Avatar of Richard Horthy


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9 mos ago
Current Casual RP has wayyy too many guests looking at it to not be constantly be scraped by AI.
1 like
9 mos ago
On the anniversary of his death, I would like everyone to take a moment and reflect upon the fact that the world hasn't been quite right since Harambe was killed.
9 mos ago
You ever want to RP, then you look at the sidebar at the New section and see "1x1 Master/Slave Stepsister MxF" and go, "Actually, I'm good. I don't wanna RP anymore."?
3 yrs ago
Oh quit being such a joyless sob. And respond to my 1x1 DMs, dammit. you really complain that nobody wants your 1x1s and you ignore me. harry potter and the audacity of this bitch, ya'll
3 yrs ago
Vrei să pleci, dar nu mă, nu mă iei Nu mă, nu mă iei, nu mă, nu mă, nu mă iei


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<Snipped quote by Richard Horthy>

ok yam

Bow before me, Murderer of Forum RPs
I hadn't logged onto RPGuild in years. I wasn't really sure why I stopped playing or even why I decided to come back now. But here I was, staring at the familiar login screen. I took a deep breath and typed in my username and password, hoping they were still correct.

To my surprise, they worked. And before I knew it, I was staring at the forum page. It was like I had never left. I scrolled through the different threads, trying to find something that piqued my interest. And that's when I saw it: Precipice of War.

Each year, one Preciprick would post about their country in the IC section. For fun, I decided to write a post about my new country, utterly irrelevant to the RP. And I knew exactly what I wanted to write about: Andorra.

I had stumbled across some interesting facts about the tiny country and knew there had to be some comedy gold there. So, I fired up my laptop and began to write.

As I typed away, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the things I was writing. I added in some over-the-top characters and ridiculous scenarios, making sure to keep it light-hearted and fun. Finally, I hit submit and leaned back in my chair, feeling proud of what I had written.

The next day, I logged back onto RPGuild to see if anyone had read my story. And to my surprise, not only had people read it, but they loved it. The comments were filled with laughing emojis and compliments on how hilarious it was. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

It felt good to be back on RPGuild, and even better to have made people laugh with my silly story about The Vatican. Who knew that logging onto a forum after years away could be so rewarding?
Interested! I have a few ideas, lemme know when this is up!
Forum RP is dead and we killed it.
Interested! Been getting into DA with my girlfriend this past year, just got done playing the whole series last month.
Here you go.
Do let me know if there are any issues.

I gotta wonder how comfortable that axe-stock rifle is...but aside from that, it looks good from where i'm sitting!

Maybe OOC you could tell me why his family came on over though?

"A stranger? Here? In Hōnshu-kuo? You've chosen a terrible time to come here."

"These are dangerous days...the Crimslings roam the Wilds -- That is their kingdom, and They rule it as if They are kings..."

"And what goes out to the Wilds nary come back -- and those that do...They are terrible things."

"Go, now."

"If the Beasts will not take you, the Kanbu will."

The world has become a small place -- so intimate, and all the more terrifying. What remains of mankind huddles together, scattered in the Arks: Entrenched hovels, platformed acropoli -- massive stakes of steel and concrete which pierce into the veins of the Earth. Each Ark is a colossal continuum of underground metropolis upon sprawling slum upon industrial park hath seen it blossom into a spoiled metallic onion. They are the collections of days long past, each one cradling the people of the world.

This is Honshu. It is known by many names -- to it's colonial overlords, past and progeny, it is Hâncheau, The Pearl of the East, and Dominion to Ardagne: Le Régime Éclairé. To those who have lived and toiled their blood away until they fainted white, it is Hōnshu-kuo. On their maps, The Dominion is a single entity: Honshu, in truth, was -- and still is -- a country of systemic irregularities: Administrative, legal, judicial, and ecclesiastic divisions and prerogatives frequently overlapped, while the Ardic nobility struggled to maintain their rights in the matters of local government and justice. All the while, the Samurai clans of Honshu met their fate, either as gravestones or as eager collaborators to the Régime Noveau.

But even this is but a tenuous connection: With The Fray receded, the powers which stay standing squabble over the remnants. Mayors and chieftains, like bickering children, argue over the responsibilities -- who shall re-tether the elektralines, who shall give the most men to scout the wilds, who shall fire their furnaces and forges the longest, who shall contribute the more food-stock: And who shall receive the lions share. Alliances formed in the fires of battle have grown brittle and cold, and the relations that kept the Dominion through peril for centuries is now poised to crumble at the seams. The Arks are all beset by bickering from within and beasts from without.

Now, it is a kingdom with no monarch -- a colony with no overlord. It is a confused and broken land, its image and identity long shattered and dusted to the winds of time which ground it all to grain in the sands of time.

The task before the good Hunters, banded in blood in their Kanbu, remains as steadfast as it was at its inception, even amidst this tumult.

The Crimson Tide must be stopped. The beasts within it felled, their bodies burned and scattered to the winds. Scientific samples collected. Fields and forests razed to contain its flow. And from this broken mirror, its pieces scattered before this ancient Earth, do what you must to gather the pieces, scraping them into some semblance of a whole, before the will to do so fades.

Character Sheet:

She stood over the finale of this escapade with a hunch -- it was the best her posture would do, for every time she attempted a straighter posture did Katerina feel as though there was somehow a more supermassive weight thrust unto her body. The beast, seared and incinerated its brown feathers to a soot-coal black, lay on its side along the moonlit ruddy Earth. Pigment of dying flames, cast off from the smoldering cinders before them, dashed specks of luminescence, caught in the feathers-gaps. With every heaving, slow breath the griffon made, its embers - latched on like scorching leeches - ignited a dying little flame from which its scorching wound burrowed itself deeper with every fading breath.

Katerina wanted to do something. Something. A gorgeous animal before her dying by her own hand, after an epic battle, where the Witch-Knight burned a whole fortress-side to cinders. And now here she was, wanting to help. Her wants were cut with a perfect gesture, more perfect than Serenity's throw. The hatchet whistled along its whirling path, the head spiraling in little orange circles like a spinning fire cantrip. Nothing escaped her. Not even a grimace or cringe. Hatred, grief, and acceptance, all in only a few minutes.

She barely held herself up: Katerina felt exhausted, stiff in mind, like a haze set into her mind and barely, iratingly, maddeningly seeped from a crack in the back of her head that just felt like even rupturing her skull wide open would be a welcome relief. Her muscles felt quaked, ripping and searing; Her robes, more than a little singed. Even a modest pack the likes of her worn to battle felt like a whole person clawing atop her, kicking, heaving, shoving, tearing her down until the half-elf would force to crawl from the weight of her own exhaustion.

The Witch-Knight -- oh...how she hated that name...and how many times she would have to hear it, and see it, and speak it, and know that that is the title by which she is and will be...

That Witch-Knight had seen and felt and done all of these things, these terrible things, and with nary some strength inside her, clawed out a secret reserve, like she always had: Like her wells of energy she plucked within her like cigarettes from her case...and spoke softly to Serenity:

"Aye." She made out. Katerina paused. The Witch-Dame didn't bother to look Serenity in the eye. "Good kill."

Her voice was beat, soft. Like she was holding back tears; Proud, painful tears, in a cracked slipping voice that constrained within her every last bit of strength in and out of that woman would do anything not to confess just this weakness. Not a comrade. Not to a friend. To none. Not even if she were to know it herself.

Katerina made one final, exhausted mental note: She'd need to go see her Regular after this.
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