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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The universe is a strange and almost unexplored by everyone who has every taken on trying to find out everything about it. Aliens, Human and many weird and wonderful creatures live in this universe on one of the trillion plants that you could find. But even as we explore the world beyond all else there is always something that should never of been unearthed or something that would destroy the fragile balance the universe has. But as always, there are always people that are out there to stop it. However, who would of ever though this bunch of mercenary's would be the last thing that could save the Universe from the terrors of the most powerful Creature in the entire universe. The Essance of Hell will be unleashed upon the world and you will have to become a hero to save it but how can mercenary's become heroes?
The essence of hell runs free to rupture the fabric of whole dimensions, even ones that weren't even known to exist, all the while a band of mercenaries continue to make profit off of battle, oblivious to the situation around them Everything torn asunder by hell's fury eventually begins to affect the squad as well, they take charge. They become the first responders to mend the dimensional ruptures and tears in fabric of space-time. They dub themselves as Hellsquad, their captain and sole leader Mike Fertar leads them to battle against the malevolent entities standing against them and the worlds that they are striving to protect. (Combined Paragraphs of Mine and Stryder's makes the perfect story start)
the ship:

1. At least a paragraph per post please, this is casual after all
2. Don't fuck with me or my co gms
3. Romance is allowed but please don't spend all your free time trying to romance someone, it get annoying
4. If you wish to become a traitor at soon point, inform me or if I am not online call on one of my co gms who will pass it on to me.
5. You will become stronger as time passes
6. When the Main villain makes his first appearance, you are not equal to this guy at the start. Last time, I did this someone though they could equal to this guy so they op a lot and it ruined the rp. This guy is the essence of hell, no one will be equal to him for a long time
7. No one man or woman army, we are a team and a team backs each other up.
8. Most importantly, Have fun
Standing in the mission briefing room was a young man with blonde hair, he had sapphire dragon wings, dragon tail and small horns which he kept scratching at. He then stood up and began to type up codes before he waited for everyone to report to the briefing room. His younger sister Sashia sat there in her seat looking at him rather boredly as she said "Mike, how long do we have to wait for the others?". Mike looked at her as he said "We are going to wait for as long as we have to Sashia, not everyone can get ready as quickly as you can" Mike told her with a smile as he brought up the ship map as he looked at all the rooms.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cassius was in his own private quarters suiting up, he put on a special type of suit that could take as much punishment as he could and adapt to his powers. Still though he wondered at times, when would he be more than a mercenary? The door slid open to the side and he stepped out of his room, he didn't really feel like walking, using his physiology would be nice, he broke into a super speed, only being registered as a red and black blur thanks to his suit's coloring. He stopped in the briefing room, probably surprising the captain how he had just miraculously appeared. "Cassius reporting in..." He spoke simply, announcing himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mina was in her room, getting dressed into a tight black suit with a hole in the back for her tail and two holes in the back for her wings. She zipped up the black, smooth fabric around her chest and looked at it in the mirror satisfied. Her new suit fit her perfectly, it looked amazing too. She pulled on a pair of black boots with heels and put the hood connected to her collar over her head. In the corner of the room a drake was perched on the corner of her bed, screeching softly at her. The beast was black with red marks on it's body and red eyes. It was a wyvern type dragon, so it didn't have any front paws, but perfectly held it's balance. She smiled at the creature and clacked her tongue to call it towards her. It landed on her shoulder and she brushed over it's scales. 'What do you think?' she asked, petting the small dragon softly, causing it to purr. It screeched playfully and brushed it's head against her cheek. 'Good, let's go.' she giggled and walked out. She reported into the briefing room and sat down on her usual seat. 'Mina, checking in.' she stated leisurely as she crossed her legs.

Nari had still been in her room and was finally getting dressed, her face filled with glee for the day. Finally a new mission, something to keep her from getting bored again. Playing around with the others was fun and flirting with the captain was always fun to see his reaction, but she had been aching to go on a mission. She finally got dressed into a baggy set of black pants and a black tube top that showed off her tanned belly. She had braided her long black hair and flicked her tails lightly as she looked at the result with a smile. She made her way outside and entered the briefing room, smiling brightly as she entered. 'Morning everybody~' she stated cheerfully, playfully making her way past Mike and brushing past his shoulder teasingly. 'Morning cappy~' she cooed softly before taking her seat.

Zayne was just done brushing her long red hair and tying it back into a ponytail. She had gotten dressed into a hooded vest reaching to her ankles, a red top with leather pieces on the sides, She slipped into a set of brown boots and dark pants and grabbed her double blades, placing them in holders on her back. Once she noted she was done with getting dressed she walked out and into the briefing room. She gave every member a faint nod as she walked in and sat down. 'Zayne checking in.' she stated plainly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Schal was finish cleaning his revolver when he got the word to suit up and report to the briefing room. He immediately got him self suited up and headed to the briefing room with his mask hanging on his belt. Schal hummed an old Irodien folk song as walked tapping a beat on his revolver holster as he went. He notice his reflection in one of the ships windows making a mental note to trim his beard. The sanfures soon made his way to the doors of the briefing room stopping briefly to make sure his uniform was in order before stepping in "reporting in sir," he said with a quick salute before sitting at his usual spot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan walked out of his room, the door sliding shut as he left. He wasn't in uniform yet, and he simply continued walking towards the mission briefing room. He inhaled slowly as he glanced around. He saw one or two of the others entering the room just before him, and stretched his arms out. As he was stretching, he began to use his ability to change shape, his uniform forming onto his body around him as he had simply remembered what it looked like to copy for later. He followed a few of the others into the room, glancing around. "Hello everyone." He glanced to Nari messing around with the captain and held back a chuckle. How she flirted with the others was almost as amusing to him as it was to her, especially since he could change shape to appear to be her and join in the joke, making it that much more amusing. "Ryan, reporting in..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mike blushed a little as Nari flirted with him and he cursed himself for always blushing as it gave Sashia something to tease him about, Mike did however wink at Nari as she walked past him, Sashia chuckled as she played with her pink wings and tail. Mike nodded to each person as they walked in all of them itching to get on with a mission like Mike himself was.
Once everyone was seated, Mike stood up and brought up a map as he said "Is everyone here, I guess we are missing one or two people but they can always catch up". Mike then coughed and stood up as his tail straightened up and his wings flared up.
"Alrighty guys, today we are traveling to the Proton system to the planet Nightwing, Our contact for this mission has told me that this planet has a powerful item that could cause planet wide destruction so they want to seal it away" Mike told the crew as he showed them on the galaxy map where the system was. They were not far from it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Virgil had shown up in the briefing room right before Mike began to inform the other mercs in the room about their latest mission. He smirked as he took a seat, teleportation always had its uses. Dodging strikes and projectiles in the nick of time, quickly landing in an unseen critical strike, and like now.... arriving just on time to a scheduled meeting.
As he listened Virgil looked around the room at the other people. Most of them were wearing fancy suits and equipment, most likely to try and look cool or something along those lines. Virgil wore a simple but advanced suit under his clothes; a black shirt and pea coat, a pair of dark blue jeans, black boots modded for stealth, and a belt which held a blade and a few trinkets.

"Any threats we should be aware of? You know, hostile indigenous life, natives, cults, the usual stuff people like us have to face."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan glanced to Virgil who had just arrived directly before Mike began speaking. After his question was finished, Ryan quickly interjected with a tack-on question for that. "Also, how would we be sealing the dangerous object? Would we be using some form of magic, or just digging really deep and dropping it before filling the hole back in?" His black eyes flicked between Virgil and Mike as he waited for more questions to pop up or the answers to the already-asked questions. As far as I'm concerned, everything else can be answered when we get there... But I'm sure at least one of the others wish to prepare...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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"If it's magic that needs to get the job done, than I'd be perfect for knocking that out of the way," Virgil said, a bit of pride lingering in his voice. Knowledge of the arcane, both light and dark, had always been Virgil's specialty ever since he was a child. Everything about it seem to come naturally to him, so much that the skill seemed innate rather than acquired. Inherited knowledge and skill of the arcane and advancement in the arts through study and use were both part of everything. Considering Virgil's bloodline, he had an extreme power over it, but usually he never had the opportunity to put more powerful displays of magic into use.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cassius simply stayed quiet, he was excited to go on a mission finally and test his powers out, he was sure no one knew what he could do in his normal or his mutant form. He noticed the women walking and just simply waved, not doing much else, he was wondering why the kumiho female wore such clothing, was it hot on the ship? Disregarding that he looked toward the one who asked a question about the potential threats, it didn't matter who they were, Cassius would crush them like ants under his boot. He looked toward another who asked how it would be sealed, he wondered that too but maybe they'd learn of it later. The last one, he was very overconfident it seemed, maybe the man really could contain the device with his magic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxWolfyxX


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Blake rushed into the briefing room his sniper loose strapped onto his back his rapier not hooked on his belt and his dagger not in it's leg sheathe the dagger. "Sorry I'm late." he said in his normal cold tone. "My alarm didn't go off, what did I miss?" He asked as he dropped his equipment and threw on his cowed hood. He sat down and tightened the strap on his sniper and slung it on his back. he strapped his dagger sheathe under his pants leg and his dagger he placed in loosely. he undid the rapier sheathe and clipped it on his belt. "I'm sorry once again." He added sitting still.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You've not missed much," responded Virgil to the newly arrived Blake. Thankfully Mike was one of those people who tried to drag introductions out if not all were present to make recaps easier, so the late guy was lucky.

"Basically, new mission on a planet called Nightwing with an artifact of power that can blow it up. Our job is to go in, have Cassius over here knock some heads together and entertain any foes, and leave the sealing or removal of this artifact up to those knowledgeable on things like these."

The knowledgeable ones being Virgil and maybe the girls. He looked towards Mina on that note. Since he had met her he could tell what she was. A demon, just like he partially was, meaning that she too probably had valuable insight on things of the supernatural/ethereal realms.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mina sat up a bit as questions were asked, her tail flicking lightly. 'Just some questions. First of all, who will be the primary group, who will locate the artifact and who will seal it? Having our tasks distributed evenly and balanced will ensure the mission goes correctly. If I may, I suggest placing Cassius, Zayne, Ryan and Nari in one team. Cassius will be the bulk of the team, Ryan and Nari can kill silently and Zayne can sense others souls and notify if anybody is approaching.' she explained.
'Yorgon should be one of the clean-up crew, accompanied by a small group of my beasts to take out any remaining guards. He has the durability to counter sneak attacks from the hiding guards so he's perfect for that task.' she added.
'I suggest putting Blake, Virgil and myself in the sealing team, considering we all have knowledge of the occult and magic objects. You and Sashia..' she gestured at Mike. '...will be our protectors while we seal the artifact. It will most likely be a draining task and we'll have to focus as we seal it.' she finished.
'Any objections?'

Zayne listened carefully to Mina's explanation and strategy. It was an excellent strategy in her eyes, devised to enhance their strengths and cover their weaknesses. Mina was in her eyes the main strategist of the team and one of the few people she would trust her life with if it came down to it. She nodded approvingly when she finished talking. 'I approve. It sounds like a good plan.' she stated plainly.

Nari listened to all the talking in a bored way. She wasn't one of strategy much, she usually just listened to what she was ordered to do during the mission. Mostly her task consisted of seducing somebody or killing groups of people. It was an easy task, one she could easily finish on her own, so she took little time listening to strategy. She pouted lightly, having caught on to some of the stuff Mina had said. 'Aww, but I wanted to be in a team with cappy.' she stated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cassius turned his attention to Mina when she spoke, a smile crept across his face when he was recognized as a powerhouse by her. He would have been more than happy to demonstrate his power on that planet, sure they knew what his powers were but he didn't think they knew what he could do. He heard her plan though, it was brilliant and tactful in his opinion at least. "I approve of this..." He said, a smile still on his face as he looked toward Mina.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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"Your suggestions are pretty close to what I had in mind," Virgil said to Mina, "So I have no objections against it."
Virgil also went on to say that the others needn't worry about whether or not his group could handle itself in a fight. He himself was at least certain he could fend for himself and make short work of his enemies, and quite honestly, Virgil would have fit perfectly on any team Mina suggested. Magic was his strongpoint obviously, but he often combined his knowledge of it with physical skills to become a suitable assassin or battle mage.

"Are we settled then? How long until we get to Nightwing?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mike listened to his crew discuss the plans without much input from him and he nodded as he agreed with his second in command "I agree with your plan Mina, but Nari can join me and Sashia is she wants to, it always nice to have back-up in case something goes wrong" Mike told them as he smiled. Mike actually really wanted Nari to come with him on the mission. Sashia chuckled a little as she was going to tease Mike a lot about this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Virgil interjected.
"Hmph, for any mission I think that teams should be formed on the basis of balance and how well the members can function with each other, not if one person wants to be with the other..."
He looked to Nari and then towards Mike. Those two seemed to always be joking around or teasing each other, and Virgil felt that their playful natures towards each other might distract them and make them take it less seriously than they should.
"Few possibilities for distraction among the teammates should also be taken into mind"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan nodded as possible plans were laid before them along with possible teams. He glanced to the others that, if using this plan, would be on his team. Chances are I would be the first to enter, my shape-shifting would be a huge advantage as I could possibly find out where it's being hidden. Then, I can find a good amount of shadows and signal the start of the attack before killing off a few. An enemy that you recognize as a friend always has the first strike.

"I like the plan. The team formations work well enough for me as well, seeing as we'll all be serious when necessary, of course." He glanced to Virgil, attempting to emphasize that he should trust his teammates to be as serious as he himself would be, rather than assuming they would be goofing off. Especially with the captain as one of the two that were supposedly being accused. He glanced to Mina now, "I should be the first of the squad to enter. I can possibly attain knowledge of where exactly the object is for later use, or I can find the comm room so that we have complete control over the area if we wish to keep the mission silent."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxWolfyxX


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Blake stood up quickly. "It's a nice plan, but what if the enemy silently slipped passed us, from behind us?" he asked knowing he had a good point. "I'll be more then honored to help with the sealing but, I would also like to volunteer as a lookout." He said placing a hand on his sniper. "I'm more then capable of being able to detect any movement and let along anyone who hides in the shadows." He said his eyes turning silver then a demonic purple then back. He sat back down and shook his head and rubbed his eyes. he never switched so fast between eagle vision (The silver) to nightvision (Demonic purple) then to normal sight in his life.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cassius looked toward the group in wonder, he was slightly unnerved, he wanted to badly show the team how useful he was so decided he'd maybe ask something, he quickly disregarded it. He was the newest addition to the team and he felt that he may say something out of turn due to lack of knowledge, being a rookie to an experienced team was never fun. He wasn't sure about his powers most of the time, fearing that he'd be harshly judged like had been when his powers first revealed themselves.
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