Avatar of rawkhawk64
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  • Posts: 772 (0.19 / day)
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    1. rawkhawk64 11 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current My RP Muse has returned, so hopefully I can find an RP or two to focus it towards.
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7 yrs ago
So, I'm on some sort of official and consistent schedule now. Which is nice, unless life decides to screw it up for me.
9 yrs ago
Hooray for being back in the swing of things! I'm back to a mostly regular upload schedule for my LP's, and I can even stream now! Hoorah!
10 yrs ago
RIP Satoru Iwata. Gone, but never forgotten. You will be missed.
10 yrs ago
Might be moving soon. What fun


What's up, Rawk Flawk and visitors alike!

I... am the Master Gamer, rawkhawk64. This also happens to be one of my internet hidey-holes. I enjoy all manner of Roleplays, usually fantasy or sci-fi settings. I also do fandoms. I'll usually check out any Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, or Pokemon RP's. I'll also check out other fandoms I like, but those usually have to be done well.

As for what I do outside the Guild, the big one is streams. You can catch me at twitch.tv/rawkhawk64.

Hope to have fun RP'ing with you!

Most Recent Posts

Rik watched patiently from within the lumber mill. This having been the third time that he'd been to the site, he was rather used to the smell of decay and death. He crouched, hidden in the shadows in a way that only a Shiekah could. It would take a person of incredible eyesight to spot him under normal circumstances. In the darkness of a new moon, he was undetectable to any but a beast.

As their quarry entered, Rik saw that it was the beggar they'd learned of, Toltan. However, the fellow seemed worse for the wear, looking more like a plague-stricken beast than a man. However, as Afira approached, their target proved that he was indeed more beast than man with a grisly transformation into... something. The closest Rik could approximate the creature to was a Hinox that he'd seen whilst traveling. Watching the damge the brute caused was enough to keep him away from the best, but now he'd have to fight one.

As Ghent's attack was finished, Rik called out as a warning to his teammates. "Eyes!" With that, he focused on the magic he'd studied while training in Kakariko. As it unleashed, one thought went through his mind.

Lighting Release: Flash!

Afterward, Rik would ready himself, prepared to disorient his foe further with a Shadow Wing.
As everyone reported what they had found out in their investigations, there were a lot of things that didn't line up to Rik. The information he had gathered with Afira did not match up with what their two larger companions had found out from the villagers during their questioning. As Afira hashed out their plan, something at the back of Rik's mind told him that what was to come would not be a fun or pleasant experience. As Ghent spoke up about traps, Rik nodded.

"If you wish, I can assist you in setting up some of the traps. I have some throwing daggers with me if we need to set any ranged traps. I'll let you take the lead, as you have more experience with traps than I."
Rik noted the markings that Afira pointed out to him. Subtle markings indeed on a body in such a grisly state as this. The Sheikah cast about once more to ensure that no details had been missed. Satisfied, he followed his directions, leading the Knightess to the start of the trail and following it.

Rikshath picked his way carefully along, not rushing to ensure that he did not miss the tracks. Every so often, he would stoop down and make a note of the nature of the tracks, but their source was no clearer now than when the pair had begun tracking. Fortunately, the trail was relatively easy to follow, mostly sticking to a straight line.

The tracks abruptly ended, but the Shiekah decided to take a gamble in moving forward anyway. After another few minutes of walking, he spotted a cave up ahead. Not awaiting orders, the Shiekah readied his weapons just in case and moved ahead to investigate. After a few minutes, he returned to Afira.

"There is a lair up ahead. I suspect that the creature may reside in the cave. I see the remains of wolves and Bokoblins. They're in a similar state to our victim, and they definitely look like whatever killed them ate off of their corpses. The strange thing is that the remains ahead are weeks old, perhaps even months. This may indicate that there are more of the creatures, or that the creature does not need to feed constantly. It could also have multiple hunting grounds. What do we do next, My Lady?"
Rik'shath dutifully followed the leader of the small band that called themselves the Valorbrands. As they made their way to the lumber mill, the silence was only broken by the sounds of nature around them, as well as the directives that Afira gave him. Rikshath made mental notes as the directives came, but otherwise kept his thoughts focused on what they might find ahead. However, when the door was opened, all his expectations were shown to be lesser than the grisly scene that lay before them.

When the large wooden doors were swung open, a very strong musk of decay and death assaulted his nose. Instinctively, the Sheikah recoiled ever so slightly, but quickly recomposed himself. Trying to breathe as shallowly as possible, the Shiekah followed the Knightess inside. Viscera made a macabre trail leading to the poor victim, whose body had been unceremoniously left to the ravages of nature. Rikshath duly noted the maggots that crawled freely over what remained of the body. While his leader valiantly stepped forward and busied herself with examining, the body, Rikshath instead moved around to examine the rest of the lumbermill.

It seemed that the old lumbermill was seeing use, just perhaps not how those that had originally constructed it had intended. Rik found various bones laying around, ranging from intact to just shards. Other macabre things were spread about such as bits of flesh, and what the Sheikah strongly suspected were entrails. After making note of some markings that looked strangely like tracks, Rik joined his leader in examining the body.

"My Lady, I've noticed a few unusual things in the surroundings. Something has been using this lumber mill as a hideout, if not as a home. Bits of bones and other viscera are here, likely not from our victim. I've also found bits of what appear to be tracks, although I can't make out enough to identify what made them." Rik then examined the body, noting the markings around the wound in the torso. Then, he looked at the gaping hole where the man's intestines used to be. "I'm sure you already might have noticed, but these marks weren't made by a man-made weapon. I can't fathom why the intestines are missing. My best guesses are ruled out by other oddities I see in the body. I'm afraid I'm at a loss as to how the body got here."
Rikshath looked around the small settlement that they'd been dispatched to. It was a somber-looking place, with an atmosphere that spoke of fear and dark tidings. Perhaps that was to be expected, considering what they'd been told about this job. It wasn't too long before their admittedly ragtag group were introducing themselves before the elder.

After learning about how long these murders had been going on, Rikshath could only wonder why the Knights that had been sent before had not deigned to resolve the issue. However, it wasn't too long after his wonderings that their leader had turned around to face them.

"I will go and investigate the lumbermill. Might I request one of you to accompany me? The others, I ask that you learn what you can from the daughter and the family?" At her request, Rikshath stepped forward.

"If you will have me, Lady Afira, I will accompany you to the lumbermill." Rik figured that his Shiekah training would (hopefully) prepare him for whatever grisly sight awaited them. If what the Elder had told them was true about the body, having someone losing their most recent meal over the crime scene would only hinder an investigation. As he turned around and glanced at the lumbermill, he could see that it had been a long time indeed since it had been last used. "I have a bad feeling about this..." he muttered to himself.
@Sho Minazuki I've added a bit more detail to his backstory, having him do a bit of travelling around the Kingdom before settling in with the Valorbrands.

Name: Rikshath Vo'lern
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Shiekah

Personality: Rikshath is usually a pretty serious individual when it comes to duty. He believes in giving his all for the task at hand. However, during down time, he knows how to let loose and have some fun. He always has time for a friend in need. He has been known to put the needs of others before himself, even to his own detriment.

Biography: Rikshath, like all Shiekah, spent the better part of his formative years studying and learning the ways of the Shikeah. However, upon becoming of age, Rik declined to continue his training, instead wanting a bit more freedom out of his life. Thus, he decided to spend some time travelling around Hyrule, deciding that expanding his worldview by interacting with some of the other peoples would be beneficial to him. He especially enjoyed his trip to the Faron region and its festivals, short-lived as that trip was. It was during a fateful trip to the capital that Rik learned of the Valorbrands. He decided that casting his lot with the group would be a good way to do good in the Kingdom while having more freedom than he would by pledging his life and service to the Royal Family alone. Thus, he put in to join the group.

Independent Traits:
  • Ways of Shadow

Health: E
Stamina: E
Magic Bar: D

Blessings -
Power: - -
Courage: - -
Wisdom: - -

Strength: 1
Constitution: 1
Dexterity: 3
Agility: 4
Intelligence: 2
Piety: 1

Main Weapon: Shiekah Short Katana
Off-Hand: Shiekah Dagger
Armor: Shiekah Light Armor
Other: Shiekah Throwing Daggers

Known Arts
  • Shiekah Esoteric Arts
  • Shiekah Shadow Techniques

  • Shadow Wing
  • Shadow Cloak
  • Dancing Edge

  • Fire Release: Smoke Retreat
  • Lightning Release: Flash
  • Water Release: Shroud of Mist

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kgt_LBlBfXE

I'm still interested, I've just been a bit busy. I can get started on a CS tomorrow.
@rawkhawk64 not a requirement, but familiarity with the tone might help.

I'm a bit familiar with the tone of Dark Souls. I've watched bits of friends playing the games. I get the impression of dark times and the player being the last hope against dark things. If I'm off, please let me know.

If I can, I'm interested in doing a Shiekah ninja type. Shorts sword dual wielded with a knife, some thrown projectiles, a crossbow (I saw you have one specifically of Shiekah make, and I find that a very neat and unique take on a ninja's tools), smoke bombs, poison, etc.
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