Char heard the girl yell out but he couldn't understand what and he was too afraid to stop, he kept on flying, faster than he had before. Soon he was tired and knew that he would need a rest so he decided to finally stop, he noticed that it was getting late and decided to go to the treetops to see the sunset so up he flew. When he got there he noticed that he was still being followed by the girl and said," It's beautiful, isn't it?"
{Laurel Hook}
Laurel had gone to Earth by means unknown to any of the pirates, including her father. She was glad that she had prepared for this by enrolling into a school so that she at least wouldn't be missing out on some education, she wasn't too happy about her missing her fencing classes though. She quickly went to her hideout which was an abandoned warehouse to get changed into her uniform and collect her books, she then ran down empty alleys and bustling streets to get to the school. When she got there she ran inside and, using her timetable, ran to find her first class, she looked at the numbers on the doors to try and find her class but all she found was that, surprisingly, it was empty. She was thinking this when she nearly tripped over a boy in the doorway of her new class, she quickly said," Sorry about that," even though she doubted that he heard her because he was listening to music and decided that she would wait on the other side of the hall so that is where she put down her things. She was still carrying all of her books because she hadn't yet been assigned a locker and wasn't expected to show up so soon.