Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Cold air is spiky, not soft. Spiky air.
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i wasn't expecting to see spam for an indian moving service
4 mos ago
i slept on my shoulder funny. ow
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4 mos ago
fight existential dread with cake


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@MrSkimobile That feels a bit more like floating continents IMO.

Hmm, I think the fun thing about islands is you can go the whole Traveller route and not worry about actual distances etc.: just map the travel times between places. Then you only need a chart for your world map and each place can be mapped as needed.
Never done any sort of game in a ghibli-esque setting, that sort of thing sounds pretty fun. Although, shouldn't that also include weird and nonsensical flying contraptions too? xD

And definitely pairs nicely with flying islands. Laputa writ large, anyone?
"Ah, yes, the word of an Iron Rose. Never before have I seen one of my illustrious peers bring ruin and calamity by good intentions, regardless of the supposed strength of their word," the witch's words were mocking, but the tone was more one of disappointment, "Tell me, why should I think any of you to be better? Would you not be tempted to tell another knight if they ask after your improvement? Try to ascertain the accuracy of your teachers?

"Ah, you think, but perhaps that's fine; no harm could really come of that. That all the great mysteries of the past, from Talderia's fall to your own order's fame, have their answers in one place. Nobody could possibly exploit that," the witch shook her head, "Some things must come to light on their own."

"Does that mean I can't visit? That one's got funny magic! And I brought him a cake, he owes me."

"… anyway, Hagen is correct. I could simply bind you and allow the goddess to determine whatever punishment is appropriate, or you can be simply bound by contract. Unless you have a better argument? These aren't my secrets to protect, but I would still need more assurance than the mere notion of knighthood."
Fujiwara no Mokou

"It's actually pretty nice," Mokou defended, "Most of the fights now are completely safe now."

Even before that, Gensokyo had been a nice enough place, she thought, although her perspective of it had been pretty limited. Not that any of the rules around Gensokyo's fighting applied to watching these two go at it with live steel. It was probably fine, right? If they were good enough to be dragged here, they ought to stop before anyone got too badly impaled.

"Yeah, we're from another Earth. Are you two from different places?" It seemed likely, if the easy violence was unfamiliar to the girl.
Hm, alchemy? Well, she couldn't say she knew much about that at all. The little exposure that Mokou had received towards that discipline was ironically in stories surrounding Hourai and the elixir, and it was anyone's guess if whatever Eirin had done to create that counted. She wasn't one to go over and ask anything of the taoists that had shown up recently, after all.

Except to fight them, what else were immortals supposed to do?

"This is pretty normal for Gensokyo. Normally when something strange is happening, I don't think most people pick random fights."

Fairies, maybe.
How had she ended up climbing after everybody? It wasn't like she was slow, and if anyone fell then she would be the worst placed to try and catch them… oh well, this was pretty easy to make her way up? Sure, it had the marks of someone trying to make a smooth surface, but then they'd gone and gotten decorative about it.

… The climbability of the exterior probably wasn't a major thought in architectural design, was it?

The redhead let out a startled mrowp sound as Esben hoisted her up, pouting at the spy before seizing onto the exterior once again. "I c-can climb fine on my own… that's n-not so big…"

Still, with the distraction going on inside, they would have to climb fast. Both so their target and Ciradyl were still there, so the rest of the team didn't destroy the building underneath them, and in case there were any guards lining up shots in the rest of the courtyard. Esben had only gotten two of them, after all.

At least one good point of climbing to the top was that the openings were more apparent, not less. Was that a rich person thing, to have less wall and more of a view? Or was it judt easier to have something lighter when you got higher up? But the roof still needed supporting… whatever the architectural justification, it was nice to find that there was even a small balcony up here too, with a view of Kugane if anyone would want such a thing. And that meant there was a door too, in that conveniently sliding Ospreyan fashion that meant she could open it from out here.

"Um… h-hello?"

… How did you ask someone you were about to kill questions?
"Oh, yes, you're almost free to leave," Merilia said jovially, alighting on the ground at last, head tilted up to potentially meet any of the assembled knights' gaze.

"You showed strength enough to overcome a more co-ordinated enemy; proved capable enough of standing against most war mages; and were brave enough to charge into a hopeless battle. Good job~" She ticked each of her fingers in return, ending with a celebratory burst of sparkles. "Now…"

Once again the heavens changed, the witch now backlit by a silvery moon low in the sky. "With the moon as my witness, I need you all to agree to a little geas."

A design of vibrant aqua light spread out from her feet, Thrinax looking on with a tilted head as it made to exclude him. But not the fairy.

"Just avoid mentioning most of who taught you. Oh, you can mention that I was responsible, and the challenges set… but not the knights or Ericht. The summoner and the alchemist are fine~

"As for the duration… hmm, you'll know when you can speak of it, can't miss the sign."

Merilia put one finger to her lips. "Now, I hope I don't have to ask again. Mayon wouldn't bear witness if this didn't matter~"
It might have been expected that the dragon would take drastic action at the number of strikes coming in at vulnerable areas, striking at wings, joints—anywhere and everywhere that might display some vulnerability, even as Renar avoided the flame by the skin of his teeth. Instead, Thrinax regarded them with an air of unmistakeable superiority, unwavering as the magically-enhanced strikes bit in one after the another. Blood gleamed—

But still, on a foe as huge as this, they were naught but scratches. Even the soft-looking patagium, enhanced or not, was like trying to cut cloth with a butterknife.

There was an ominous deep rumbling.

It would take a moment for it to come across that the ancient dragon was laughing. "Excellent! Most excellent. To take such provocation and respond with determination against an impossible foe…

"I am satisfied. You succeed."

There was a pause as the dragon seemed to remember that Renar was still upon his back, before responding in a disturbingly feline way. Only with the advantage of being an enormous, ridiculously strong dragon… and fast enough to somehow catch said knight on the way down, tail more sinuous than it had first seemed.

"I'm back!" an unfamiliar-to-most voice announced, the barren plateau now sporting an enthusiastically waving Niyar. And… was that a cake? It was bigger than Thrinax's head.

"Maybe I should have used Volkstraad after all. He wouldn't have been so accommodating…" Ah, joy, and the witch was back as well.

"That snake would never agree to thy terms, Child of Starlight."
Miina Malina

"Are we t-trying to be subtle…?" Miina wondered. It was a minor thought, but if they were trying to do a stealthy infiltration (and/or exfiltration), then that constrained their options some more. As Eve had raised, once Mizutani was alerted to suspicious warriors encroaching on her position, that would be the sign to get out of there, and they didn't have an escape route.

If that was the case, they obviously wanted to get as many people as close as possible before anything attention-grabbing happened. Attention-grabbing like an unusual, flying humanoid. "If we are… um… m-m-maybe you should climb t-too, Eve? F-Flying really stands out…"
Fujiwara no Mokou

This place was big. It wasn't anywhere near as huge as that glimpse of the cities in the outside world, but the size and scale of it? It was definitely much larger than the very little she remembered of Fujiwara-Kyou, or even Heijou-Kyou before she'd gone off after the elixir. Oh, maybe it didn't cover as much ground—she hadn't taken to the air to see, after all—but they had certainly built the city upwards a lot more; the sheer density of this place in comparison to the capitals of her childhood was astonishing.

And yet it was still so small on an objective scale. It was funny, that; if she hadn't visited the outside world, this would undoubtedly be the biggest city she'd ever stepped foot inside. Now it just seemed big by comparison.

As usual, the solution of "just walk around until you come across someone interesting" was paying off. They'd run into someone who looked like she would fit right into Gensokyo, if it came down to it, and certainly had the attitude down. What were the odds of there being another dual-sword wielding swordsman just hanging around where they could find her, anyway?

Not seeing a point in getting sliced to pieces if these two went at it right here, Mokou kept going to stand beside the blonde that was… contracted? Hm, some sort of master-familiar relationship? She did have a bit of the look of a magician about her.

It was worth asking.

"You're a magician, then?"
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