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    1. Raye_Odenu 11 yrs ago


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I was wondering if anyone would like to start up an ingress-based RP.

For those that do not know what is this Ingress is. Ingress is an augmented reality game you play on your phone. Ever since the Cern tests a few years back it has released a particle known as Exotic Matter (XM for Short) into the world. It is up to the player to gather the XM to use to capture objects known as portals which can be either monuments, historical sites, and other places of significance. It is at its simplest form a game of capture the flag and territories playing against each other in two separate factions.

Their is the Enlightenment which believes that XM particles are the gateway to humanities evolution and that their are higher beings that will help us along the way. This has lead to some to pursue this goal with extreme zealot-ism believing these higher beings is humanity's savior from all their troubles.

Based on experience: The Enlightened faction is like all factions a mixed bag of tricks. But what stands out to define the group is a feeling of superiority above the other faction, Heavy hitters that play to no end (eat, sleep, ingress), and above all else willing to go to whatever length to achieve their goals. Group tactics are the key to their success. Their groups of more organized than their Resistance counterparts in most respects, however that trend has started to be challenged.

The second faction is the Resistance, under the guidance of an AI of unknown origin known as ADA (a detection algorithm) they stand to stop the spread of XM. This has led to some intrafaction conflict on with a rough 50-50 split on how to use XM particles. One side wants the complete eradication of XM while others want to use it for Humanity's benefit, however what sets this sect apart from the Enlightenment is that they want Humans to make their own destiny free of interference from other groups (Higher beings).

Based on experience: The Resistance prefers to solo tactics making it to where everyone is skilled to equal level this leads to a general standard but there are fewer who at higher levels. Very independent minded and refuses to follow orders unless it serves a common interest. Most think logically in terms of attack but prefer tactics that follow terrorist/guerrilla fighters keeping the enemy off balance and not sure where the next attack would be at.

The Story:

In the near future the game has picked up more players however there is starting to be a fundamental change with the interconnectivity of the world through media the internet has actually become physical effectively becoming augmented reality or Reality 2.0 (See Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne later chapters to take my meaning). You play a member of a faction and you may have been a casual or pro player at the game however something has fundamentally changed. Your abilities in the game start to actually effect the world around you. XM Busters and other gadgets from the game start to effect you enough to where it can change the world. However forces are going to want to use you and your whole life will be turned upside down. Now it is up to you and few other to find answers and if this game was actually the grand plan of some higher beings or something more sinister.
I am not doing an RPG in this. This is a narrative. Kojima Particles are deadly. H3 doesn't exist in large quantities there are no colonies on Jupiter.
no seed...seperate universe if you name your mobile suit infinite justice or strike freedom I will Sol Dios Cannon your suit
Story thus far:

Mankind capable of so much good and evil has grown to the point that Earth could not sustain them. Demanding more from their mother, Humanity's world powers began to compete for resources to fuel their respective people needs. This soon led to conflict and death on horrific scale. What is now know as The 21st Wars scarring the world permanently. When the 22nd century came with it a tenuous ceasefire as the world held could no longer sustain its cycle of war after war.

In 2105, the remaining nations of the world convened in Brasilia to negotiate. The primary nations that were represented at the conference were the Ruso-Indo Federation, The New Republic of Texas, The African Union, The Euro Hegemony, The Argentine Confederacy, Suilie, and The United Democratic States of America. After months of debate and negotiations The Treaty of Brasilia was ratified. The stipulations and sanctions limited the amount of conventional troops and banned the use of nuclear weapons in any future war. Following soon after their was a massive push by various countries to start space colonization efforts. Unfortunately the pace was slow going, their was not a reliable source fuel that could meet the requirements of what was needed for this great undertaking.

In 2119 the discovery of a new fuel source discovered by Scientist Hanzo Kojima. The Kojima particle as became known was made by colliding the atoms of radioactive elements (i.e. Uranium and Plutonium) within a super-collider. This breakthrough helped mankind usher in a new era space exploration and jump started the space race. By the year 2157 humanity had established colonies around Earth and on the moon. It was an era of unprecedented peace.

However their was a dark side to it. Dr. Kojima never let the public know either by his own choice or those that funded his research that the use of Kojima particles damaged Earth's Biosphere more so then nuclear weapons that scarred the Earth. By placing the energy facilities in areas where the general populace would be far away and in remote locations where the effects wouldn't be visible. Darker still, factions began experimenting with weaponizing the deadly particle, using it to power future machines of war. Eventually it came true with advent of the LYNX Battle Suit. Developed in secret by a coalition of Ruso-Indo, Suilie, and USDA scientists they all sought to use it for their own gains. Mainly the control of a vast majority of KOJIMA Power Facilities.

Publicly the NROT began to advance farther in the space race and robotics than any other power mainly due to its products use for civilian applications eventually culminating in the General Use Neural Dynamic Automatic Machine or GUNDAM for short, used primarily for space based operations and construction work it is a versitile group of humaniod machines using an advance quantum computer that thought alone is enough to move the machine, linking the pilot through a neural bridge. This machine allowed them to maintain an edge against other nations even implementing the software in its military forces. The material used make the system is a well guarded secret for NROT and no other power has cracked the formula. Its main ally, The African Union, is a major foodstuffs and exporter in raw materials with its neighbors Suilie and Euro hegemony specializing in energy production.

Now it is up to you to decide where your loyalties lie. Join Ruso-Indo to dominate the world, USDA to regain what was lost, NROT to leave humanity's cradle, The AU to rebuild the Earth, the Euro Hegemony to evolve mankind, or Suilie to exterminate those that are inferior
Would you like to join then?
The Plan:

It is going to be an original universe. Because trying to do it in gundam universe basically means SEED and... Lets leave at that. I am not going to start a fanwar. So it is an original universe on the one hand you have standard MS units like the guntank, GM, and the Gundam. On the other you have the AC style counterparts. It will be starting out small with a fictional country however borders are being redrawn for political reasons. Essentially Kojima particles have been around for about 20 years and an artificial particle have has been made in a lab within a different country. If those have played AC series Kojima Particles can lead to fallout if weaponized making the Earth uninhabitable (hence the Cradles you see in AC4/A) Space colonization is fairly new. Only a few colonies for the fictional superpowers at max.

Still working on the details but if interested please PM in a role you would like to play. However there will be no main hero. Be willing to let go of your character or not use for awhile. Remember if you do survive from a near death experience more than likely you are crippled or having a long recovery time.
Well want I to do is take elements from Armored Core and Gundam and combine them a little if not just do one or the other. It is interesting to do an AC one because their is very few moments of true dialogue and yet it would be nice to see what motivates the Lynx pilot. But other than that I just want to do something that requires a decent amount of thought applied to this.

This is a narrative not an rpg tabletop for that you go on roll20 for that. If you are going to complain about not having a CS I want to know what you want to be i want to know the story around your character. Nothing more or less. And Kojima Particles are nothing like Minovsky particles. Combat will be light at first because one. There is not a war yet. So quit expecting to be hotshot MS/AC pilots. If all of the people are like that then this is mute. Interactions with characters is key because it decides how the narrative plays out. If you have a problem with that I am sorry but I am not GMing, I do that enough for the SW campaign.

Character Template:

Name: [Character’s Name] | Age: [age] | FC: [Face] | Availability: Open/Closed

[extra information - e.g. special powers, species, etc.]
[extra information - e.g. special powers, species, etc.]
[extra information - e.g. special powers, species, etc.]


[Two to four long paragraphs about the character’s background, including where, when and he/she grew up and what his/her childhood was like; in general, what made him/her who he/she is today. Try to write this section like a story, rather than a textbook.]


[Two to four long paragraphs about the character’s personality, including their likes and dislikes, how they feel about those around them, how they feel about themselves, their favourite pastimes, etc. Try to write this section like a story, rather than a textbook.]
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