Like to poke people
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