Strength is what we gain from the madness we survive.
1 yr ago
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1 yr ago
Strength is what we gain from the madness we survive.
1 yr ago
I miss roleplaying... I miss my friends... I don't like being alone... I don't like being forgotten....
1 yr ago
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Solstice, Happy Yule, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Happy Fesivest, and a Merry Epiphany! I hope everyone has a fun family filled time!
1 yr ago
Happy Whatever-You-Celebrate and a Happy New Year to come
1 yr ago
So... Have we disappeared again?
Well, about me... I've been rp'ing since '06 and have worked out my own set of characters that I'm pretty loyal to. I try to stay interesting and a little unpredictable with a few characters. I've grown to severely hate one-liners, though...
Otherwise, I live in Texas, I use pet names and nicknames alot, I'm married, my son just turned 16 and shares my warped sense of humor. I also knit and crochet in my spare time.
Well, about me... I've been rp'ing since '06 and have worked out my own set of characters that I'm pretty loyal to. I try to stay interesting and a little unpredictable with a few characters. I've grown to severely hate one-liners, though...
Otherwise, I live in Texas, I use pet names and nicknames alot, I'm married, my son just turned 16 and shares my warped sense of humor. I also knit and crochet in my spare time.
Any other questions, just ask.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Well, about me... I've been rp'ing since '06 and have worked out my own set of characters that I'm pretty loyal to. I try to stay interesting and a little unpredictable with a few characters. I've grown to severely hate one-liners, though...<br><br>Otherwise, I live in Texas, I use pet names and nicknames alot, I'm married, my son just turned 16 and shares my warped sense of humor. I also knit and crochet in my spare time.<br><br>Any other questions, just ask.<br><br></div>