At the door of death itself
If given a second chance of life
Would you take it?
In your final moments when the darkness of the abyss would take you
Visited upon by black robes and an unfamiliar face, a katana at their hip
They ask if you wish to live and so with your final breath,
You answer

If given a second chance of life
Would you take it?
In your final moments when the darkness of the abyss would take you
Visited upon by black robes and an unfamiliar face, a katana at their hip
They ask if you wish to live and so with your final breath,
You answer

Soul Society is currently experiencing a shortage of Shinigami after a particularly bloody civil war known as the Soul War. Leaving it with an entirely different government from the old Gotei 13, now ruled by the 5 Commissions under the Soul Shogun.
You are a human in the world of the living from the small town of Sagamiyama, and after a fatal experience that would result in losing your life, your potential was recognised. In exchange for a second chance at life, you would be in service of Soul Society as a substitute Shinigami.
At the same time, there has been a rise in Hollow activity in Sagamiyama, requiring your service as a Shinigami to ensure these Hollows do not hunt down the residents of your home.
You are a human in the world of the living from the small town of Sagamiyama, and after a fatal experience that would result in losing your life, your potential was recognised. In exchange for a second chance at life, you would be in service of Soul Society as a substitute Shinigami.
At the same time, there has been a rise in Hollow activity in Sagamiyama, requiring your service as a Shinigami to ensure these Hollows do not hunt down the residents of your home.
This is a Bleach AU RP. A lot of the things present in the original will be present here too, but none of the same characters, as well as different lore reasons for certain things. This RP will take place in the town of Sagamiyama, and eventually as the RP and players progress, it will go into more locations, as well as have an overarching story.
For the time being, players who join can only be humans who have been chosen to become substitute Shinigami. As such, players would be starting at the bottom for entry, however as the RP progresses players will be allowed to have multiple characters as new character types are introduced.
On the moment before your character would have died, they would accept the offer given by one of two Shinigami recruiters, before being stabbed with a brand new asauchi, awakening them to the power of a Shinigami. Do note upon taking this offer, you are revitalized completely, and given essentially a new life. For example if you were to pass from an illness, and take the offer, you will be miraculously cured. Do as you will with this setup.
On the moment before your character would have died, they would accept the offer given by one of two Shinigami recruiters, before being stabbed with a brand new asauchi, awakening them to the power of a Shinigami. Do note upon taking this offer, you are revitalized completely, and given essentially a new life. For example if you were to pass from an illness, and take the offer, you will be miraculously cured. Do as you will with this setup.
So this RP had been concepted a year back but another Bleach RP popped up at the time, so I didn't try for it. The desire to try again had come about with the new season of Bleach.
I'm thinking about 5 players give or take, but more are welcome especially later down as we go into Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and deal with Quincy. Especially as I slowly make pure Shinigami, Vizard, Arrancar, Quincy, and Fullbringers available to make. Either as a concurrent player, or new player. Don't be afraid to invite people once they're available to make.
For now at the start, only humans who have chosen to become substitute shinigami will be playable. There's a reason for it, so bear with me. I absolutely need players who are this kind of character for the story.
Character sheet is out now, but things are subject to change.
Oh also there will be major arcs, the song in the introduction above is the theme song for the beginning.
Want to find out what became of Soul Society after the Soul War too? Well, join up and play to find out. It's not important for a fair while.
Furthermore I'm on the fence on a discord, though mostly what it's usage shall be. An active OOC thread is good for the RP in the long run so I am thinking of how to split things up properly.
I'm thinking about 5 players give or take, but more are welcome especially later down as we go into Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and deal with Quincy. Especially as I slowly make pure Shinigami, Vizard, Arrancar, Quincy, and Fullbringers available to make. Either as a concurrent player, or new player. Don't be afraid to invite people once they're available to make.
For now at the start, only humans who have chosen to become substitute shinigami will be playable. There's a reason for it, so bear with me. I absolutely need players who are this kind of character for the story.
Character sheet is out now, but things are subject to change.
Oh also there will be major arcs, the song in the introduction above is the theme song for the beginning.
Want to find out what became of Soul Society after the Soul War too? Well, join up and play to find out. It's not important for a fair while.
Furthermore I'm on the fence on a discord, though mostly what it's usage shall be. An active OOC thread is good for the RP in the long run so I am thinking of how to split things up properly.
Everything here is still subject to change
[center][img]image url here for Appearance. If it turns out quite large, please turn it into a link, or put it in a hider[/img][/center]
[b]Gender[/b]: (Male or Female)
[b]Personality[/b]: (how your character acts in various situations, their motivations, their way of life, what makes them tick, who are they as a person)
[b]Backstory[/b]: (your character's life until now)
[b]Why did you become a Substitute Shinigami[/b]: (Prior to the RP’s beginning, you were approached by a Shinigami while on the verge of death, and offered to become a Substitute Shinigami. You will have been given the whole spiel, the job of a Shinigami and responsibility, and the double life you may end up undertaking.)
[b]::COMBAT::[/b] (You have 2000 points among all the below stats. All stats are required to be minimum 50, distributed in denominations of 25, Reiryoku minimum is 100)
[list][*][b]Strength[/b]: (raw power, uniquely can be bolstered by burning reiryoku. Affects zanjutsu)
[*][b]Skill[/b]: (ability to use techniques, affects precision, accuracy, zanjutsu and hakuda)
[*][b]Speed[/b]: (raw speed, affects regular speed and jumping, but also Hoho techniques)
[*][b]Focus[/b]: (ability to be precise with any usage of reiryoku, such as Kido and Hoho)
[*][b]Constitution[/b]: (your ability to withstand damage before succumbing to injury)
[*][b]Reiryoku[/b]: (the amount of spiritual energy your character possesses. It is used for special actions, unique actions, Kido, and powerful techniques. If this reaches zero you will faint. You are required to have at least 100 here.)
[*][b]Reiatsu[/b]: (this is equal to one fifth your Reiryoku. This is filled at the end)[/list]
[b]::Shinigami Arts::[/b] (You will start with 2 points to distribute here. NOTE: This will represent what training courses your character picked as soon as they became a substitute shinigami)
[list][*][b]Zanjutsu[/b]: 0/5
[*][b]Hakuda[/b]: 0/5
[*][b]Hoho[/b]: 0/5
[*][b]Kido[/b]: 0/5[/list]
[b]Feats[/b]: (This will start empty. Generally these are unique skills and abilities that you can gain through training in specific styles, a result of some anomaly in your character, or blessings)
[b]Zanpakuto[/b]: (describe your zanpakuto's sealed state. Until you achieve Shikai by the way, it will be a plain asauchi, but you are still allowed to ornament it yourself)
[b]Shikai[/b]: (this will remain empty. When the time comes, depending on how you’ve built your character and what they’re good at, your shikai will lean certain ways.)
[b]Techniques[/b]: (Zanjutsu, Hakuda, and Hoho techniques go here. Anything that you can do that is not your Shikai or Bankai goes here. If you picked Hakuda, Zanjutsu, or Hoho, you can put techniques related to that here, 2 per Arts you picked. Be aware, Shunpo is a fairly advanced technique, so if you picked Hoho you will be making a mobility-based technique instead.)
[b]Memorized Kido[/b]: (You may list 3 but only if you chose to be trained in Kido. You can add more to this through training and progression. More context, at the start as fledgling substitute shinigami you'll be allowed to choose your training course. If you chose Kido you get 3 spells.)
There is a stat system and how it works is simple, it’s a guideline. A higher number will not necessarily equate to a win, especially if the numbers are quite close. However they have other uses, and that is increasing the power of your use of Arts (Hakuda, Zanjutsu, Kido, Hoho), and during writing, can be leveraged to creatively use your strengths to make up for your weaknesses.
As an example, a character who has good Skill but low Strength can make use of a two handed technique using their second hand on their blade to leverage their zanpakuto to cut through thicker targets, is essentially using their Skill in place of a Strength check. Things like this are key.
Gaining stats is also easy and fairly constant as you play. To that end I urge you to keep track of your character’s activities to inform me what you’re doing. Stats are gained in denominations of 25, so the smallest amount that can be obtained at a time is 25. Do bear in mind however there's many ways to become stronger, and different types of play will be rewarded, not just stat dogs who want to become the strongest. I urge you think about what matters most to your character's development. This is after all a roleplay.
It is of course expected that Shinigami Arts will also eventually include Quincy Arts and Arrancar Arts. This generally shows your mastery and knowledge of each art. Everything at 4 and above is considered Captain level. As you can imagine, reaching mastery levels in these are more difficult and more eventful. As a final note, uniquely every player is able to reach level 6 in only ONE art.
Throughout the RP there will be techniques that players can learn, these are conventional (or unconventional) sword, weapon, or hand to hand techniques or special moves. The original show didn’t have very many of these if at all, but this really includes special moves that don’t require special abilities from a Shikai or anything of that nature.
The way Kido works in this is there won’t be a numbered system of 1-99, there can be more than that. Players will even be able to make their own at certain mastery levels. However, the category system still exists, Bakudo, Hado, and Kaido still exist as categories. Generally meaning barrier, destruction and recovery.
A unique system, generally for highlighting unique aspects of a character, whether it’s something they’ve learned to do, or something innate to them. There’s not much else to explain other than they must be earned or revealed through play. If there’s some sort of development you want with your character I’ll inform you if it equates to a feat or not too.
[center][img]image url here for Appearance. If it turns out quite large, please turn it into a link, or put it in a hider[/img][/center]
[b]Combat Level:[/b]
[b]General Information:[/b]
[b]Placeholder:[/b] (reuse as needed for other categories)