
Location: The Beach - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Human #5.023: The End
Previously: Promises Made
Step by step, Katja could feel her heart rate accelerate the closer she got to the campfire. She could feel the tension in the air as she approached the members of Blackjack, as well as some strangers from another team she had only occasionally seen in passing, their faces dour and uncertain. Seeing them like this, so low on morale, served as a reminder that they were all suffering in their own ways. Katja felt a knot in her stomach at that, as she hadn’t been there for them for a long time. Where had that old Katja gone? The one who would always support her fellow Blackjacks and try to cheer them up, no matter what? She didn’t know for certain, she had been lost ever since that night in the tent, only resurfacing sometimes before being drowned again in self pity.
No longer, Katja pledged inwardly. Her team needed her, or at least they needed all the support they could get. So, steeled by her new found determination she was going to give it to them no matter what.
At least, that was the plan.
But as the South African got within earshot of the rest of her classmates she was met almost instantaneously by the man she once had a crush on. And her heart wept for Rory, bound in that wheelchair because she hadn’t been there to protect him. Katja cursed her own weakness and cowardice. She should have been there, then all of this would have gone differently. Then maybe, probably, things would have been better and people wouldn’t be injured or… She couldn’t think of it, not without tears flowing down her cheeks again.
Meeting his gaze, she recalled how Rory had reacted to seeing her after those damned Trials. His apprehension, his apparent fear for her. It had hurt much then, but that pain paled in comparison to what she felt now when she met his gaze. One of contempt, hatred and disgust. And when he opened his mouth to speak, the knot in Katja’s stomach turned gordian.
“What…?” Was all Katja could really utter at the initial flurry of accusations. It was both in amazement as to how Rory knew about her former affiliation, but also in response to how everything he said was twisted, how it was all wrong. She tried to interject, but overwhelmed by this sudden ambush, all Katja could do was meekly stammer. “No… That’s not… I never…”
Then came Rory’s final verbal assault, his coup de grace. And as he uttered those final words, Katja’s ramshackle grip on reality shattered. She wanted to scream to the heavens. She wanted to collapse on her knees and sink down into the earth. Tear at her own flesh to distract from the pain inside her. But instead of doing all of that she remained standing, motionless as a statue. She had no right to any of that.
As despair overcame her and millions of things flew through her mind, it was one thought that stood out to her. Perhaps, she thought, it would be best to end it all. Right then and there. Give them their pound of flesh. After all, while there were many errors in Rory’s words, the core issue remained true: She hadn’t been honest with her team while she should have, especially after the Trials. No matter her intentions, she had brought this on herself and Katja knew that it was too late now to make amends. She was certain that none of Blackjack would want anything to do with her anymore after this reveal.
It was then that Harper, blinded though she was, almost immediately followed up on Rory’s words as she snapped at him for his final twist of the knife. While not outright defending her, which Katja knew she wouldn’t deserve anyway, it helped bring her back from the brink. Helped to, at least partially, get rid of the thoughts of ending it right then and there. Like a triage on an open wound.
A wound torn open again almost instantly by Aurora, as the redhead began her tirade. Just like with Rory, it was filled with speculation and half truths. But unlike with Rory, Katja was a lot less taken aback by this next flurry of accusations. She didn’t know why, but Rory’s words had touched her at a far deeper level than Aurora’s. Maybe it was because Rory’s were meant to hurt whereas Aurora’s were those of righteous anger. Maybe it was because Rory was crippled. Maybe it were her feelings for Rory which made his words sting even more. Or maybe it was a combination of all of these.
The further Aurora got into her diatribe of Katja, the more the latter felt a surge of anger well up inside her. Out of all the people present here, Katja felt that Aurora should have been the one who must’ve understood her reasons as to why she’d ever sided with Hyperion. Had she not suffered under their reign of terror too? Could she not see that her goals were noble, not even for a tiny sliver of it? Katja’s breathing slowed down as she tried to compose herself, her fists balled and her jaw clenched shut.
Katja met those sapphire eyes and was about to snap back before Banjo interjected. She was completely blindsided by the Aussie’s kind words. It was almost enough to completely check her anger that she had felt towards Aurora mere seconds earlier and it took all her will and self control to not break down and cry at his words. But before she could say anything to her friend, he was already gone.
Perhaps she would have followed Banjo, to thank him for his words and to tell him that he shouldn’t feel responsible for her actions. Maybe she would have reached a sort of serenity where she could think reasonable and leave on her own accord, with some regretful parting words perhaps. She certainly thought of it.
But none of this came to pass, as Lorcán decided to add his voice to the discordant choir. Katja would have likely walked away on her own, but when he decided he had the right to strip her of being a Blackjack, something in her snapped. While Rory had basically said the same, it felt very different coming from someone uninjured and whose childhood was spent in a veritable utopia in Katja’s eyes. Out of all the ones present, to Katja he had the least right to judge her, for what did he know of the reasons that could have driven her into the arms of Hyperion? What did he know of the outside world? He might have thought of himself as the prince of P.R.C.U., but she was no subject for him to exile whenever he saw fit.
Katja’s anger was about to overtake her. She wanted to rebuff Lorcán, to unleash that torrent of emotions that reached a boiling point inside her. His words seemed to be the final straw that was about to break the camel’s back. But just as Katja was about to open her mouth another question was asked. This time by Haven, who had been sitting silently next to Rory all this time.
“No.” She hissed through clenched teeth, her eyes still on Lorcán before turning to face Haven. Her expression instantly softened when her gaze fell on the wingless girl. Tears welling up in the corner of her eyes as she was again reminded of the fact that she hadn’t been there when her team needed her the most. She knew it meant little, but she hoped that Haven could see that she was genuinely sorry for the poor girl. Blinking away the tears, Katja cleared her throat before repeating herself, this time paying heed to come across less confrontational. “No, I had no idea they were planning anything, let alone that.” She spoke earnestly.
Katja recalled the Trials and those awful memories she was forced to relive. Taking a deep breath, she spoke softly next, more so to herself than anyone present.
“If I had known what they had planned I would’ve torn out that fucker’s spine myself.” Katja said in a low growl. She looked down at her fists for a second as she felt her nails dig deep into her flesh, her blood slowly seeping through the bandages as they failed to stem the crimson flow.
“I know that I hurt all of you, that I betrayed your trust. So go ahead! Hate me. Insult me. Do whatever you think is just, for I deserve it.” She made sure to make eye contact with all those who would meet her gaze. “I know I have no right to ask for forgiveness, not now. Not ever.” Katja straightened her back, clicking her tongue once before shaking her head once. “But this?” She gestured around her, taking in the group in front of her as well as the campus in the distance. “I will not be blamed for something I had no part in. I never killed anyone, I didn’t bring P.R.C.U. down and I sure as hell am not going to be someone’s scapegoat!”
“Yes, I was part of Orcinus. But unlike what some of you seem to think, I didn’t join them to hurt fellow Hypes! I joined them because they promised a vision for the future. Where we wouldn’t be forced to wear collars in public to mark us out. Where we wouldn’t have to hide on some cold God forsaken island and be under constant oversight to ‘control our powers’. A future where we, the Children of the Hypegene, could be free. A future where no one had to wake up in fear of an anti-Hype raid. A future where you didn’t get bricks thrown through your window because of what you are. A future where children wouldn’t have to witness their parents be butchered in front of their fucking eyes because they were different!”
Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she took short breaths in quick succession, trying to reign in her emotions as they finally started flooding to the surface. Taking a second to regain her composure, Katja spoke again.
“I regret what Orcinus became. As I said, I joined them to make the world a better place for Hypes. For us. But when the Harbi- The fucking janitor took over it all went to shit. My mistake was not coming clean with you guys. Something I should have done a long time ago. But I was afraid that if I did, I would lose all of you. I could not go through losing another family, not again. Because unlike what any of you may think, that is what you are to me, and you always will be.” Her eyes met Lorcán’s for a moment. “Even if you don’t want me to.”
Katja lowered her head, her hair blocking her face as she remained quiet for a few seconds.
“I am done running. I intend to go to the Foundation and make sure that all those fuckers will remember P.R.C.U., that they will grow to rue the day the set their sights on this island. I will drag those accursed pyramids into the sea if I have to. This is my atonement for my sins.”
Raising her head again, she looked at each face around her, her eyes filled with determination as tears rolled down her cheeks in a seemingly unending stream.
“I will avenge Amma or I will die trying!”
No longer, Katja pledged inwardly. Her team needed her, or at least they needed all the support they could get. So, steeled by her new found determination she was going to give it to them no matter what.
At least, that was the plan.
But as the South African got within earshot of the rest of her classmates she was met almost instantaneously by the man she once had a crush on. And her heart wept for Rory, bound in that wheelchair because she hadn’t been there to protect him. Katja cursed her own weakness and cowardice. She should have been there, then all of this would have gone differently. Then maybe, probably, things would have been better and people wouldn’t be injured or… She couldn’t think of it, not without tears flowing down her cheeks again.
Meeting his gaze, she recalled how Rory had reacted to seeing her after those damned Trials. His apprehension, his apparent fear for her. It had hurt much then, but that pain paled in comparison to what she felt now when she met his gaze. One of contempt, hatred and disgust. And when he opened his mouth to speak, the knot in Katja’s stomach turned gordian.
“What…?” Was all Katja could really utter at the initial flurry of accusations. It was both in amazement as to how Rory knew about her former affiliation, but also in response to how everything he said was twisted, how it was all wrong. She tried to interject, but overwhelmed by this sudden ambush, all Katja could do was meekly stammer. “No… That’s not… I never…”
Then came Rory’s final verbal assault, his coup de grace. And as he uttered those final words, Katja’s ramshackle grip on reality shattered. She wanted to scream to the heavens. She wanted to collapse on her knees and sink down into the earth. Tear at her own flesh to distract from the pain inside her. But instead of doing all of that she remained standing, motionless as a statue. She had no right to any of that.
As despair overcame her and millions of things flew through her mind, it was one thought that stood out to her. Perhaps, she thought, it would be best to end it all. Right then and there. Give them their pound of flesh. After all, while there were many errors in Rory’s words, the core issue remained true: She hadn’t been honest with her team while she should have, especially after the Trials. No matter her intentions, she had brought this on herself and Katja knew that it was too late now to make amends. She was certain that none of Blackjack would want anything to do with her anymore after this reveal.
It was then that Harper, blinded though she was, almost immediately followed up on Rory’s words as she snapped at him for his final twist of the knife. While not outright defending her, which Katja knew she wouldn’t deserve anyway, it helped bring her back from the brink. Helped to, at least partially, get rid of the thoughts of ending it right then and there. Like a triage on an open wound.
A wound torn open again almost instantly by Aurora, as the redhead began her tirade. Just like with Rory, it was filled with speculation and half truths. But unlike with Rory, Katja was a lot less taken aback by this next flurry of accusations. She didn’t know why, but Rory’s words had touched her at a far deeper level than Aurora’s. Maybe it was because Rory’s were meant to hurt whereas Aurora’s were those of righteous anger. Maybe it was because Rory was crippled. Maybe it were her feelings for Rory which made his words sting even more. Or maybe it was a combination of all of these.
The further Aurora got into her diatribe of Katja, the more the latter felt a surge of anger well up inside her. Out of all the people present here, Katja felt that Aurora should have been the one who must’ve understood her reasons as to why she’d ever sided with Hyperion. Had she not suffered under their reign of terror too? Could she not see that her goals were noble, not even for a tiny sliver of it? Katja’s breathing slowed down as she tried to compose herself, her fists balled and her jaw clenched shut.
Katja met those sapphire eyes and was about to snap back before Banjo interjected. She was completely blindsided by the Aussie’s kind words. It was almost enough to completely check her anger that she had felt towards Aurora mere seconds earlier and it took all her will and self control to not break down and cry at his words. But before she could say anything to her friend, he was already gone.
Perhaps she would have followed Banjo, to thank him for his words and to tell him that he shouldn’t feel responsible for her actions. Maybe she would have reached a sort of serenity where she could think reasonable and leave on her own accord, with some regretful parting words perhaps. She certainly thought of it.
But none of this came to pass, as Lorcán decided to add his voice to the discordant choir. Katja would have likely walked away on her own, but when he decided he had the right to strip her of being a Blackjack, something in her snapped. While Rory had basically said the same, it felt very different coming from someone uninjured and whose childhood was spent in a veritable utopia in Katja’s eyes. Out of all the ones present, to Katja he had the least right to judge her, for what did he know of the reasons that could have driven her into the arms of Hyperion? What did he know of the outside world? He might have thought of himself as the prince of P.R.C.U., but she was no subject for him to exile whenever he saw fit.
Katja’s anger was about to overtake her. She wanted to rebuff Lorcán, to unleash that torrent of emotions that reached a boiling point inside her. His words seemed to be the final straw that was about to break the camel’s back. But just as Katja was about to open her mouth another question was asked. This time by Haven, who had been sitting silently next to Rory all this time.
“No.” She hissed through clenched teeth, her eyes still on Lorcán before turning to face Haven. Her expression instantly softened when her gaze fell on the wingless girl. Tears welling up in the corner of her eyes as she was again reminded of the fact that she hadn’t been there when her team needed her the most. She knew it meant little, but she hoped that Haven could see that she was genuinely sorry for the poor girl. Blinking away the tears, Katja cleared her throat before repeating herself, this time paying heed to come across less confrontational. “No, I had no idea they were planning anything, let alone that.” She spoke earnestly.
Katja recalled the Trials and those awful memories she was forced to relive. Taking a deep breath, she spoke softly next, more so to herself than anyone present.
“If I had known what they had planned I would’ve torn out that fucker’s spine myself.” Katja said in a low growl. She looked down at her fists for a second as she felt her nails dig deep into her flesh, her blood slowly seeping through the bandages as they failed to stem the crimson flow.
“I know that I hurt all of you, that I betrayed your trust. So go ahead! Hate me. Insult me. Do whatever you think is just, for I deserve it.” She made sure to make eye contact with all those who would meet her gaze. “I know I have no right to ask for forgiveness, not now. Not ever.” Katja straightened her back, clicking her tongue once before shaking her head once. “But this?” She gestured around her, taking in the group in front of her as well as the campus in the distance. “I will not be blamed for something I had no part in. I never killed anyone, I didn’t bring P.R.C.U. down and I sure as hell am not going to be someone’s scapegoat!”
“Yes, I was part of Orcinus. But unlike what some of you seem to think, I didn’t join them to hurt fellow Hypes! I joined them because they promised a vision for the future. Where we wouldn’t be forced to wear collars in public to mark us out. Where we wouldn’t have to hide on some cold God forsaken island and be under constant oversight to ‘control our powers’. A future where we, the Children of the Hypegene, could be free. A future where no one had to wake up in fear of an anti-Hype raid. A future where you didn’t get bricks thrown through your window because of what you are. A future where children wouldn’t have to witness their parents be butchered in front of their fucking eyes because they were different!”
Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she took short breaths in quick succession, trying to reign in her emotions as they finally started flooding to the surface. Taking a second to regain her composure, Katja spoke again.
“I regret what Orcinus became. As I said, I joined them to make the world a better place for Hypes. For us. But when the Harbi- The fucking janitor took over it all went to shit. My mistake was not coming clean with you guys. Something I should have done a long time ago. But I was afraid that if I did, I would lose all of you. I could not go through losing another family, not again. Because unlike what any of you may think, that is what you are to me, and you always will be.” Her eyes met Lorcán’s for a moment. “Even if you don’t want me to.”
Katja lowered her head, her hair blocking her face as she remained quiet for a few seconds.
“I am done running. I intend to go to the Foundation and make sure that all those fuckers will remember P.R.C.U., that they will grow to rue the day the set their sights on this island. I will drag those accursed pyramids into the sea if I have to. This is my atonement for my sins.”
Raising her head again, she looked at each face around her, her eyes filled with determination as tears rolled down her cheeks in a seemingly unending stream.
“I will avenge Amma or I will die trying!”