Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Cold air is spiky, not soft. Spiky air.
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i wasn't expecting to see spam for an indian moving service
4 mos ago
i slept on my shoulder funny. ow
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4 mos ago
fight existential dread with cake


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Miina Malina

"Eh?" Miina looked… well, flummoxed. Hm, that really was a helpful ability… if it wasn't for the restrictions that no doubt came with it. Still, she had no reason to turn him down, and it wasn't like anybody was going to go looking for her in erligious ground if they even knew that she was in the area… it hadn't exactly been something she'd goo looking for. Was it possible that Cid had been here before? She didn't really know.

"Th-Thanks." With that, she followed inside and… well, she could dry herself easily enough, but standing around in her clothes… yeah, that would attract more attention, and she ought to get them cleaned up. It was also warm enough for her more normal attire!

Not that she waited for Cid to look away. If he did, that was up to him, why should she care? It was just changing clothes.
"Caria!" she proudly announced, sprawling out on the ground in a way that at least diminished the threat of the highly muscular, armoured girl walking around with a massive axe a little. Getting to actually use her name was pretty novel, it hadn't been something she'd gotten tired with yet. "I… um, I guess I'm a traveller too? I used to stick to the same sorts of places, but I've had to start exploring more recently."

You couldn't just come out and say you didn't like the empire, not among strangers. She'd learned that before. It had been quite painful for everyone involved.
Fujiwara no Mokou

Mokou gave a shrug. It wasn't like she was that familiar with most people in Gensokyo; she had no idea if feeding people to the jiang-shi would be approved of or not. Maybe as long as it wasn't anyone from the Human Village then they would be okay? But being eaten alive was messy enough when you had large mouths; being eaten alive by just a human one… or maybe she could take huge bites.

Not that she was about to let anyone be fed to youkai, she hadn't been dealing with those in the bamboo forest for generations for no reason.

"Yeah, this," she said, lifting up the nearly-regenerated hand, "Has nothing to do with curses. It's just immortality."

Well, there was obviously slightly more to it… but it was immortality at its most basic. "And the fire is magic."

Renar's information was… interesting. Although, perhaps it was to be expected? The fey could rarely do something this extreme on someone without their assent in one form or another, even if this was merely by entering into their domains… but since they'd got the duke back, it was unlikely to be simple rambling. Fionn's assumption that it was word games seemed likely, although that raised the possibility that it was only agreement from the perspective of the fairy in question. Still, at least one thing was clear—

"I doubt it would be a Niyar, or Nithyr, even if the fairy behind this once was. They could make you forget a thing or two pretty easily, or cause some confusion… whatever drove the Duke to this lasting madness is quite stronger than that. Perhaps we'll be dealing with local nobility twice-over."

She hopped to her feet, giving a shrug, "I'm sure they'll be fine, they're good boys. Let's go see what your wife has to say."
Miina Malina

"One among you matches a description for a person of interest. You will submit yourselves for inspection immediately."

Nope, nope, nope, she had to get out of here immediately before she got any attention. Fortunately, Miina was of course well away from the guards inspecting her first... that bought her some time. She would have thought her relatively good standing with those other groups that had been a little more up front with what they were after would have kept her from any attention but... not important now, maybe she'd have to pay a visit later? After meeting up with people again.

Of course, that meant that the redhead hadn't stuck around for long enough to realise that she wasn't the person of interest in this case. Or at least not one that had been identified coming in. Instead, one quick near-invisibility to hide her form later, Miina had gone for the straightforward (if somewhat tricky, one couldn't easily climb down the wet sides of a ship) approach of climbing overboard aft and starboard of the ship and heading for shore a bit further up where she'd be able to get into Costa del Sol without attracting any attention... if she was careful.

Stay below the waves where possible... and worry about getting the salt out of her things later; it wasn't like she'd not practised this before.

Hmm, hopefully nobody would give away that she should be on board.

"You should listen to her," Mokou suggested, shrugging as the jiang shi… ate the attack? Not the weirdest ability in Gensokyo by far, although it was a little disappointing to not get to see what it did to the human body, "Getting your head cut off is more painful than you'd think, the brain doesn't shut down immediately. Though… it's not in my top… ten… twenty… thirty most painful ways to die?"

She stopped to think, inspecting her regrowing hand curiously, before adding, "Especially not with a sharp sword like that. She's cut me in half before, it wasn't too bad."
Miina Malina

… maybe she was still dreaming? The sea being split in two was… hm, no, it definitely wasn't one of her dreams, too violent and with far too many people she wouldn't usually dream about. Which meant Eve and Esben had been underwater and were now… well, Robin had the heavy one, so maybe they were fine? It was a shame Eliane hadn't been with them too, that would have made for some nice poetry.

Unfortunately, that probably meant she should do something and stop crouching behind a magical barrier to protect herself against bullets. Sure, they would probably be fine, but swinging like that meant going fast, and she was pretty sure Robin wasn't practised at jumping from high places because she'd gone climbing and gotten stuck again… or maybe Esben would just go through the boat.

So, what to do? The only things really in abundance were water or air, and while she could probably do something more reliable by thinking about the wind, she was tired and grumpy and they just needed to slow down. And she knew how to do that, too, even if it wasn't something she'd really had any confidence in because the only enemy they'd fought since meeting she wanted to slow down would probably have just shrugged it off.

But it seemed pretty unlikely Robin would. Or maybe she'd just recognise it was Miina casting and not resist? Either way, one Slow coming up.

Hopefully they wouldn't go splat, then she could go back to sleep.

"Ah, we might not need to tangle with the Hunt," Tyaethe mused aloud, legs kicking in the air, "This sort of subtlety isn't really their thing, and I can't think of how you'd survive their attentions but simply lose your marbles like that. Though, I guess the unseelie would certainly be more involved, so if we need to go pay them a visit, we might get to tangle with them after all… that would be fun; it's much faster than waiting for them to come to you. Especially if Rozenalt is down here for a while."

Then she paused. "Hm, though I guess distance doesn't have that much meaning. I wonder if the leader of the hunt is caught in fey politics too."
"Well," Caria said, scratching her head, "I couldn't see anywhere safe to put my things. There's not really a way to not carry the axe around and be armed, so…"

'Where to store things that you're going to need later' had never really been a thing she'd thought about, growing up. Largely because she didn't really have things, and food could generally be left more or less where it was… or buried to stop animals getting it or the like. Either way, "I'll go back for it when I need it!" wasn't a sentiment that could be applied to weapons.

Probably. She hadn't been in a position to see if she would be allowed to go make it a fair fight.

"Food? Ah, more dandelions?" Caria said, cheerfully starting to move in that direction—and naturally acting as an icebreaker to any forming crowd, "I really don't get how buying things works, I have some money but… for some reason, when I ask people if I can have something, a lot of them have just handed it over? Maybe they were just being nice?"

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