Avatar of ReedeThe23rd
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 191 (0.09 / day)
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    1. ReedeThe23rd 6 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current Infamous adult words like "tax evasion" or "debit card"
2 yrs ago
Nothing wrong with going "I dont want that." or "I wont join because of that." as long as whoever's doing that understands its a personal choice. People aren't owed an RP, and RPs aren't owed players.
2 yrs ago
Someone: What's your favorite anime? Me: Its complicated youtu.be/qIZL5qeEKj0
2 yrs ago
@gilgex there is not a single valid reason to hate people for their race, or any other biological factors they have no choice or control over
2 yrs ago
A rock stuck in your shoe, but like, metaphorically


I'm a stupid idiot who runs away from problems instead of facing them. Trying to change that one place at a time.

Most Recent Posts

And here's my chap from the interest check

<Snipped quote by LetMeDoStuff>

Mmm, yes. However the Empire has employed them with far better results.

Trandoshans are of a culture that favors shows of hunting skill. Surely working alongside the rebels to fight a superior for would be a more worthy challenge?
@Kuro More than happy to have you(or anyone else) include some tie-ins. Common ground is always a good thing in an RP, helps get the ball rolling early.
@Richard HorthyThat was my thought, worlds on the trade lanes with Zantia and in similar situations would likely know him, but in the wider scheme of things he's likely just to be a senator they've heard of once or twice before or similar, at best.
Haven't had time to go art hunting, so hopefully that won't be an issue, but here's the sheet barring edits and redrafts to account for GM notes and criticism.

Edit: fixed a typo or two and added some art

@Richard Horthy Was planning out some more detail, just wanted to run the concept by you before committing too much time to it
@Richard Horthy I did want to ask if a Leia-type character, someone who is invested in both the politics and military of the rebellion movement. Specifically I was thinking a surviving CIS politician who's pulling double duty leading the remnants of his people as a militia, after their homeworld fell to the Empire.
I'm on board with this idea if you'll have me, got a couple of thoughts rattling around, not sure what I'll finally settle on.
Right, might as well give this a shot, at least to shake some of the proverbial rust off.
I've been meaning to get myself back into the game, and I've always loved this kinda stuff, so I'll try tossing my hat in this ring.
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