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9 yrs ago
Current Alright, I'm working for about 6 hours every week day from 8:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. GMT. So I'll either post early, or around lunch time afterwards.
9 yrs ago
I'm feeling really happy and pumped. Oh, and joyful. Haha.


Here's a list of things about me if you want to know a little bit more. Though if you actually want to get to know me, send me a PM, or talk over the OOC chat.

1. I don't generally like roleplays where my characters are forced to be serious 100% of the time; mostly because that's not how actual people work.

2. Yes, I use anime pictures for appearances. I've come to like anime less and less over the years, and personally only ever watch the movies now, and that's on incredibly rare occasions. I personally like using those over actual people faces, because people have too many specific details, and I can never find people faces that match the description I want. If you would like, I can use a text description instead.

3. I generally like to make 'pairs' of characters. Either characters that seriously contrast with each other, or work together really well but still have arguments and problems.

4. I've been forum roleplaying for just about 5 years now, and I've been tabletop roleplaying for 11 years now. I still suck at roleplaying despite being a 12 year veteran, but, what're you gonna do?

5. I really enjoy talking to people. Yes, society has gone downhill, but despite that I find serious enjoyment out of talking to people about anything. So, if I'm in an RP with you, just chat away with me. We can talk about mundane things, or go all-out on serious topics. I don't think I've come across a single person I've hated talking to, even if they were somewhat irritating or annoying. So please PM me, or just talk OOC.

6. I flipping love Inside Out, and as such, if you ever make an RP based around it, please invite me. I promise to behave of course. If one isn't made though, you know very well that I'll make my own, and I'll try my hardest to make it the best RP possible. Or, if you just want to talk about Inside Out, I'd love to do that as well.

7. Please make good characters. I understand Advanced Roleplayer's over on that section have no problem with this, but I don't like RPing over there. When I'm on casual roleplay, not many seem to care a whole lot about making good characters. They just make walking cliche's to get into an RP, and then completely change that character as the RP barely starts. It's annoying, lazy, and doesn't really make me want to accept you if I'm GM or co-GM.

Characters are the literal heart and soul of roleplaying, and should be treated as such. If you make your characters card-board cut-outs, it only tells me that you either don't care, are lazy, or that we absolutely need a moderate roleplay section on the forums to bridge the gap between posting 1-2 paragraphs with barely any work put into characters, and posting 6-8 paragraphs with enormously deep backstories, love, and care, put into characters.

8. I am a caring and nice guy, so don't be afraid to talk to me about anything. I'm fairly hard to offend, and even harder to make mad. I seriously enjoy getting to know my fellow members, so talk whenever you feel like it.

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Meh, those examples aren't anywhere close to VNs really. VNs normally have static images and environments that you can't move around in. It's like a picture book pretty much. Everything looks like this:

Image is put in a hider for space reasons.

Just static images with text, and that's it.

You get the uncommon fancy image, or maybe animation every now and then, but this is what most VNs look like. Also, they usually have voice acting, though some won't.

There aren't any 3D environments, there's no exploration, there's no "actual gameplay" because you don't even directly control the main character. It's just something you read, and get to make decisions on.

I honestly prefer this simplistic style, because the whole point of a VN is enjoying the story. You don't have to be on guard for random QTEs, nor do you have a limited amount of time to select an option.

You go at your own pace, at your own leisure, and in a way, I do enjoy that more than video games with "oh man, there are zombies, and you have a split-second to decide who you're going to save." Granted, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I'm showing you how it's different from the average Telltale game. You can enjoy QTEs and rushed selections as much as you want, but those frankly aren't for me.

I went way off topic lol. This is what happens when I talk about something that I have a passion for I guess, haha. Or when I go a long time without doing anything IC.
I don't recommend them unless you're like me to be honest. I love to read, I like being able to influence what I read, and I'm a hopeless romantic. If you don't like doing even one of those things, VNs might not be for you. It's rare to find one that has absolutely no romance at all, and a majority of them have romance being the main theme. Even the so-called "legendary" Visual Novels still have major themes of romance, despite what the general consensus says.
Saya no Uta is a horror VN, but one huge arc is your love story with the main heroine.
Fate/Stay Night is an action VN, but one huge arc is falling in love with your chosen partner.

So you pretty much need to be comfortable with three things:

1. Reading, a lot, and keeping all that you've read in your memory to pull up in later situations.

2. Influencing stories. Options will pop up that give you an option to change the story for better or for worse, this is where your reading knowledge comes in.

3. Romance. If you don't like romance, nor are romantic in the slightest, the vast majority of VNs won't appeal to you at all. I am sadly a huge sucker for romance, so I gravitate to VNs like they're giant planets.

The closest video game series I can say that compares to a VN experience is the Pheonix Wright series, but that's stretching it really, really far. Mostly because it's argued that simply picking dialogue options does not mean "gameplay," and Pheonix Wright does far more than simply picking dialogue options.
Exactly. I've played longer Visual Novels that were free too! They didn't have much production value though. The art was bland and generic, and the events weren't really that good, but it was about 15 hours per route, and I enjoyed it to no end. I just hate paying a lot for nothing, even if it's a very well-made piece of nothing, it's still nothing. I'd rather take 10+ hours of okay, rather than 4 hours of something good that ends way too fast for me to soak in.
I hate buying Visual Novels, just to find out that the route I wanted only takes 4 hours to beat. If you make a visual novel, make sure that each route is at least 10 hours or it's a waste of money and time. Can't believe I spent $15 on pretty much a 4 hour game. Granted, those 4 hours were all amazing, but I hate when things are cut too short. Length is probably my priority now with VNs.

Maybe I shouldn't have bought a VN made specifically for smart phones though. I should have expected it to be short, but not 4 hours short! That's inexcusable! Who here would pay $15 for a 4 hour game? I'm pretty sure no one would raise their hand.
No request pops up. It's like a one-sided friendship pretty much then. "You wanna be friends?" "No." "Too bad, it says friendship added."
I don't see a friend option. Have you gone crazy Jollan? I do however see that they've finally implemented arena stats. It's taken them a while, but hopefully those over on the arena section are grateful for it. If anything, I hope that arena section can grow a little bit because of it too. I used to love arenas, it's where I made a few of my favorite characters. Tek might be the only one to know this character, but Nu was made originally for arena RPs.

Jollan, I feel like the only way to fix your predicament is by joining 50 different RPs, and GMing 3 of your own. This way, no matter what, you have something to reply to, or post on, about... Every 5 minutes or so.

Happy pageclaim to me! Happy pageclaim to me! Happy pageclaim dear Ragna~! Happy pageclaim to me!
I feel your pain Jollan. Want to go to the pub and get some drinks, mate? kidding of course. I can't actually make any IC posts till my cousins are gone. This is because I'm being forced to spend just about 90% of my time outside, and because I don't want my phone to die out faster than most RPs, I leave it on the lowest brightness.

I really hate making mediocre posts, mostly because I feel that I owe it to the community, and the friends that I make here, to make them quality. With a phone that I can barely see during the day, and tiredness during the night, that's pretty much impossible to do. I can, however, remind you guys that I'm alive with OOC, lol. Plus, during the nights I'm currently planning out a little novel I'm working on, but keep that secret y'know? Might even turn my novel idea into a cool RP if I can work out all of the levels and classes lol. Cousins are gone in about a week though, so don't worry guys.

I would post again if I knew some way to advance the plot without irking Tek in some way.
I remember having steam. Until I had to sell my comp. :( lol.

It's probably because Evo is going on this weekend. I can't watch it because of my cousins, even though I really wish I could.

This thread might be dead though now, sadly. :( I feel bad whenever I put work into characters that don't get an ending. Even if they were to die, I'd be more satisfied. It's this crazy sense of guilt in my head that says, "you put work into them for nothing." I know they aren't real people, but I tend to treat them as such. So it feels like "you just abandoned someone in limbo," every time an RP ends too early. That doesn't mean their legacy ends here though. I'll probably use them in another RP, hopefully, unless a miraculous revive happens. Does anyone have any phoenix downs?
I don't know. He screams a bunch of Muda Muda Muda's and then makes this sound like Wryyyyyyyyyy. It's a super move, though it's super cool to see pros combo it into a 50 hit combo. I think that his punching the steamroller somehow transfers into Jojo, dealing damage.
The new person has literally been off the site for 5 days now. I think it might be safe to just continue on, for the sake of my sanity at least. I don't want to grow a beard ten times over because the person is done with the site, and just hasn't told anyone.

Their last post was on this thread. It will always be safe to assume "oh, but maybe they're on vacation or something," but considering this site, and the amount of newbies I see leaving it on a weekly basis, it's more safe to assume she's just done with it. They're all leaving to join stinking Iwaku too, so they clearly weren't ready for this website anyways.

Fray literally joined ten days ago, but stopped posting altogether 5 days ago. That's like an 80% chance that Fray is done with the site.

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