Avatar of Rai
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
  • VMs: 7
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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4 yrs ago
Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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@Zi Accepted. The Queen of Gaia would be proud of this profile.
@Vesuvius00 Nope your posts are only limited by my own. If two of you interact you can post as much as you want. I just like to wait for people to catch up some.
I lied. I posted 10 minutes after the day was over.

I will take my lashings now.
Being engulfed by the sight and sounds of blood and the pain that came with it made Luna jump to action. She quickly came over to a wounded soldier. She knelt down next to him. His clothes were white but stained with red. A bandage wrapped around his head and over his left eye did little to hide the imagery of what laid behind the blood being seen through its many layers.

Lunas frail hands hovered over the chest of the soldier. His state seemed vegetative, hardly a movement beyond his heaves of life. Her palms began to glow with a orange and yellow hue. It beamed down on him like rays of sunlight breaking through dark clouds. Shining brighter than a candle but more translucent. Like the illumination of thousands of particles that passed under it instead of one solid beam.

His edges began to give a white glow before fading away. The visibility of it lasting only as briefly as a second. "His soul is strong. He will survive." Her voice quivered in tone. Though sad she spoke with a hint of assurance. Her hands finger tips touched the metal upon the chest of the soldier. She felt as his body conflated and then deflated. Her head turned to look away. "I thank you for your sacrifice.. dear soldier of light." She then removed her hand quickly. As if she did something wrong.

Her left hand gripped her chest. Her posture looked a bit shaken and not as poised as usual. Her heart pounding in her chest. Her life as a maid of the temple did little for experiencing the hardships of life.

"May our souls find our way back to our father.. when our bodies are no more sustainable.."



Dragon! A flying red one!

A soundless message could be heard from the high branches of the great tree of Sunfire right down to the lower branches. Those that heard the sounds were mentally linked to the guarding forces of the town itself. These few resided within the tree and were connected to it.

A flying dragon of this size is unlike them.. besides its suicide to face the guardian during the day. We wouldnt have to lift a finger.. besides if it got through the barrier it must not be a threat..

The soldiers guarding the entrance of the town were taken back by the arrival of such a large dragon. Though dragons were not unusual their kind who are superior take the form of a descendant at all times. Observing this display of transforming from dragon to descendant was rare out in the open. But as he strolled forward in his more pleasant form thr guards felt at ease and merely eyed his presence when entering.

Not too long after the dragon made its terrifying entrance was a young Sol woman making her way down the wooden path to the entrance. Despite the variety of people that passed by she commanded a welcoming nod from the guards. As they were clearly Sol as well they were pleased to see their vulnerable enter the safe haven that is Sunfire.

The bar was still busy but it was stable now. Service was quickly given to those that entered. Waving her hair around like dancing flames with the turn of her head as she noticed the two that last entered. She came from behind a wall of thick mugs she just completed dividing out onto a table. They were systematically being taken away by her co-workers to the patrons inside the bar. She wiped her hands with a cloth as she approached the two men. Her smile pressing up her dimples.
"Welcome! ..

She looked into the eyes of Suleykarr. The eyes of a dragon was distinct, though not many could seperate the differences. Her ears have heard the fine tickles of pleasantries from many men over the years. But none had the presence of this man.. none besides Mirror. Her boss. Whom she was head over heels for. This kept her from losing her place in the wave of flattery and embarassing herself. Her cheeks flooded with blood. Her golden eyes turned almost amber as her lids lowered. Visions of physical comparisons of this stranger and Mirror came to the back of her mind.

"Well thank you stranger. My name is Velai.. does this one have a name?" She spoke while fixing her hair with her fingers removing the strands from in front of her face. She thought of a drink in her head he might like and placed a playful finger on her chin. "Gee the best we have. If you want it." She shrugged. Taking in his final words she looked up in thought. "Well there WAS a soldier here. Saying that theres trouble out there. Like thats new!" She laughed at the final part a bit. A small giggle escaping.

She bowed before leaving. "Thank you sirs. Yes Ill have your orders ready right away." She turned hastily and walked away. Her expression looking a bit flustered. Her lips were pressed together inside her mouth as she walked over to a few more patrons waiting for her. Passing the orders to her coworkers. She then came to the young Sol woman waiting patiently for her services to be met.

"Hello and Welcome! Sorry for the wait!"

She listened to her order. Tilting her head so her ear faced her as some patrons were getting louder. "Oh. A room? We have rooms available for single night visits. Longer is extra." She pointed to some stairs that led to a second floor of the inn. "Its only 10 pieces of Fotian coins for a night." She knelt in closer. "But if thats too much you can work for your nights. Thats how I got here."

She gave them distance and smiled at the woman. "As for drinks how about my favorite after a good night of work." She pulled from behind the counter a red bottle of liquid. Within it was a black thin twig with many branches going around like roots. She poured a small glass cup of it. "This is crimson tree sap. Its mostly sweet but hits you later. When youre asleep preferably. I always wake up feeling great!"

She handed her the drink instead of sliding it like to most patrons. Being that they both were seen as the vulnerable type within this land of dragons and exploiters she felt a kinship to this girl. "My name is Velai. Yours?"
I was. But Im going to post today.
I like it. Accepted. Judging by her dislikes she would have great discomfort in Fotia. A city thats mostly a steam room.
Ill call this first arc the dark cult arc.

Something Lassa Advanced App
Hey uhm. Eisenhorns character is currently outside of the bar along with the drunk. Everyones at the temple. Dont wory about having to force interactions with other characters.

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