Maria ducked and weaved through Blake strikes lashing out with the blunt of her blade to scrape against his Metallic limb. the scraping sent an aray of sparks that lit up his empty eyes as he spoke with hollow in his voice.
"hmm..." Maria thought. pondering his words. "your not at fault. we are all in this together, we do not stand alone on this ship nor on the battle field. each and every one of us fights for us all weather or not the outcome is good or bad dose not rest of the mistakes of one Mans actions. no one is blaming you. so do not blame your self." Maria said Jumping and kicking Blake in the stomach.
"we can only help to make the best of our failures to build our self's higher so we don't fall in the future. Be strong and the rest of us will stand with you."
"And about your arm.. i think its an improvement. verrrryy nice design."