The universe is a strange and almost unexplored by everyone who has every taken on trying to find out everything about it. Aliens, Human and many weird and wonderful creatures live in this universe on one of the trillion plants that you could find. But even as we explore the world beyond all else there is always something that should never of been unearthed or something that would destroy the fragile balance the universe has. But as always, there are always people that are out there to stop it. However, who would of ever though this bunch of mercenary's would be the last thing that could save the Universe from the terrors of the most powerful Creature in the entire universe. The Essance of Hell will be unleashed upon the world and you will have to become a hero to save it but how can mercenary's become heroes?
1. Listen to me and my co-gms
2. Romance is allowed, but keep things PG-13. Any further then take it to the PM's
3. Because of the massive scale, you can be any type of Creature you want to be
4. Don't OP or I will warn you
5. Be committed to this.
6. No arguments, if you wish to duke something out do it else where or talk to me or my co-gm's Mina and Stryder and we will do our best to help you
7. No Godmodding or killing someone else character without their permission
8. DON'T SCREW WITH ME, I am the GM of this rp if I think your disobeying any of the rules. I will warn you, three warns and I will kill your character myself and kick you out
9. There is a Limit of three powers per person
10. More rules may be added.
Official CS:
Name: (Be realistic)
Gender: (Male or female)
personality: (How they act around friends and others)
species: (Like I said, there is a whole universe out there for you to make whatever sort of creature you want)
Crush: (Yep this is here too)
Powers: (Remember Limit of three and don't be OP)
Weapons: (Whatever sort of weapon you would like)
Current Character list (Thanks to Rusty for doing this for me)
Currently on the good team!:
Cassius (Stryder)
Mina, Zayne, and Nari (Minarawr)
Ryan (Rusty4297)
Blake (XxWolfyxX)
Yorgon Schal (Eemmtt)
Mike Fertar and Sashia Fertar (Mike the Bloodwolf)
Virgil (Krein)
Maria-Robbin (Razil)
Jurano Lightwind (jman221)
Koat Lightwing (Kiotra546)
Seth Hayata (Dash)
Dorr Khavinskiy (Vordak)
Currently trying to destroy everything...:
Samuel Hellrin (Mike the Bloodwolf)
Boss characters: (Can reappear if you wish or be killed after the first battle):
Prozest Turr (Hellhoundwolf) (May join team after battle) Boss 1
Argento (Xxwolfyxx) Boss 3
Darkstar (Stryder) Boss 4
Q (Mina) Boss 6
Menuo (Mina) Boss 10
Gaurdian (Bloodwolf) 3rd to last boss
Bastion and Alistair (Stryder) 2nd to last boss
Doctor Freon Marmusa (Jman) Boss 12
Tablet created by Mina

1. Listen to me and my co-gms
2. Romance is allowed, but keep things PG-13. Any further then take it to the PM's
3. Because of the massive scale, you can be any type of Creature you want to be
4. Don't OP or I will warn you
5. Be committed to this.
6. No arguments, if you wish to duke something out do it else where or talk to me or my co-gm's Mina and Stryder and we will do our best to help you
7. No Godmodding or killing someone else character without their permission
8. DON'T SCREW WITH ME, I am the GM of this rp if I think your disobeying any of the rules. I will warn you, three warns and I will kill your character myself and kick you out
9. There is a Limit of three powers per person
10. More rules may be added.
Official CS:
Name: (Be realistic)
Gender: (Male or female)
personality: (How they act around friends and others)
species: (Like I said, there is a whole universe out there for you to make whatever sort of creature you want)
Crush: (Yep this is here too)
Powers: (Remember Limit of three and don't be OP)
Weapons: (Whatever sort of weapon you would like)
Current Character list (Thanks to Rusty for doing this for me)
Currently on the good team!:
Cassius (Stryder)
Mina, Zayne, and Nari (Minarawr)
Ryan (Rusty4297)
Blake (XxWolfyxX)
Yorgon Schal (Eemmtt)
Mike Fertar and Sashia Fertar (Mike the Bloodwolf)
Virgil (Krein)
Maria-Robbin (Razil)
Jurano Lightwind (jman221)
Koat Lightwing (Kiotra546)
Seth Hayata (Dash)
Dorr Khavinskiy (Vordak)
Currently trying to destroy everything...:
Samuel Hellrin (Mike the Bloodwolf)
Boss characters: (Can reappear if you wish or be killed after the first battle):
Prozest Turr (Hellhoundwolf) (May join team after battle) Boss 1
Argento (Xxwolfyxx) Boss 3
Darkstar (Stryder) Boss 4
Q (Mina) Boss 6
Menuo (Mina) Boss 10
Gaurdian (Bloodwolf) 3rd to last boss
Bastion and Alistair (Stryder) 2nd to last boss
Doctor Freon Marmusa (Jman) Boss 12
Tablet created by Mina