Avatar of Raindrop
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7 (0.00 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Raindrop 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Just lyin' in my bed until something pops up...
1 like


I would love to team up with you on a quest to combat evil and reign peace once more, explore the depths of danger and destruction to unlock secrets of the world, or maybe turn on you to eliminate you from existence and to ruin the lives of others.

Hai ya! This is Raindrop here. I'm a casual Rper with two years of experience thanks to the website Chicken Smoothie. You would guess to consider me as an average RPer. But, I've come here to look for more exciting plot based RP whether it's good 0:) or evil >:), hehehe. I'm ok with freestyle RPs but only if they are like in a small group or 1x1. Usually, I'll do Fandom based RP (mostly Pokemon).
If you and me are in the same click, just shoot me a PM and will plot something together for the world to gaze upon.


Super Mario Bros
Super Smash Bros
Anime (certain ones)
Drawing (gotten lazy recently)

Wanna contact me?
(Shoot me a PM so I can clarify who you are and confirm your request :p)

Most Recent Posts

Soo I'm beginning to type up my post now before the signal
Oh yeah, ya gotta copy your post with Vivian's CS, and paste it into the Characters tab. That's where the accepted chars go.

Forgot to mention that :P

The CS is done and ready to go. Just inform me of when it's a good time to start.

Yeeee~ Thank You :p. I'm trying to do a character with a bit of a twist to them.
I finally got this damn thing done...
*Tosses form into thread*

Hai! Is it possible to reserve a spot in the RP? It looks interesting actually. :3
Hai! It's me, Raindrop!
What I do in my spare time shenanigans is gaming, drawing, and of course,... RPing! My specific favorite type of RPs is one that has a plot behind it. I don't care if it's short or long, just give me a juicy story and I'll happily make it a little more interesting. ;) I've had previous RP experience from Chicken Smoothie so I know the In's and Out's of RPs. Hopefully I can find some exciting RPs here.

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