Avatar of Rai
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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
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Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Here's the ooc http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/26653/posts/ooc?page=1#post-750169
Good question. The gravity is higher by a bit. Making the average weight and strength for a Descendant significantly higher than a humans. I added this answer to the character sheet.
You can use more fantasy based names only. The less generic the better.
WARNING: Blood gore, sexual themes, religious and racial themes may be expressed in detail. Recommended for 18+.
This is the Descended first arc.

Rules. They're fun right?
No godmoding or powerplaying as usual.
No sex or cybering in explicate detail over the board.
RPGuild rules apply.
If your character about to die and you choose to save them a dice roll must occur to decide if they live or die. Another must be done for their level of Ascension.
No infinite stamina, magic, or weapons unless said so by the GM
Respect and pay attention to each other both OC and IC
NPCs made by players other than GM will not have significance to the main story.
The main story comes into priority over your characters stories.
Try to make at least 2 paragraphs per post.
GM is master of the domain, creator of order. And you may call him Rai.

Dice Roll logic: For a fatal wound to kill your character a roll of a six sided die will be made. The result is 3 and below they die. The Ascension level if you choose to Ascend will be done in a similar way. You will choose 3 possible things your character can become through Ascension and a dice roll will be made to see which is chosen.

Ascended Adv/DisAdv
Advantages: Ascended beings are usually older, sometimes significantly making them capable of being more wise and adept. They can perform ghost abilities such as dimensional stepping (going through objects via a parallel dimension.) Their bodies are made out of soul, which is fiery for descendants of dragons. Making them able to set things on fire with their very bodies and even move as controlled flames. Sometimes reaching the point where natural weapons cannot harm them at all. Their affinity for magic is increased. They are freed of flesh and blood's desires and needs such as eating or sleeping. They cannot feel pain and some of the most powerful are indestructible by natural means. Limbs can be absorbed if dismembered to regrow without issue, or if one limb is missing it can be reformed with ease, even beheading.

Disadvantages: Amnesia befalls all characters Ascended so they must relearn what they once knew. They must have strong will to stay in their original forms so many Ascended become animals, weapons, objects or simply fade away. Anything that puts out flames can potentially kill most Ascended, as their bodies are made of flames. Flaming bodies without control hurt or kill anything in it's path and can fade away with the wind. Ascended have little strength physically compared to that of Descendants. Any character with slight control of their soul and magic affinity can damage a Ascended and if an Ascended's form is damaged, dismembered or worse it depletes some of their magic gauge to fix the deformity immediately.

Magic is the interdimensional powers of a god written into a soul and broken down into limited constructs. Think of coding in video games, or the matrix. Imagination, character, training, skill, affinity are all factors. The soul makes the magic possible, the mind makes the soul work. The atmosphere and other dynamics can affect the success in even casting a spell. With developed skill, spells can be cast at different levels, a simple flame spell can be expanded to summon fireballs. A spell meant to put one person to sleep can put down a dozen as well as give them nightmares. It's related to one house and the doors will open depending on the house you are in. Coincidentally a lot of magic is learned from schools or teachers in this world. But the more advanced arts are hidden and require self teaching or special training.

There is a gauge for magic. Your soul is linked to your magic directly giving it the code to be able to push out spells with little to no cost depending on your character's training in the art. There are no limits on magic use most of the time as most spells are not tremendously powerful. For those who are well taught in the arts of magic or who use the more powerful spells their spells must have a limitation to it in order to be accepted.

If you happen to throw fire. Ask yourself some questions on realism.
How fast is it going?
How hot is the fire?
What length can it go before fizzling out? etc.

The level of technology is high. Mostly weaponized, medicine, and aquatic technologies may I add. Other technologies are mostly modern with the old world mixed into it. Magic sees to the comfort of nomadics and technology sees to the life styles of the average citizen you could see today. This being said the world is still very harsh and science is a means to an end as most scientific pursuits are superseded by magic. Only three kingdoms have become pioneers in the road of technology. Fotia, Tearia, and Nero. Fotia focuses on weapons and heavy machinery. Tearia has come very far in their water exploration technology, pillaring on the most advanced Kingdom if they were not so secretive. Nero is medically advanced, curing most diseases and sicknesses that has befallen their people. There are no space advancements besides highly advanced satellites within their skies that are both weapons and more. Other planets have been observed but few have gone beyond their realm to visit the solar system above just yet. Despite their advancement, they have chose to stay put so to speak. And work on true dimensional warping.

Member Characters.

Character sheet
Age: (Descendants mature like humans up until the age of 20 which they don't show signs of aging for another 30 years)
Ascended: Yes or no
Race: Sajukai, Nayudo, Oniece etc.
Species: Dragon, Descendant, Seraphin, or Hybrid.
Sex Preference:
Height: (Average is 6 feet for male and 5'8 for female.)
Weight: (Gravity is higher making the average weight around 200 for men and 170 for women.)
Physical appearance:
Trivia: (optional)
Character sheet templates are up. I'd be glad to see more people join before we begin.
Sounds like a great idea. I've no problem with it.
I'm sure it'll be fine. Around two paragraphs should work. I'll have the OOC up after I sleep.
Name: Magnix Hanoxx
Age: 50
Ascended: No
Race: Sajukai
Species: Descendants
Gender: Male
Preference: Hetero
Abilities/Powers: Further speed and strength than most Elites of Fotia’s army. Renowned swordsmanship.
Breaker - A practiced art of the Sajukai. It is an art taken from warriors of old who slayed dragons with mighty swords. It’s magic techniques revolve around teleporting specific owned weapons and objects from one place to another predestined place, imbuing ones sword with the identical energy of anything it comes into contact with, and lightening the weapon to the wielder.
Finisher- A style of the Sajukai fighters. It’s techniques revolve around imbuing ones fists and feet with flames for momentary bursts on contact. The user may receive a burning from the level of fire they release.
Weapons: A sword made from the teeth of Tev-La-Nuik, a legendary dragon. A side arm identical to a flare gun and a revolver but capable of firing 3 rounds of 3 second timed incendiary explosives with a sticky adhesive.
Height: 6’4
Weight: 230 ibs
Physical appearance: Despite his age he still looks like he's in his twenties. Muscular and fit all around he has a simple small yet squared jaw line with no visible hairs on his body despite his dark brown hair which is in a dreaded ponytail with a single lock coming down his right side reaching his shoulder. He has tattoos all over the left side of his body reaching to his face. His eyes are blood red with slit amber pupils. His skin hue is tan to brown his feet and fists being dark brown. His nails on his feet and hands are painted black and his clothing consists of clean white cloth tied around his waist and down to his knees. Dark Armor on his chest, back, shoulders, wrists, shins and ankles. Two fluid yet tall black wings on his back. He also has a 6 foot black tail.

Personality: He is a warrior at heart and loves the heat of battle. He also enjoys hunting and eating various meats of Dragons or Beasts in the world. He does not have a strong fondness of machinery but has a like for their explosive capabilities.

History: He was born in Fotia when his father was pronounced King after delivering the final blow to the leader of the Dragons. In time Fotia’s King had disagreements with the children of Mana and was assassinated soon after. Through battles against Dragons and enemy warriors Magnix proved his skill in rank and soon was able to become King once his father died. Magnix has ruled for 10 short years however since the Seraphin’s return he has been less involved with people affairs and more with political and military.
Interested, me. :D
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