Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Cold air is spiky, not soft. Spiky air.
4 mos ago
i wasn't expecting to see spam for an indian moving service
4 mos ago
i slept on my shoulder funny. ow
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4 mos ago
fight existential dread with cake


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Lanessa walks in after you, raising a hand in a lazy gesture that scatters gold-tinged illumination throughout the depths of the cave. A casual magical effect, given everything she had displayed so far—but it could hardly be considered unwelcome, even as the zombie totters unsteadily before collapsing, the magic that animated it no longer functional in the face of grievous damage.

And revealing behind it a pair of skeletons. Their bodies seem so much more fragile, yet somehow the animation more complex…? Whereas the zombie was just a shambling mound of flesh, they advance with purpose, dulled weapons clenched in their bony fists and one even sporting an off-kilter helm.

They're not the only ones, you can see another towards the small cavern's rear, just before a hide-covered opening; that one is somehow drawing back a bow…

And your magical support seems to be paying no attention, her eyes drifting towards some minor alcove.
Fujiwara no Mokou

Seizing the orb—

Well, this hadn't been a great idea, even for her, had it? Oh, it wasn't like it was doing any permanent damage, Mokou was instinctually aware of that. But the rage of thousands of souls, their resentment urging her to take it out on everyone around, then the city, then the world

There was the faintest flicker of flame.

Ah, it was a familiar feeling. Destroy and destroy and prove that your existence still meant something, even in the face of unchanging immortality, even when all of society had long forgotten you existed. Even the urgings of vengeful spirits to go further and further on this self-destructive path… that was familiar too, wasn't it? You couldn't burn everything you saw for centuries without attracting that sort of attention from the victims. And the fire responded so readily, it would be trivial to flood the room with it. That would start a fight with everyone, but this was what she lived for.

Yet… she'd been here before. Mokou knew where this path lead; she'd die a thousand times or more until… she'd just get tired. No closer to death, and with nothing in her unchanging life to show for it. No matter what the vengeful dead wanted, there would be no satisfaction to be found, and while they had numbers, she had both experience and familiarity with it. What was the anguish of thousands of spirits? She'd long lost track of how many she had burnt to ash.

Mokou wrenched her hand free with a sigh. "Vengeful spirits. Thousands of them."
"H-H-Hey! We d-didn't start this f-fight! You attacked first!" Why was she shouting at the Eidolon? It wasn't like an elemental embodiment or anything had to be reasonable about it. All they were doing was trying to not be drowned! But she really didn't appreciate getting covered in water again, drying this off properly and not fluffing up would be a pain. And it was better than her possible last words being defending a leadership she didn't really care about… especially if this was all some sort of accident.

Aaaaah, she didn't have anything big enough to go through the barrier, and definitely not fast enough to race Leviathan's big spell… but she could maybe help someone else out? They could obviously do some sort of big blow a lot easier, so if she just helped out a bit…

Well, maybe all her focus on Haste recently would pay off.
"Front on, would be my recommendation," the utterly straight face the elf has… is this a joke? She does seem to be serious about that, although she gives you another look over. Then a second. And a third. After a pause, she reaches around and unfastens her own sword, offering it over, "I expect this back afterwards, but it should do… better than that dagger."

Another gesture later and you're left feeling… enclosed? It's hard to tell, the shimmering layer of purple sunk into your skin, but it didn't feel… harmful? It's a shield spell, if you ask.

"Now, go put those undead to rest. It's not that big a cave, can't be more than… half-a-dozen?"

That doesn't even seem like a guess…
Miina Malina

Oh no oh no oh no oh no. They had to fight Leviathan? And they had just gotten done fighting one giant water monster! On the plus side, this time they were at least on dry land, which reduced the risk of immediate drowning somewhat. On the other hand, they were considerably down on firepower, and Miina had a strong feeling that Leviathan proper was much more dangerous to them.

Oh, and she was now their sole source of magical damage and healing? This was going to suck. Although, it seemed like the healing wouldn't be that necessary; they'd probably all have to avoid attacks or die…

"H-Hey! T-T-This is my c-country…" Miina protested as she skittered out from behind a decrepit pillar. Weakly, since she wasn't terribly invested in it, but she hadn't gone around trying to run another coup on Osprey or anything. Just been confused by it.

Now… uh, now she thought about it, how were a bunch of swordsmen going to fight a giant serpent that reared out from the ocean? Hm, maybe they'd ahve better ideas than her, as it wasn't really Miina's problem. Hers boiled down to what to attack with. Fire was out. Ice was probably just going to get reversed back on her or something. Electricity, again, then.

Right, one Thunder fired and… time to dive for cover again before Leviathan got her back for it. It was such a tiny attack compared to the size of the Eidolon, but it was an attack, in the end. And one picked to be as annoying as she could manage… well, unless she could think of something from Izayoi's demonstrated trick. She'd not had the greatest luck, but there was no time like the present. She just didn't think a hurricane was the most useful thing one could create against Leviathan.

Right… well, they were now stuck waiting for a door, and it wasn't like her skillset could contribute much there. What was she going to do, go stab around at the air until she found a spot that felt a bit strange? Eh, that was probably what one mage or other would try, but if she did it and somehow had any luck, they'd be announcing their entrance by force of battering ram. You couldn't get much more embarrassing than accidentally declaring an invasion.

So she left them to it, poking around the remains of the snake instead. Mmm, this spot seemed pretty mossy and nicely curved.

It seemed the vampire had decided now was a good opportunity for a nap. Fiadh seemed the only person immediately interested, hher head swivelling between Fionn, Gertrude, and the former snake.
@Rune_Alchemist budding pyromaniac accepted
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