Name: Sabrina Coranus
Race: Imperial
Appearance: Sabrina has a somewhat tanned complexion familiar to those of Cyrodilic birth, as well as dark hair. She might be considered by many to be attractive, though she likes to quip that she doesn't consider herself "aggressively so". She has a voluptuous figure which she often keeps under a modest dress.
Age: 23
Skills: Speech - Master | One-Handed - Adept | Sneak - Adept | Lockpicking - Novice | Pickpocket - Novice
Personality: Sabrina is very adept at adjusting the way she needs to address people, thanks to her speaking skills. She can be more blunt and crass when speaking to the lower class, or polite and dignified when speaking to the gentry. That being said, those who know her will understand that she is not of a chameleonic type. Though she can be snarky and sarcastic, it's often meant as a sign of affection towards those she trusts. Although she is able to defend herself, she would much rather use words and wit to get out of a problem than dagger and sword.
Bio: Sabrina was born to a father and mother who were respectively a diplomat in the imperial court and a well-connected merchant. As such, she grew up surrounded by a lot of books, which she began to peruse even at an early age. Her father influenced her love for reading, while her mother began teaching her thriftiness and mercantilism. Her father was eventually disgraced for reasons that not even he was entirely certain of, and the family forced out of the Imperial City with the need to start over. As such, she was forced to learn the use a dagger, as well as the ability to speak to those in the lower echelons of society. Her encounter with folks in darker circles at this time also taught her a few tricks of working a lock and a coin purse alike. These skills she learned more so out of curiosity than a sincere interest, and while she does have some knowledge around it, she didn't pursue it as someone in a thieves guild might.
With her mother's wisdom they eventually made their way back up in society. Sabrina eventually went on to make a name for herself in some merchant circles, as well as assisting her father with some diplomatic tasks. Though her father no longer held a position in the imperial government, he still used his skills for arbitration across Tamriel, dealing with rivalries between noble houses and merchant factions. Sabrina would accompany him and continued to hone her skill with her tongue and coin. Her father's old connections with the old Imperial court, especially those on the Elder Council, eventually led to her being confronted by those who wished to assist with the formation of the "Hidden Militia". Though not as patriotic as some of her brethren, she did, as an Imperial, feel an inner sense of duty, and hence heeded the summons when the Empire called.