Avatar of Raqueltrper


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4 days ago
Current "For fear of little men..."
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13 days ago
Thank you to all who have welcomed me.
15 days ago
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I'm curious about the Deitsch Gebiet. Do they specialize in anything or focus in anything? I have a character in my mind, but I want to know before setting anything in stone.
Welcome to the forum!
I'm very interested in this. I did want to ask if you were envisioning this being a heavy combat RP, or if there would be a mix of combat and story. I saw that you wanted to make this an adventure type RP (which is fine!), but I also think the lore for this would potentially include a lot of character exploration.
I would likewise be interested in this! The premise sounds pretty interesting.
I'm a detailed, literate RPer who has been at it for nearly 20+ years. I joined just to have fun and just enjoy myself. RP is a chance to be creative with others and escape the realities of life. I hope to make some good memories here!
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