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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

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Jurano was weak after Koat started calming him down, his body was aching all over, the pain in his back was overpowering him. When he heard the demon taunting them he made a small whisper towards him.
"I'll make you wish you never said that, you son of a bitch.."
He eventually fainted hearing the slight buzz of the ships teleporter.

7 hours later, shortly after Mike woke (Medical Bay): Jurano woke suddenly screaming at the top of voice, he almost blasted a hole in the side of the ship when he realised that he was in the medical bay. He remembered the pain in his back when he realised that his wings have been replaced by mechanical ones. He pulled at them slightly, although they were cold, they felt the same as his real ones, the muscles still pulled in the right direction and the wings responded when he made them span out.

"That son of a.." He whispered to himself, his fist clenched. He got up slowly and regained his balance, he went over to the mirror and saw himself, his hair had changed from black to a starch white.
"What the?" he asked himself
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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6 Hours Earlier

About an hour passed since the mercenary crew known as the "Hellsquad" barely escaped with their lives. ...Well, that's the more noble way of putting it, but the fact is their lives so to speak weren't in danger. Knowing what was unleashed at the time, Samuel probably just toyed with them as a kind of early morning exercise. No different to him as a stretch after being in that orb for...god, how long WAS he in that orb again? It must have been for thousands of years in this dimension's time. As he walked above what remains of this building since that collapse would clearly have collapsed the building as well, rules of foundation and all, the blonde haired boy looked at and grabbed a fragment of the orb that Samuel was sealed in. He blew on it, and a puff of purple smoke blew off of it into the air. There was no doubt now as to what this relic was to him, but the question was, how did Samuel of all people get stuck in? Well...Another question for another day. In a way, this is actually quite fortunate. With Samuel out and about, maybe a certain Fallen One would now be thrown out into the open. Until then though, the lone angel merc, Senkai Sabath, will have to just continue with his job searching. Eventually, the asshole-in-command should show himself at least to try and lure him into a trap or something.
Hell: Now

7 hours...It's been 7 hours since the fallen angel, Sore Saige, rekindled his connection to his master. 7 hours since he led the fools under the guise of their "Client" to the orb and broke it free. Everything went like clockwork for his lord and master. He watched as all the demons did in his master's hell in entertainment at what he did to the disgracefully named 'Hellsquad', and did so with much delight. Once Samuel finished playing with his new toys, Sore raised a smirk as he made the finishing touches of the preparations for Samuel's return. He placed on his armor, his crown of thorns-like helmet coming on last, and prepared all the demons and monstrosities of hell for his arrival, so that they may do whatever is asked of them from his lord should he need anything done immediately.
Among them, hanging on a stalagmite by the sword was a masked man in a green jumpsuit, his every little twitch and swing creating images behind him, his eyes glowing red. He too awaited Samuel's arrival with great anticipation. For when he does return to them, it means the superhuman Jack Hell can get back to is murders and massacres. Feeling dehydrated from his time spent in isolation and hiding under Sore's orders, he longed to quench his thirst with blood. ...Particularly child-blood since it always tasted like a fresher more polished iron compared to an adult in his prime. Though, that in particular was quite an addicting taste, one he's been without for far too long. With a chuckle, muffled by his white mask, he daydreamed the thought of Samuel giving him the order to slaughter a well civilized and populated planet, ..ohh, the screams of agony and fear the adrenaline of seeing prey run for their lives, the feeling of satisfaction he gets when he sees soldiers trained for combat and destruction of any threats cower in fear and yell for help just before he cuts out their hesophagus, and those tear, oh the salty goodness of their tears of fear, oh yes he missed that taste for a long time. Sure he could just drink an ocean but there's something about salty water from the eyes of a dying man that just can't be beat...

"...Oh, crap, I got lost in Nostalgia again." He thought as he shook off his daydreaming, focusing on the upcoming event for all of hell to see.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

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Ryan's trick must have been seen through, as despite his hiding in the puddle of shadows, Samuel seemed to simply stomp directly on him, using enough force to break his bones in multiple places. While it wasn't a long-term thing for someone who changed his bone structure regularly, it still hurt terribly. He changed to his usual form, the shadows dissipating to elsewhere as he held back the wish to let out the pain vocally. He looked towards Samuel, taunting them, having hurt many of them. "We will kill you..." He glared at him, beginning to stand up. "I... will kill you." Just as he was about to step forward, they were transported back to the ship. The anger had been the only thing keeping him conscious, and the lack of the cause of his anger lead to it fading. Though his mind was on the verge of losing consciousness, he walked to where Zayne was, lifting her up by her arm and putting it over his shoulders. He brought her to the medical bay before he finally fully lost consciousness. When he woke again, the pain from the once-broken limbs was much less than it had been before, and his mind could focus much more easily. He sat up slightly, glancing around for where the others were, if the others were okay, and whether it was a dream all at once.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxWolfyxX


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Blake simply walked to his room. "I should have one around here." He said as he opened his closet. He looked around and found an old wooden prosthetic arm. "Time to go to medic....again." He left the wooden prosthetic and walked into the medical bay of the ship. He had wrapped the sleeve around his shoulder that hurt like crazy due to it being shattered. he was covered in his own blood. Dry now due to the fire he used in the field. "I need a new arm." He grumbled. "An auto-mail arm please i would like to sock Samuel right in his head with it." He yelled at the surgeon who had walked in to the room once he saw his missing arm.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria awoke in the darkness of the medical bay her head reeling and her memory flashing. Hugo was perched above her on the bed frame head tilted down in worry and concern. "are you alright" he squawked in a whisper as he peered down at her.
"fine i think just a bit if a ache all over... what happened after we teleported??" Maria said sitting up clutching a long bony finger to her skull, her pitch black hair out of her tiwn tails and flowing round her head. she looked up and scanned the darkness everyone in the bay was asleep, resting soundly.
"is everyone OK" Maria asked turning to Hugo who still hadn't answered her.
"....Humm the angel is badly wounded as was the commander they both had maniacal counter parts installed to replace the damage done to there wings.... and mostly everyone else is in a stable condition." he turned flexed his wings "you have been out for hours"
Maria swung her bare feet off the end of the bed and tugged on her boots, trying her hair back and pulling on her leather jacket over her top she strided out of the medical bay her green eyes glowing as she rehabilitated her balance and coordination.
"alright lets head the the observation deck i don't feel like retiring tonight...."
"yesss Maria" hissed Hugo as he landed silently on her broad shoulder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxWolfyxX


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Blake woke up after an hour out of surgery. He lunched up like he has had a nightmare. "He looked around at his teammates. "I've failed miserably today." He said as he he let anger fill his voice to hide the pain from the surgery but it clearly showed in his eyes. "Once I see that,that,that demon I'm going to rip his head off and feed it to the hell-hounds." He said as he stared at his cybernetic arm. "At least they used the design I've asked for the devils hand. A friend of mine a master engineer made me the blue prints. He's really good at this the arm is demon titanium one of the strongest metals in the underverise." He said as he stared at it some more.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 8 days ago

Seth had arrived on the ship little more then an hour ago and walked down the halls observing almost every detail of the ship, from the features on the walls location of stars outside of the window his yellow eyes catching it all. The boy had been invited to the ship by Nari, who was an old friend of his whom he owed a large debt to for an unspoken reason, though was quite lost in finding her so he started to ask some other members of the crew. They pointed him towards the sick bay which, after a few wrong turns and enlisting the help of more people, he found and arrived in the medical bay.

Once he had arrived the humanoid let out a slight sigh as he built his composure and entered the medical bay, his usual yellow eyes turning to a deep crimson red as he walked down "Nari?" Seth asked repeatedly in a hushed tone as to not awaken any sleeping patient while keeping his hands buried deep in his long jackets pockets and keeping the hood to that jacket up as to not attract too much unnecessary attention to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

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Mike stood up from his bed slowly as he flexed his new wings before he sat up and noticed the new person who had entered the Medical bay, Mike was already on edge with the beating Samuel had given them as well as the fact that he lost his dragon wings, that he may have acted a little too much on impulse as he grab Seth and slammed him against the wall with a growl as he said "Who the hell are you and what are you doing on my ship?". Mike's eyes flashed dangerously as he stared into Seth eyes. Mike knew every crew member on this ship and he knew when new people were coming, but this humanoid was too new to him so Mike currently suspected him of working with Samuel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nari sat up, having awoken by the sound of her name being called and the commotion Mike caused.
Her vision was blurry for a moment after sleeping for so long after the mental damage she sustained, but her senses warned her to wake up fast.
She gasped in surprise and stumbled out of bed, grabbing hold of Mike. 'Mike! Mike, he's my friend! I invited him.' she said hastily, trying to pull Mike away from Seth.

Mina awoke as she heard the commotion, but didn't get up. She felt completely drained of power, being near such a powerful demonic entity.
She looked over to see Zayne still asleep. She figured the portal she had been thrown in had quite an effect on her. She wondered if anything happened in there, but wouldn't know until the reaper woke up. She sighed and tried to fall asleep or get up, either one would be fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxWolfyxX


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Blake started to rip out the wires. "I'm going to go train." He grumbled obviously ticked off. He basically stormed all the way to the training bay. He fell onto his knees. "II'm a failure, what kind of demon am I if I have only one arm." He muttered to himself. He started to cry softly. As his tears hit the ground the evaporated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria sat on the window sill in front of the railing in the observation deck stroking Hugo who roosted on her knee head under his wing. the lights were off so the room was lit by only the light of the far of stars and Gas Supernovas that happen in the far corners in space.

the was a crash in the hallway and Maria Jumped at the loud noise waking the Raven with a shriek. "what is it" he Hissed roosting on the sill.
"i don't know im going to check......." Maria said striding out the door her green glowing eyes peacing the darkness. she stumbled across a figure collapsed in front of the training room.
Blake lay on the floor.
"are you alright Maria Spoke reaching out a long bony hand to assist her comrade. "did you fall" she pondered looking around for a trip hazard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxWolfyxX


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"I'm fine, just wallowing in self pity, like a boss." He said jokingly he sniffled and wiped off his tears. "Why?" he asked turning around. "I'll be fine, I'm always fine I just need to train harder." He said halfly to him self as he got up. He started to stretch his cyber kinetic arm breaking in the new mechanics. "Wanna train?" He asked the normal spark of fire and despair that is normally in his eyes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

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At the doorway of the Training room stood what appeared to be a human, roughly 17 in age by the looks, wearing a heavy black trenchcoat, over a red button-down shirt, blue jeans and purple sports shoes. He watched Blake and Maria, and of course Hugo, interacting with each other, give a soft gentle smile at the two trying to support the demon. Blake reminded him of a demon he once knew about, a demon who also lost an arm, reacting the same way Blake is now. Unlike Blake, he never had the best surgeons implant a new arm in his place. He had to learn how to fight without it. Needless to say, Blake had it easy. Knowing that Maria has his side right now, the human, known only as X, walked off. He then looked to the medical to see what was going on there. Sure enough, there was the captain pinning someone against the wall. ...He knew this child, He overheard Nari talk about him. With this in mind, X made a loud clearing of the throat to get the attention of the Captain, Nari, and Seth.

"If I may, I can vouch for him, Captain. I let him on board not too long ago while my assistance were helping in your recoveries. Nari did request for his assistance. With respect, If you have any problems, I recommend discussing it with us on the bridge, rather than here so as to ensure silence as my patients sleep." He said to Mike, a calm, gentle tone in his voice though silent to almost whisper so as to not disturb anyone sleeping here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jurano noticed the commotion going on in the next room and he went to investigate only to find a new figure and Mike holding him against the wall. When Nari and X told them that they vouched for the new figure he walked into the hallway and into his room. He walked in trying his best not to trip over and found his swords on his bed. Both were broken at different points, he picked them up and threw them into a bin on the other side of the room, he changed out of his torn clothes and put on a suit that closely resembled a school uniform but it was designed with his special colours. He looked in the mirror, he still couldn't get over the sudden change in hair colour. He sat down at the piano in the corner and started playing something to calm his nerves,(The song he is currently playing) he didn't notice when Koat entered the room. After he finished he turned around finding Koat standing in the door, she got changed into a crew members uniform.
"Hey there." She said to him, knowing he was depressed about losing his wings, he only played that song in times of sadness.
"Hey..." Jurano replied to her, he stood up and fell onto his bed, "Well this kinda sucks, first time we see each other in, what seven years? and you see me get close to death in the same day."
"Atleast we can see each other again, and I need to talk to, uh Mike I think?" she asked
"Yeah you may aswell, he would like to know what you know." he answered in kind
"Heh, maybe I can talk to his sister aswell, she's kinda cute." she teased
"You have a thing for Sashia? you've only known her for about eight hours."
"So? Just cause I have a thing for girls, so is there some sort of relationship i should know about?" She teased
He sighed, "I'd rather not share that information, if i spill and it gets out ill be the laughing stock of the ship." he almost smiled.
She gasped in disgust, "What? don't trust your dear sister? I did help your ships doctor with saving your butt."
"Nope. You should go talk to Mike." He said burying his face in his bed.

Koat sighed and exited the room and made her way to the infirmary where she was told she could find Mike. When she enetered she found Mike holding someone to the wall, X and Nari were trying to calm him down so she waited it out before asking Mike.
"I heard that you may want to talk with me?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria looked over Blacks broken Soul. the fire that was normally there was absent from his eyes. they were hollow and empty as he fell deeper into the darkness with in himself.
"hmmm......its not all bad come on ill spar with you for a while" she said waking into the training room flicking on the lights with a long finger. the room was ignited in a bright white light and Maria eyes stung form the sudden change. turning around she saw that Blake still hadnt moved from the darkened doorway.

"you coming or are you to afraid to lose to a nymph" she said with a smirk trying to bring out the Competitive side in her comrade. and attempted to draw out a smile. she drew her daggers and flicked her wrists in a tornting manor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria looked over Blacks broken Soul. the fire that was normally there was absent from his eyes. they were hollow and empty as he fell deeper into the darkness with in himself.
"hmmm......its not all bad come on ill spar with you for a while" she said waking into the training room flicking on the lights with a long finger. the room was ignited in a bright white light and Maria eyes stung form the sudden change. turning around she saw that Blake still hadnt moved from the darkened doorway.

"you coming or are you to afraid to lose to a nymph" she said with a smirk trying to bring out the Competitive side in her comrade. and attempted to draw out a smile. she drew her daggers and flicked her wrists in a tornting manor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

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With a very beastly grow, Mike drop Seth onto the floor and said "Fine, but I don't trust him. Nari, you will be keeping an eye on him during his time", he looked at Koat when she enter thought Sashia beat him to the first word "You look so sexy in that outfit Koat" She said with a wink at her before Mike ahem and looked at Koat. "Come to the bridge Koat and we will talk there, Nari, you bring your friend as well and can some grab the prisoner Prozast as well. I want to have a talk with you guys about this ship and what I'm going to do with you" Mike then left the room to go to the bridge, his metallic dragon wing closed behind him.

Samuel appeared on the throne of hell as he looked out at the army he had before he looked at Sore and said "I have return Sore, those foolish supernatural thought they were doing something big". He then looked around and flexed his hand "I trust killing Satan was not too hard for you, my loyal second in command" Samuel asked him calmly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nari growled lightly at Mike's rough treatment, but somewhat understood his annoyance. He had lost a battle, his wings and a lot of his crewmates were injured. Zayne still hadn't woken up and it was understandable he distrusted new arrivals, but he had accepted Koat almost instantly as well.
'Seth, you okay?' she asked him, gently nudging him off the ground.

Mina sat up a bit, grunting lightly. Her muscles felt like they were on fire from convulsing when the demonic energy hit her. She tried to get up, but felt woozy when she sat up straight.
She cursed lightly, she couldn't stay down anymore, but her body didn't allow her to get up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Captain, our 'prisoner' as you bluntly put it suffered a mental strain from whatever it was that was controlling him. It's he won't be awake for a while still." X told Mike, following him to the bridge as he did. Prisoner or no, it was X's duty to see to the health of everyone on board, without exception. It was clear that the captain was quite upset, and that made X quite concerned about his decision-making abilities being effected. He then noticed Mina trying to get up, and immediately rushed towards her.

"Please try to relax, Mina. You still haven't completely recovered. ...Whatever it was that attacked all of you apparently didn't pull any punches." He said to her.
As Samuel appeared on the throne, The demons cheered, Jack Hell laughed in excitement, and Sore Saige simply bowed to him.

"...I welcome you home, my liege. I'm glad to see the plan was a success." He said to him as he appeared. He then heard Samuel mention the Supernatural beings.

"To be fair, my lord, they did do something quite important: They released you from your prison." He said to him. He then heard Samuel ask about how the killing of Satan went. ...Ah yes, it was unfortunate, but he did recall the order to assassinate the great demon lords before Samuel was sealed the first time. ...However...

"Unfortunately, that was the only order I had to decline. ...You, I, and the Great Demon Lords, are eight of nine rulers of the nine Circles of Hell. We are each connected to each circle, and so I deduced it would be...unfortunate, possibly disastrous, especially as you were still contained in that orb, to eliminate one of them. Though you are now here freed from your shackles, and can sustain the entirety of the realm. But rather than eliminate them, I convinced them to serve you instead. You are, after all, the incarnation of our home. Fortunately, that was successful, and so all of hell, save for the first circle, is completely under your control." Sore explained.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mina growled and shook her head when X, or Sky as he was sometimes called, told her to stay down.
'I'm fine. I didn't even fight. Least I can do for the crew is get out of bed and go to that meeting.' she cringed in pain as she hung her legs from the side of the bed, slowly getting down. The moment she stood on her own legs she stumbled, yelping softly in pain and almost collapsing when her legs couldn't support her own weight.
A small beast came to her aid; her small dragon, the one that always sat on her shoulder. He grabbed her and tried to pull her up, but only managed to lower her to the ground softly. She almost felt like crying, but managed to keep it back and simply brush over the little dragon's head. 'Thank you, little onw...' she mumbled.
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