Avatar of Rai
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  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Ok. Added a new concept picture to the King of Fotia.
The technology for one.
@Marshall Yes? XD
Oh none of that Im afraid. Does sound sort of cool though.
Will be more amazing with more members.

A roleplay I've created combining several fantasy elements to a mapped Kingdom setting. For example there are Dragons, Angels, and demons coupled with humans. Wizards, Warriors and every fantasy class thought of can exist. With the addition of advanced science classes such as gunners and mechanists. Allowing a combination of these fantasy styles. The lore is original and while it correlates with some of the ancient texts of the real world it differs still immensely. Be creative and have fun.

There will be several chapters in this roleplay and we are still only on chapter 1 but nearing its end so join in its really heating up.

Though it is in the Advanced section it is still high Casual.
Posted. We lost one.
theme: m.youtube.com/watch?v=nP6qNlMmb9I

The bloodied roars of agony from the thrashing Dragon was silenced by a loud shock wave of electricity. With a smirk Sygma acknowledged Lance's kill. That's right... He thought. No other humans on earth can handle what we can. He watched as the Dragon collapsed on the ground with a loud crash, its head a sizzling heap of burned flesh. Lance did his dance of joy and Sygma resisted the urge to face palm. Unfortunately we are all a bit crazy.. He then noticed a shift in the atmosphere, his hairs stood on end as he felt the distortion of reality ripple from Viola's person. An alien language spewed out of her like a possessed child. He watched as the motions of the soldier were halted. It was more than just him. Gently he outstretched his right arm to catch Viola with it. He confidently looked away. Something he was trained not to do. So he could cater to Viola's limp body. After doing so his head raised, eyes darting side to side as he noticed everyone around them froze even Lance and Alan.

Sygma leaped from behind cover and made his way to Allen and the soldier. He casually walked forward, gun drawn. "Well this has been exciting." He said with a amused tone. Planning on ending things swiftly with a single shot. However once he moved in closer he noticed blood midair, frozen in time, and connecting with the blades of grass beneath the two. His eyes widened in shock as he moved in close. A blade from the Fotian soldier was lodged within Alan's abdomen. His eyes quivered as he looked down, hair being blown by a sudden breeze onto his face. He gripped the blade with Alan's body and the Soldier's hand and pulled it out slowly, bending the wielder's elbow to do so. He then removed the blade from the soldier's hand, a finger being taken away at a time.

His gun holstered he held the blade with both hands. He raised his eyes up now. A sharp glare of rage residing within them. He cocked back and swung the blade with swift speed. The blade was stuck midway within the neck of the soldier. "YYYAAAAAAHHHH!!" He screamed. Pushing the blade through with all his might. The blade tore through and just as it did time resumed to its usual flow. The blood jettisoned from the soldier's neck as its head was flung into the air and landing a meter away. Alan then immediately fell to the ground. Sygma knelt down to his fallen friend and watched the life in his eyes fade away, far too quickly. Sygma placed two fingers over Alan's eyes and closed them. "Dammit..." Sygma bit his lip in repression of his emotions and grabbed Alan's blade from his hand. He planted the blade into the ground next to Allen as a tombstone. He looked over his comrades body, wind picking up and blowing his hair over his cold expression. "Thank you for everything.." He muttered. Before raising his head to the sky. Storm clouds began to brew above, a rain drop falling onto his forehead.

A whistle could be heard escaping the lips of the man who replaced Rai's presence. He sat there watching the display of powers and abilities from the humans and was visibly amused. "They got potential." He rose to his feet slowly to resume towering over Sai and then began walking over to the group of humans. After striding over he watched as the group seemed to have a fallen member. "Only the strong survive. No point in mourning the weak." He said with a cocky tone and sharp toothed grin to match. To this Sygma lowered his head and gave the man a cold look. "Who are you?" Sygma asked. The man opened his arms up, spreading them out in a shrugging gesture. "I'm the guy whose going to save you all apparently. Not that I have a choice. Remember that kid you were dealing with? Well just think of me as his older brother." He placed a clawed hand through his own white hair. "But you will call me Rai just the same."

Sai looked up at him and then to Sygma. "We are so sorry for your loss..." She said, sheepishly. Sygma raised a hand to her to stop. "Do not feel sorry, he died a real soldier." He took one final look at his fallen friend and then turned around to pick up Viola. Placing her on his back, her arms dangling over his shoulders and the back of her knees over his arms. "Where to now?" He asked Sai. "We are almost there.. Just a bit further, I doubt we'll run into much trouble." She said trying to sound assuring. "Alright. Let's go." Said Sygma.

But as they prepared to leave the new Rai stood before Lance, standing over him with a visible look of amusement and intrigue. He didn't say anything to Lance, simply looked at him with an air of superiority. His obvious intrigue was not from looks, or desire to make ones acquaintance cordially. For a fighter one would sense the message of You seem strong. We will fight one day to see how strong. If Lance may not comprehend this moment. But something inside of him will. Sai understood this however upon a glance and interjected a prevention. "Rai! NO! We need to help these people NOW!" She screamed. Only for Rai to ignore her. His only breaking focus was a rain drop falling on his head. He looked up to the sky, his amused look fading away. "Hm.." He hummed a thought. Then turned to walk ahead of the group toward Vrondi's Capital. "Fine..."

The group would walk along the once lush green garden of paradise. Now, forever marked in their minds as a battle field where one of their own was lost, and the resting place for him. The pieces of dark clouds above were scattered across the skies of Vrondi's lands. Concentrating above the capital of Vrondi, more specifically, where the King of this land resided.

Within the giant plant dome surrounding Vrondi. The artificial sky clouding up as clouds entered through the hole at the very top of the dome. The people within were closing their doors, locking up stores and the like. Only available places were a few inns for shelter. However many remained outside their homes, gathering around a single being that spoke to them frankly but with urgency. "The situation is indeed dire. But do not worry we are doing all we can to find answers." The crowd underneath this man, a clear Sol by blood and in gold armor of the elite. "What can be done!?" The crowd shouted. He solemnly looked down at the people and took in a deep breathe as the wind picked up from all of the clouds making a whirling appearance above them.

"We are trying to figure that out." He said. Looking around at the worried faces of each person. The children clinging to their guardians placed a hurt expression on his weary face. "We ask that any of those with combat experience to step forward and lend us your strength. We may very need all we can acquire." After saying this the people were in hushed. Speaking only in whispers to each other out of fear that any more questions will only be adding to inevitable fate before them. It was either leave, hide, or fight. All while the clouds above whirled even more violently, until a crackling of electricity could be heard from it, directly above the tower of the king. Between the winds, darkened skies, and dying vegetation all hope seemed lost.

The group entered the main entrance of the Vrondi capital. There they noticed the contrast of beauty of the forest compared to the dying paradise around them. Their awe of the large dome of plantation was soon whisked away. Sygma laid Viola down by a tree, its leaves gently falling from the wind onto her lap. The group could hear the speech going within the shopping square only a short distance away. Sygma then looked to Rai and Sai. "What is happening?" He asked, but they didn't seem to notice. Rai's expression of not caring changed to a cold glare at the clouds above while Sai was in deep visible shock.

"No.. It can't be. Not when we've come so far." She fell to her knees and gripped the grass blades, uprooting them into her balled fist. "This.. Is bad." she said, going limp, save for her head which looked to the tower of the king in despair. Lightning striking its tip with a loud bang, causing the people to scream and scurry into their shelters. The ones remaining were willing to fight, and stood before the man who spoke to the people. A Vrondi soldier. The soldier looked to the tower and then back to the people before him. "There's more at stake than just a Kingdom. This is the light of our world. Let us fight to keep that light alive! GLORY TO THE KING!" He shouted. A few within the small group raised their fist in unison with his.


A hand gently opened the door after Eve's screams for Eden. It was Mirror entering the room. He looked down at the laying Eden, his lips turning blue and his once tan hide turning pale. Mirror reached to his roped belt, grabbing a flask from it and removing the cork. He went to Eden's bed, looking over him and Eve with a expressionless face. "Before he awakens know this. His life will be forever changed from this point on.. If you wish to continue with him yours will too." He raised Eden's upper body on the bed and poured the liquid into his mouth slowly. The clear liquid upon entering his body burned like a good pint. His discoloration began to fade as his pores opened up, heat emitting from every part of his skinn. As if a flame had been passed onto a candle.

Mirror laid Eden back down flat and placed the flask on the floor beside the bed. Then he pulled a piece of scrolled up paper from his belt and placed it ontop of Eden's chest. The room was mostly empty, a bed, a table, and a picture of a unknown family of Descendants with blue hair. Painted elegantly. He slowly walked to the door and turned to Eve. "Tell him to meet me out here when he awakens."

With that Mirror walked out into the hall. Which was empty as well, the only place with items was the living room. Where a few seats, a fireplace, and a carnivorous plant happily swayed side to side. Spreading a sweet aroma around the room. Mirror looked out the window in this room and at the crowd of people scattering from the square within sight. The darkness above casting a shadow over this one brightly lit kingdom. The home he was in darkened as well, the illuminating lights growing dimmer as they floated on the ceiling. "And so the show begins.."

The rolled paper, stamped with a Fotian royal seal. Within the paper given to Eden was the details of the death of his mother and the attempt on his uncle, the King of Fotia.

Time: 12:30pm
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