Silenna's Place
The blonde gave him another cursory look... and then moved to shut the door again. "You're attractive enough, but I'm not that desperate that I need to waste my time teaching a magic ghost."
Mage's College
The hundi seated behind the desk looked up, then went back to... marking? That looked like she was marking something. "Normally, I would say that I have been asked by the Vanishing Witch to not spread any knowledge of summoning within this realm."
She stopped writing, putting the paper down and gesturing for Gertrude to take the seat opposite her. At least it seemed like a comfortable one. "Since you look like an outsider, then you must be with the knights that she brought in. Tell me, why do you seek to learn summoning? If you are a genius as you suggest, then you should know there are far less risky avenues of study."