Avatar of Red_massa
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 317 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Red_massa 10 yrs ago


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Ummm I don't really know what do put in my bio so I will just state random facts that best describe me. Not that anyone will really read this or if they do really care about its contents
Red_Massa's Random Fact Board

  • I like to draw (not very well but it happens)
  • I also frequent my spare time as a console gamer (I think I am quite good at it)
  • My favourite genre of music is Electronic
  • My most disliked genre of music is Screamo and than Country (Impeccable similarities between the two)
  • I enjoy anime and manga (I enjoy the former more because I like audio/video)
  • Dachshund is my absolute favourite breed of dog and I am blessed enough to have one!

I guess that's enough for meow, if I can think of anything else I guess I will just randomly change it without warning.

Current Anime Obsessions (Alphabetically Ordered)
‣ Attack On Titan
‣ Claymore
‣ Deadman Wonderland
‣ Death Note
‣ Fairy Tale
‣ HighSchool of the Dead
‣ Initial D
‣ No Game, No Life
‣ Ouran High School Host Club
‣ Soul Eater
‣ Sword Art Online

Most Recent Posts

In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@HushedWhispers Oh yeah sorry, Felix is completely done besides the hider
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I know I messed up my Hider but the silence treatment from @HushedWhispers seems a little rude *sniffle*
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Just yanking your chain @Heat. Also thank you for accepting *Tips hat*
Its a nice shiny RP for you to indulge in :)
I guess my character sucked so bad that I didn't get mentioned XD

Name: Nelson Fortier

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Occupation: Park Ranger

Skills ‣ Navigation/Tracking
‣ Hunting
‣ Survivalist
‣ Can be very supportive

Flaws ‣ Amputee
‣ Has trust issues
‣ Doesn't see well at night

Firearm proficiency: 3; Being a park ranger he has vast knowledge and training with multiple types of firearms. He has only used one in a real life scenario's once and only enough training to pass his qualifications.

Weapons: 10"Busse Battle Mistress

Equipment: Flint & Steel, One bottle of water, rope and harness.

Apparel: He has a tendancy of dressing in layers so that he can add or remove to adjust to the temperature. At any given time he could have a combination of the following; anything not worn is stuffed into his napsack.
‣ Black UFC hat ‣ Red Beanie cap ‣ Black Bandana ‣ Black Undershirt
‣ Forest Green shirt ‣ Black Sweater ‣ Black Jacket ‣ Navy Blue Shorts
‣ Faded Orange Cargo Pants ‣ Black Hiking Boots

Personality: Nelson makes himself hard to get to know since he places to many mental barriers up that it is tough to get passed but if you do manage to get there, you will love him since he is quite funny and witty. He can be protective to the right people.

Nelson had always loved the outdoors thanks to his fathers love for it also making it only natural that he had wanted to have an occupation outdoors. That was what created his want to be a park ranger, he liked to help people and he was in the outdoors perfect combination. Nelson once used to be quite a trustworthy person until one day the new guy that he was training had been examining his rifle when one day they had been approached by a mother black bear whom they later realized was looking for her cub. However when they needed to defend themselves the new guy panicked and took off running with his rifle leaving Nelson unable to defend himself. Nelson ended up using his training and played dead and luckily the bear didn't take his life, only his leg. After that day he still helps people as a park ranger but he doesn't train or trust anyone.

When the outbreak started Nelson had been out on patrol in the park like any normal day (no he didn't stop being a ranger since he lost his leg) When he had come across someone who had been covered in blood and limping and Nelson naturally assumed that it was someone who had injured themselves and had come looking for help. It wasn't until he called in for help and heard no response that he thought something might be up since they always had someone near the radio incase of emergencies. Nelson had approached the person and immediately got bad vibes and noticed that he had something in his teeth that resembled flesh. This was the first time that Nelson had ever fired a shot outside of a training scenario or qualifications and it was the second worst feeling he ever experienced.

Nelson has been living off the land, sleeping in trees thanks to his sleeping bag, rope and harness. He sometimes gets lucky and stumbles upon a cabin to rummage through and stock up on small supplies, but he has been avoiding going to more populated areas fearing of what is out there especially given how many of the undead that have been straggling out in the woods he doesn't imagine that large areas will be much better. It has been changing seasons and currently in mid November Nelson knows that he needs to find somewhere to survive since he knows that it is nearly impossible to survive a whole winter outside. Nelson had thought that if he travelled south for long enough that he would find something since he knew the limits of the forest but never needed to travel this far down. One day Nelson had found a trail that continued south further, this excited him since most paths like this lead somewhere. That was when Nelson spotted the steeple of a church!

Other: Nelson is a heterosexual. He might be a amputee but he has gone through full physiotherapy and has a fully functioning prosthetic leg.
I love all things post apocalyptic, let my name be known among the survivors!
I think this could be a delightful RP. I will shall voice my interest.
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