Lanessa walks in after you, raising a hand in a lazy gesture that scatters gold-tinged illumination throughout the depths of the cave. A casual magical effect, given everything she had displayed so far—but it could hardly be considered unwelcome, even as the zombie totters unsteadily before collapsing, the magic that animated it no longer functional in the face of grievous damage.
And revealing behind it a pair of skeletons. Their bodies seem so much more fragile, yet somehow the animation more complex…? Whereas the zombie was just a shambling mound of flesh, they advance with purpose, dulled weapons clenched in their bony fists and one even sporting an off-kilter helm.
They're not the only ones, you can see another towards the small cavern's rear, just before a hide-covered opening; that one is somehow drawing back a bow…
And your magical support seems to be paying no attention, her eyes drifting towards some minor alcove.
And revealing behind it a pair of skeletons. Their bodies seem so much more fragile, yet somehow the animation more complex…? Whereas the zombie was just a shambling mound of flesh, they advance with purpose, dulled weapons clenched in their bony fists and one even sporting an off-kilter helm.
They're not the only ones, you can see another towards the small cavern's rear, just before a hide-covered opening; that one is somehow drawing back a bow…
And your magical support seems to be paying no attention, her eyes drifting towards some minor alcove.