Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Cold air is spiky, not soft. Spiky air.
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i wasn't expecting to see spam for an indian moving service
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i slept on my shoulder funny. ow
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fight existential dread with cake


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Silenna's Place

The blonde gave him another cursory look... and then moved to shut the door again. "You're attractive enough, but I'm not that desperate that I need to waste my time teaching a magic ghost."


Mage's College

The hundi seated behind the desk looked up, then went back to... marking? That looked like she was marking something. "Normally, I would say that I have been asked by the Vanishing Witch to not spread any knowledge of summoning within this realm."

She stopped writing, putting the paper down and gesturing for Gertrude to take the seat opposite her. At least it seemed like a comfortable one. "Since you look like an outsider, then you must be with the knights that she brought in. Tell me, why do you seek to learn summoning? If you are a genius as you suggest, then you should know there are far less risky avenues of study."


Cazt Gardens

"Oh, I know," the old man replied, sounding amused--and then, standing firm despite the ground shaking beneath his feet with barely a noticeable adjustment in posture. "In for a long afternoon, then? Well, perhaps we should take this somewhere else. I would hate to reshape the gardens with fairy magic, they should not be that wild."

Outside Talderia

There was a brief discussion between the two on where to go--names and places thrown about, although at least the food was recognisable, and the argument about how long it would take to get there. Not that pricing seemed like it should have been a concern, but Edwin was the one pushing for going somewhere... well, cheap probably wasn't the right word, but simpler. For all the two were famous knights, they were from a lowly background.

"Something like that, this copy of Daybreaker... the effect looks pretty similar, but it feels different. It's a bit weaker, too,' Edwin answered, shrugging. "I don't think this sword is actually magical at all, it just works like it here. Not sure whey she borrowed the real thing today, but it's nice to see it."

Silenna's Place

"For the last time, I'm not taking any orders," was the grumpy response from behind the door, before it opened. It seemed the description was accurate, although not mentioning the various minor scars and burns along her arms from who-knows-what concoction, mirrored by the numerous marks and stains along a thick apron. The goggles of some sort of smoky glass or crystal hanging around her neck were an interesting touch. She took one look at Rolan before continuing, "No matter how hard it is for you to get it up, I don't care. Now shove off."

With that, she went to close the door.

Going from a bamboo forest to a church by an ordinary deciduous forest was one of the more unexpected things that happened to Mokou in recent times. Not impossibly unexpected, she had only recently found herself being teleported to the Outside World, but that had been due to actively collecting objects to facilitate it. She didn't think there was some weird incident to be pulled into this time... at least, nobody unusual had been coming through to pick fights, which was probably the only thing to go on.

Or maybe this counted as a weird incident? Something of an annoying one, since it didn't look like it was going to wear off as quickly as her last foray out of Gensokyo, and these trees were not native to Japan. Nor was the architecture of the crumbling building. Still, if she looked around long enough, there would probably be somebody.

If not, it didn't really matter. It wasn't like there was anything she was in a hurry to get back to.

She was saved from having to follow a trail back to a settlement by the sound of voices. And she recognised that one.

"You!" The pointing wasn't necessary, but it gave her time to pick out other people except the vampire. Some green thing, boy, a green-haired girl that seemed vaguely familiar, that ghost's strange gardener... what was she doing with the devil? Had there been a trade in underlings? "You're not going to try have that maid eat me again, right?"

With this strange group, maybe Remilia wasn't the one behind this? Not if she was going to be out in the daytime. Even if she had only moved into Gensokyo recently and was more likely to know a way to get people out again.

Even in the... whatever the hell was going on in ULiL, it was definitely more 'along for the ride and being a weird influence' than control, yeah.

i return with something

less serious?
Cazt Gardens

"I see," the man said with a small smile, taking the offered hand with only a hint of exasperation at the custom. Despite his size, it was a surprisingly light grip, not crushing, yet not weak enough to suggeest that age had brought infirmity. Or at least not yet. "Then, would you care to demonstrate what you already know? I am slightly aware of the daughter's talents but I must confess to being unsure whether my knowledge would complement the teachings of one of the fey."

Erich stepped back, arms folded, and waited. It wasn't likely that he would have nothing to teach--if there was one similarity between the stories of the legendary figure and Lilia's approach, it was enchanting swords.

Candaeln Yard

The more experienced knight's deflection was uncharacteristically awkward, barely avoiding getting tagged, although true to the form he was emulating, Florian didn't allow that to stop him from immediately pressing the attack to try and limit Fleuri's opportunity to capitalise on it.

"Oh, probably some sort of summer festival? The calendar here doesn't flow normally, and the seasons can remain unchanging for years or go back and forth on a daily basis, so it's just an excuse for street food and music," Florian continued, not allowing such a little thing as 'swinging a sword' to interrupt his conversation.

Outside Talderia

"The only things here from Aimlenn are the ones she finds personally interesting, it's still strange," Edwin said, placing the sword carefully against an unexpectedly undamaged tree and retrieving the copy he had brought with him in the first place, "Everything else is from Talderia. Or like something that could have been in Talderia?"

"Someone like the prince wouldn't know about the commoners' exact buildings, and we don't know anyone from back then who could answer." Parvan added. "But if it's the food you're after, there's still some places near Candaeln that have learned how to make our recipes too."
Rough draft of adaptations for... well, being fairies (none of the actual rolling stuff, I'll write that up properly later):

In short, it's really "remember Gensokyo's tech level... and it's Gensokyo... and you're fairies", so everything's even more lackadaisical and lighthearted than normal, but

  • Special Qualities:
    • Obviously, everyone has Absurd: Fairy
    • Anything that would add being some other... thingy? Remember Orin's Zombie Fairy spellcard? That's right, dress-up! Angel Fairy, Fox Fairy, etc.
    • Tragic Love/Trauma tables: just reroll or pick something else. <_>
    • Injuries: Pretty sure most of those would just be playing around too. They are respawning nature spirits. Blind is about the only one that... doesn't actually require injuring one. xD
    • Relationships: And this one, not perversion, please--most of them work, though a sibling interpretation might be a bit odd.
    • Dark Past: again, fairy games
    • Secret Job: Hacker - remember that you'd also have no idea what a computer is
    • Robot: see above. Maybe karakuri...?
    • Actually a Guy: no
  • Weapon: Danmaku. this should be obvious
  • Maid Roots: just use some sense. Especially with regards to anything like illegitimate child being completely impossible.
  • Stress Explosion: Not sure how quite to relate posts to stress reduction yet, but probably a two stage thing: if you just go over it, one dead fairy coming up. She'll be back later, it's fine. But if you just want to sit out for a while and reduce stress before that point (really looking at things like rolling 6 will here), then use the normal stress explosion instead. Hey, it's a fairy, not everyone's Cirno--and even her health bar was motivation in her own game. xD
Ah, Maid RPG, that weird little thing where everyone is a maid (nearly) and the only more powerful force in the universe is a butler. But what if instead of being powerful and competent maids, all the players were part of the Scarlet Devil Mansion's cohort of complete goofs? Where almost any other person is far beyond your pay grade to fight (not that this will likely stop you).

Obviously, there'd need to be some changes to the character creation because some things just don't make sense in Gensokyo... or are incompatible with being a fairy. And there's some things that are pretty much a given for the premise.

That, and Immune to Pain would probably have to change a little. No fairy's winning a spellcard duel by facetanking everything.

Still, who's up for being very cute but less than ideal maids? Probably looking for 5-6 players.
Yakumo Sakura

"We were already in a horror movie, now it's changing genres!" the girl complained, blinking to try and clear her eyes... then blinking again some more for good luck. Nope, she hadn't missed it, there were definitely enemies reforming behind them. "Well, looks like we're not going to be able to fight them all to the death anyway. Time for some shortcuts~"

A somewhat sensible person would ask why she hadn't just proposed this from the beginning. A more sensible one would realise that the answer was going to be idiosyncratic anyway and of dubious use. Also, most importantly, that this wasn't the time to ask whether she actually had some solid reasoning as a basis for sticking back and that this could wait until later.

Nonetheless, the girl was following through on her word--if they stuck together now, then that'd just be a series of hops to the end of rooms before, hopefully, getting to the heart of the matter. Line of sight only, obviously; they had to keep an eye out for any ambushes, she didn't know where exactly they were going... and then there was the matter of traps and such. Spotting or reacting to them when you were nearby was one thing, but if she just opened a portal to who-knows-where...

Well, not everyone was good at looking at the floor on the other side before they stepped in.
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