Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Cold air is spiky, not soft. Spiky air.
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i wasn't expecting to see spam for an indian moving service
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i slept on my shoulder funny. ow
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fight existential dread with cake


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Fujiwara no Mokou

"Fujiwara no Mokou," was the equalling answer, the white-haired girl following along. It wasn't as if she had anything better to do--and sure enough, sticking with the alchemist brought her back to Youmu. No sign of the other swordsman, though, but she had gone into hiding...

In the cemetery was an... odd sight. Like most people, she had no idea who the man could possibly be, but the girl seemed a bit familiar, from spending more time in the human village since the incident with the balls.

"Isn't that the hermit's jiang-shi?" Mokou asked, the question obviously directed at Youmu.

That made five of them now. Was the entirety of Gensokyo here or something?
Fujiwara no Mokou

Well, it looked like the entertainment was over... and she ought to get going too, unless she wanted to be left entirely alone in this city. Now, that didn't seem like entirely a bad thing... but then she might end up stuck on her own in this place for good. And that would be annoying; how could she continue fighting Kaguya if trapped in another world for centuries or longer?

Had they even arranged somewhere to meet up in general...? Well, another reason to find the half-ghost. She didn't want to have the guards after her as well for displaying some of the same abilities, so Mokou exited around the corrner, following after the blonde girl, and only then took to the air.

Not high enough to be above the streets, but above anyone's heads. Whether she found the alchemist first or the gardener, then she'd land beside them. After all, if she found the alchemist, she'd probably find the swordsman in the end, and if she knew anything about swordsmen, they'd want to meet up again to finish their duel.

And it was better than trying to navigate this maze of a city with no destination. This place had definitely not been planned out.
Miina and Robin

Being on a boat was… a strange experience. It moved, which didn't bother her much at all; maybe all that napping in trees had come in handy. But the lack of space, of being confined to a space and crammed in with people… this was making for quite the uncomfortable experience, to Miina. Maybe this was why she had so quickly joined the night crew, sleeping off-sync with the rest of the team to get some time away from… everything.

Maybe that was why she was caught by surprise this first day. She pulled open the curtain that had been rigged to separate the hold into male and female sections—another thing she didn't get, but this was less surprising after seeing how everyone dressed outside of her home—and blinked. Had Miina remembered wrong? She thought this was the women's side but…

"Umm… R-Robin…?" Aaah… what did she DO? She couldn't just accuse a teammate of being a pervert!

Robin wasn't particularly used to sleeping on a boat. Honestly, it was the first time she'd traveled this way at all.

The closest she'd come before was when she'd paid to ride in a vehicle before, but those were all land-based. Being on the seas, rocking in this way---

It didn't make her sick, exactly, but it was definitely a strange experienced compared to what she was used to.

But she'd been able to handle it. A hero definitely wouldn't get thrown off just by a boat ride, after all. They traveled to all different kinds of places, from all sorts of distances, so it was no problem.

The close proximity with everyone wasn't really a problem either, but after that meeting Robin wasn't sure it was the best thing for everyone's emotional state.

In any case, she'd been getting ready to change when the curtain opened.

"Hm? Lady Miina?"

Why did the red mage seem so surprised? Had something happened?

"Is something wrong?"

… obviously? This was really awkward, it seemed very obvious that the heroically-inclined swordsman should be on the other side of the curtain! But to be so completely unaware, it… "Umm… the c-curtain? Th-this…"

… that wasn't going to explain anything, was it?

"The curtain?"

Robin tilted her head. Was there something wrong with it? Had it gotten torn somewhere? If that was the case, hopefully there was a spare somewhere. It'd be bad if there were any holes big enough to see through.

Not that Robin suspected any of their allies would be the type to peep, but an awkward accidental glance would still be embarrassing for everyone involved.

"If it's torn, maybe we can get a replacement or a patch put up," she suggested, "It shouldn't be too difficult, I think."

Err… no, it wasn't torn. She didn't think? Nope, another inspection clarified that it wasn't. Even if it was, she could have fixed it. Or maybe Izayoi would have fixed it first. They weren't exactly lacking in such skills, and there was always the chance even more of their little group could do such basic mending…

"M-More… y-you're here!"

The more Miina spoke, the more confused Robin became. There wasn't a tear, so what was the problem?

"Er... yes? I am?" Robin replied, unable to help her confusion. Where else would she be? Especially given she was going to change.

"Did you want to talk to me...?"

It didn't seem as if she did, though.

"Why are y-you here?" Surely Robin should be on the other side. It wasn't that confusing, was it? Just… don't go through the curtain…? Miina didn't care, but she wasn't anywhere near as stabby as Izayoi, which… was really the main concern. Or maybe Eliane would do something? Hmm, she was hard to predict…

Now Robin was truly lost.

Was there some reason for her not to be here? She didn't get it at all. Did Miina think she'd be training elsewhere? Or that she'd have chosen somewhere else to sleep? But why would she even think that in the first place?

"I don't think I understand, Lady Miina," she responded, confusion plain on her face, "Where else do you think I would be?"

"On t-the other side of the c-curtain…" the girl finally spat out, looking everywhere but at Robin. Having to spell it out like this… she hadn't thought the swordsman was that dense, this sort of oblivious misunderstanding was usually her problem. Or maybe something she might expect from Eve by now, followed by explosions.

"On the other side of the curtain...?"

But why would she be? That doesn't make the least bit of sense. Why would Miina think she should be on the other side?

Robin wracked her brain. It would definitely be innappropriate for her to be on the male side, right? Besides, she wasn't sure she could handle that at all, so why---


"Hold on, Lady Miina."

Robin couldn't believe it, but at the same time she couldn't think of any reason for the other girl to think this way.

"Do you think I'm a man...?"

"W-W-W-Well… um…" She had been so sure! Robin was so boyish and… maybe she just hadn't been looking closely enough? If she got a better look, surely…

If there was one good thing about Miina suddenly straddling her lap, it was that the girl weighed barely anything without her full getup and armour on. Both in terms of being somewhat more comfortable, and not immediately having the fastenings holding the hammock come undone.

On the other hand, it meant that Robin was now contending with a Mystrel laser-focused on examining her face, the tiny redhead holding her head steady and staring intently. Hmm, really, this close it was more that Robin's bearing and outfit tended to disguise it, as well as being about as flat as Miina herself was… oh, and all the high collars, that didn't help; she could really tell now.

Ah, and the smell. Getting this close did answer her question.

"y-you're right!"

Wait why was she getting on her lap like this?!

Having sat down to put her socks on, Robin was completely unprepared for what almost felt like a direct assault on her composure.

There probably weren't many people who could withstand suddenly being examined like this even ignoring the fact that Miina had decided to climb on top of her.

'What would a hero do?' was struggling to even rise in her mind as Robin attempted to lean back, flustered.

Her cheeks colored as she tried to get a little bit more space.

"I-Is this really necessary, Lady Miina?!"

"Mmm…" It wasn't much of an answer, the smaller girl just continuously leaning forwards as Robin tried to lean back and gain space, until she was pretty much flat on her back. For a second she would no doubt be wondering what she could possibly be doing in this position—

Then there was another mumbling sound, and Miina's grip slacking around her shoulders. With the way her head had fallen…

The Mystrel had fallen asleep. On top of her.


Was... was she really that tired? Was Miina seriously so exhausted that after confirming that she was supposed to be here she immediately fell asleep?!

---If that's the case, she must have been completely worn out. So of course she needed to get to sleep, but did she really have to do it right on top of her?!

Robin raised her arms slowly, then lowered them. This definitely wasn't a scenario she'd even begun to expect she'd ever face.

"... L... Lady Miina..."

What did she do now?!
Yes, but a linden was a tree; a solid and sturdy emplacement. She was naming a charger here; a noble mount for a battle. Most emphatically not a carthorse, nor something that she wished to test the sturdiness of. Much better if her horses never found themselves in such harm, as effective as a charge could be. This influx of mercenary footmen had reduced their ability to do that, and so far the vampire hadn't found reason to complain...


Well, this situation was a farce. The lord appeared a man merely playing at madness rather than addled and now Fionn was playing along. Honestly... no, there was nothing she could offer here. Some prayer, perhaps, but that was just another reason to remove herself from this situation before it gave her a headache. And ruined any remaining good mood from the trip.

"If anyone needs me I'll be looking after the horses." There, that was something that needed doing, and someone had to help the stablehands out. Or make sure they hadn't gotten bitten...

For some reason, all the people were giving her a wide berth. She wasn't quite sure why, but then again… the motivations and drives of other people were definitely an enigma to her. Call it lack of experience. If she had to guess, it was probably the fact that she was rather blatantly armed, but then again, what could a girl do? It wasn't like she could just leave her axe or armour lying around, she'd never be able to go find them again, and someone might seriously hurt themselves.

That, or they really didn't like her fluffy friend. That was also a possibility.

But at least they were willing to take her money! And when they realised that Caria wasn't really all that scary, or again got drawn in by her buddy, then she was able to ask questions. Mostly about the food and drink, you could never know too much about feeding yourself.

It was amazing the sheer number of things they could do with dandelions round here. Dandelion salad, fermented dandelion as part of a drink, dandelion wood to build with, dandelion cotton to make clothing and fabrics, just using the giant dandelions for shade…

Or maybe they just didn't have anything else and had to make do? Hmm, she'd try asking Swordy, but they probably wouldn't know. Unless she was asking how to weaponise dandelions.
"Because," she said, slowly and clearly, "A daisy is white, and he's a white horse. And flowers are pretty, and he's a very beautiful horse, aren't you boy?"
The question wasn't really addressed to her, but Tyaethe dropped back all the same, hissing a brief "Daisy!" as her mount started to take an interest in… was that Gerard, or Gerard's horse? Honestly, she couldn't tell, he was such an unfriendly beast at times.

"Consider it a perk of being a knight. Sometimes, you just get to go places and enjoy their food without fighting because someone else has business there."

Off to Brennan, then, to see if some lesser member of royalty was mad for mundane reasons or... was it the work of something nefarious? A connection to the missing shards? The reports hadn't suggested violence, so that seemed unlikely to her, but it was the captain's prerogative to go looking in the first place.

For the vampire, after getting away from the embarrassment that was the previous night, the journey mostly seemed like an excuse to go on a trip to the forest, and to let one of the horses stretch its legs.

But which one? That was a pretty big question. It wasn't like her vhoice was among the steeds provided for those knights that hadn't the means or inclination to provide their own before this point; it was one of those few things Tyaethe had much cause or desire to spent money on.

If it was just to be a trip up to Brennan and back, then really, she should've just brought Mira, she was such a gentle one and the best actual riding horse to boot, but a palfrey wasn't for combat. It would be a pain to take two along just in case, and as a rider she was such a slight burden that maybe she should consider one of the all-rounders...

But the true war horses were sadly neglected; Tyaethe didn't think much to use them, or anything more than ponies for short journeys. Daisy especially, he never got as much exercise as one of his breeding deserved. Hmm, she'd have to warn anyone who might have to work with him to be careful, he was quite temperamental for anybody else...

Right, Daisy it would be. And really, what was the point of having a white destrier if it never saw the light of day?


Maybe this had been a bad choice? Well, she'd been more uncomfortable before, and even after two days she wasn't regretting the choice. She just hoped Brennan's stablehands were up to the task ahead; Tyaethe didn't think she could get out of the reason for their journey claiming that she needed to look after her horse, no matter how true it was.
Not quite sheepy, but:

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