Avatar of Rai
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  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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A flighty scaled elongated beast whirls about the blue hued sparkling silver light of the full moon above. Dancing about the light as if chasing the dreams of the Descended far, far below. A dream falls upon you and all the ones bound together by fate. In this dream you are in a void of darkness like the ocean at night. You could walk and stand as if on flat ground at all times in this darkness. You choose to aimlessly traverse the darkness.

You feel as though you have walked for days, and yet only for seconds before the empty darkness was broken in by the lights of a flame that encircles you. The fire rises around you and turns into a pillar, walling you in. A sense of helpless desperation festers within you. But then a hand, pure white like concentrated light emerges from the flames directly in front of you. The hand reaches out slowly, gently. You fear to back away for the flames are at your back.

You stand there watching the hand reach your face. You close your eyes as the hand touches your head. Yet you feel nothing but a soft voice echoing a plea. "Find me." After such a dream you will awaken from your place of sleep feeling confused. You sense something is pulling at your soul, yet so lightly it can be overlooked. Regardless your day begins and you travel to the Town of Sunfire. There the bar 'Rest Easy' catches your thirst. You sit and take a drink or two to your liking and observe the common activities of midday bar dwellers. Some of whom you know, others a mystery. But all those who shared your dream have taken a seat, same as you.

Soon after a thirst quenching wave of liquid reaches your tired throat you see the doors swing open in a manner much too roughly for a patron. A huge man, ducking down to enter the doorway, clad in almost glowing polished white and silver armor, similar to a high ranking soldier of of Vrondi, walks in. He looks to no one as he walks forward. But all notice him. His back had two large angelic wings and his white hair flowed down his sides. He places a large poster on the far right wall of the bar. Taking a knail and pushing it into the wooden wall effortlessly. After doing so her turns to meet the people of the bar who looked to him with unease. His stern face and red eyes did not waver out the serious aura he produced.

"There will be a mandatory curfew from tthe moment the sun falls. Those who are citizens of Vrondi or other capitals will be reprimanded if found out at night." The attendants of the bar wanted to protest, but their fear kept them only whispering amongst each other. "This is for your safety. There have been reports of a group of slavers and murderers have infiltrated this town. Please stay safe as we handle this." When he was done talking he walked to the door, tilted his head down and squeezed out the door. Towering over the common people in the town of Sunfire. He pulls out a roll of papers before heading to the next store to place more of the papers.

The bar grew louder as the minutes passed. The absence of the soldiers presence made the air lighter. The Seraphim waitresses supplied each with their drinks and did so while captivating them, and you, with their calming aura and beauty. This land of Vrondi's towns and capital was safe for most Seraphim, as the Taxis and the Aion resided here, and the King of this land embraced Seraphim blood. It was not long till the bar was loud again, cups slamming on tables followed by roaring laughter.

A typical fine day in Sunfire. All soon forgot about the paper on the wall. All but you, and those like you. While the curfew was odd, it was not at all uncommon. Whenever a threat is known, be it dragon, bandit or more, a curfew is set to protect citizens of the capitals. Though something about this curfew and your dream seemed connected. Be it two strange occurrences just so happening to rub you the wrong way in a single day, or something else you cant put your finger on. Either way you felt, underneath the drinks, laughter and light hearted fun was a serious problem... You continue to drink however. Ignoring this feeling for now and you look to the other patrons to make small talk.

Event: A high ranking Vrondi soldier nailed a warning to the walls of the marketplace, including the bar the players start off in. Telling everyone to respect the curfew or be brought up on charges. There are bad people about and the fears is that they will strike at night. Objective: Avoid the curfew and continue your day as usual.

This will be similar to a tabletop. However your stats and rolls are all going to be created by ME the GM. So you can play as you typically do. However, keep in mind the certain rolls needed for which action. I'll show my rolls and all that, but you control what you do. The rolls are simply a background system that will prevent "Perfection" in your actions. Keeping you on your toes.

The Edafos

land mass 2460 miles across. Taking about 2-3 months to travel from Gaia to Nero on foot.



The Royal Families

Anyone can join as a family member. Ask the DMs if you can.

A new age of royalty has taken over this world. The former kings and queens have either passed down their titles through bloodline, or have been succeeded through trial. All the same the price for ushering in a new age of command is paid for with life and blood. This means each king and queen of each era has died. This is now on the second era of royalty without dragon rule. Will there be war or peace? The new age will tell a story that will change the world forever.

The Hanoxx
Eden Niscent-Hanoxx

The Nept Family

The Mythue Family

The Niscent Family
Eden Niscent-Hanoxx

The Vrondi Family


Basic rules apply. No Godmoding, Powerplaying etc.
This is casual to advanced so at least three paragraphs is needed for each post.
No ongoing details of sex and mutilation etc. Some is ok.
The IG stands for In Game. What is allowed must be achieved in the roleplay.
The descendants range from demon, angel, dragon, and mixes between these. Nothing more or less.
The world is as it is, confusing and mysterious. Keep it that way, however your own history and even something like a village can be created to fit it. The overall world must remain the same.
Fighting and dealing with death is based on how I decide things should be fated. Most of the time if the battle Is fair between pvp I'll allow the victorious their decision.
Descendants are unlimited except for the Seraphim ones.
Advanced apps can only be given to specific characters. To start with a advanced app you sacrifice your spells and abilities. You can keep 1 however.
Have fun.

Humans do not live in Protogonos and so are not a shared bloodline in the Descendant species.

Character sheet

Age: (Descendants mature like humans up until the age of 20 which they don't show signs of aging for another 30 years and live to be around 200.)
Species: Between Descended and Dragon
Blood%: What % of blood from each race or species does your character have? Must be in multiples of 10 and equal to 100.
Gender: Male Female Both or Neither
Sex Preference: Hetero, Bi, Homo, Cannibalsexual?
Physical appearance: Your Picture &/or Description. Your appearance should match your Blood%. Meaning a 100% Dragon should not appear human unless a shape shifter or magic.
Apparel:Your customized clothing and armor. Quality armor is IG unless achieved through experience or history.
Vehicle: Your transportation and its top speed in mph.
Personality: Brief description on character's quirks, likes, and peeves.
Occupation: Your job if any.
Faction: You may choose a faction or not.
Pet: Only Tamers with experience with elite feral dragon trainers on Gaia's mountain peeks can have full fledged dragons as pets. There are only Dragons on this world, no dogs or cats etc. You may create your own species of dragon and detail its abilities. Fully grown animals that can be used in battle can only be achieved IG for those with no listed experience. Exceptions must sask DM.
Adv. App.: Only those with experience with fighting in elite squadrons on either Fotia or Tearianaris. IG If you want an exception ask the DM.
Exp: Brief description on your character's training.
Spells: Conjuring and other manipulations of dimensions for specific effects. Only 2. If no abilities then 4.
Abilities/Powers: Genetic or enhanced potential. Only 2. If not a spellcaster 4.
Weapons: Your weapon. Only 1.
History: A brief tour into your character's life and how they end up where they are at the start of the RPG.
Trivia: (optional) Didn't know that!
The big floor I see in this system is the exponential advancement and lack of variability (chance) in the lower levels vs the higher.
Eg a 2+d2 is never gonna hit an opposing 4+d4.

A d2 is a +1. A D4 is +2. Different factors can change this to be what you suggested. So on this I'll have to agree. Look. An agility of D2+1 is maxing out at 3, while the D4+2 is 6. Literally double that. The D4s lowest is 3, which is the d2+1's maximum. That's a bit too wide of a gap in ability from a basic 1d2+1 to supposedly two levels higher 1d4+2.

The d20 system roughly starts on a 50% hit chance and then variables move it 5% at a time. But there's nearly always a chance.

Standard weapon = potential d10
Novice skill = 1+d9
Adept skill = 3+d7
Expert skill = 5+d5

No matter what, everyone can potentially get the same max outcome but the lowest the expert will score is a six

So lower the Dice number for the higher the level, but increase the bonus. It's not a bad idea to balance the game out. The Bonus (+) is the constant set level. While the Dice is the potential. That's the logic I was going to apply to this. I'll apply your idea here. But instead of just three realms of ability I'll add in in-betweens (From Novice to Expert).

A low grade or 'poor' weapon may have a potential of 8 while a 'great' 12

Not entirely sure what this pertains to. Weapon potential is depending on the quality and material. Like a stick can be a weapon but it wont be able to take on a dragon. Even if you are a master dragon slayer or something. So I applied a solid number to the weapons damage output for guns. Since a bullet is the same as another bullet if fired from the same gun. While a swing of the sword can be altered, and a bow. But not a gun IMO.

[number of actions]
The more things you try to do in a round, the sloppier they become.
For every action above 1 in a turn, each action is subtracted by that amount.

Ie an adept attacking twice.
3+d7(-1), 3+d7(-1)

3 actions = Dodge 2+d8-2, / attack with g'weapon 1+d11-2 / movement action
4 actions = -3 to all

Dodging is a usable skill, not automatic.
Normally to hit you must score above 5, armour, abilities and circumstances may increase that number.

Defence actions:

Normally to hit on D&D there is indeed an armor check to see if you even hit. I don't personally appeal to that, as armor doesn't auto evade for you. Armor is defensive and absorbs damage for you. So for me agility is a better marker for evasion and physical density is how much your person can withstand. So Agility is applied when attempting to dodge, or counter, and many other things. It's not automatic, only applied when speed is a factor.

As for actions there will be one or two per post as a general standard. This will help ease the amount of rolls. I'll allow free actions like moving here or there, as long as it isn't a dodge attempt to an attack. But if it goes over those two actions THEN I'll subtract. As I won't force anyone to make only two actions. Applying your idea will allow them to do as many as they want, digging themselves a hole. As many movements in one turn will burn their endurance more than usual.

@Dark Light
We can go over the dice system a bit more before you go if you want. I'll lock in your character for if that time comes.
I just don't want to break any site rules. All I ask is those who have been accepted to confirm they are at least 18.
My second job
Well I have a question for those accepted. Are you 18 and up? I'm going to head down some dark territory here.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
To end these spambots I suggest a bot detector when signing up an account here. Like one of those hard to see photos with numbers you have to put in. Sorry if you already have this.
It's accepted.
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