Avatar of Reivax
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    1. Reivax 8 yrs ago


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I'd love to do a collab :) But you'd have to guide me along a bit because I've never really done anything like this. In fact, the most forum RP I've ever done was a play-by-post along some old Total War games. And that was a while ago.

I'd love to have another truly advanced being to interact with. Though from what I've read, I believe your Ancient is much more evolved than my character and he seem much more personable :P

Lol thanks! I was just bored, looking for something to do. Been binge watching Stargate Sg-1 and painting Warhammer 40K minies, so I just stole some of their ideas :P

Gonna give it a few days and try to tidy up the character sheet and maybe write a second IC. Moving slowly :) If anyone wants to respond or interact that's cool. Otherwise I'll just do my thing little by little.

John Everyman
Name: John Everyman aka Courrier

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 200 ibs
Age: Appears to be in his mid thirties.
Race/Species: Appears to be Human.

Group(s): None, for obvious reasons.

Appearance: A completely unremarkable fellow. Shortish brown hair, grayish eyes, maybe a bit frowny, average nose, fairly straight shoulders. He usually dresses in a gray suit, dark tie, though sometimes other outfits. Usually he fits the crowd he's in. Somehow. It just happens.

Personality: A completely unremarkable man. Polite, usually. Never too formal, never too casual. Doesn't really have any great dreams or goals. Mostly just content to do his job which is fairly rewarding, but not that fun. Likes to travel, a bit. Mostly for work.

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:
1 (self): Appears to be a healthy human male in his mid-thirties with no particular skills or traits; neither his appearance or his abilities are particularly remarkable.
3 (regional): John Everyman is literally unremarkable. Preternaturally so. Not only is there nothing special about him, but he is so normal, so boring, so natural to whatever the environment he is in, that he leaves very little impact on the mind of those he crosses, even those he interacts with. It’s not that he can’t be remembered. He just seems, unimportant, irrelevant in the greater scheme of things. The effect is near instantaneous. One second he’s there, the other he’s just some passerby, someone in the way, someone whose presence is perfectly normal, acceptable, temporary. Literally unimportant. It leads people, even animals to mostly ignore him. He never gets picked out of a crowd, he never gets chosen to be on anyone's team. It lets him pass by security devices, cameras, motion detectors, alarm spells. It’s not that these technologies or arcane powers can’t pick up his presence. It’s just that it doesn’t trigger a response. The ability is not conscious. And not always a blessing. Automatic doors don’t open for him, biometric devices work intermittently at best, and, on a more personal level, he has never really managed to make friends, gain someone’s trust or enter in a relationship. He even had a cat once that simply never really warmed up to him. Might've just been the cat though...

(1): A nice set of suits and other clothes for all occasions. Somehow, John Everyman is always dressed exactly as he should be though there is nothing special about the vestments themselves.
(1): He is fairly wealthy. His employment grantees a good income.
(1): A cybernetic data storage device implanted in his brain. It has limited connectivity to his brain and is mostly used to transport data that can't simply be memorized such as complex programs. A fairly ordinary device.
(1): A magical data storage device in the form of a ring. It has a simple enchantment and is mostly used to transport data that can't simply be memorized by a non-magical being. A fairly ordinary device.

History: John Everyman has no real history, no past. One day he was simply there. Or at least, that's as far as his own memory takes him. And, as for most things in his life, there are no records of him. Well, not no records. He's got a few tax records, credit records, parking pass at his office. Nothing important or interesting. These lead him to know he's about 35 years old and fairly wealthy but not much else. He is aware of his "gift" yet doesn't understand it. The most he can comprehend is that it allows him to go pretty much everywhere with little or no danger to himself as no one can really muster the will to impede him or harm him in any way. Which ties in to his job.
John Everyman is a courrier. Rather, he is Courrier. A small, unremarkable office on Vasishka with phone and various other communications devices is his place of work. Those who know of it simply know that it is a service for the transportation of information. Messages, data, spells, enchantments. The client provides the information and a means to reach the destination, Courrier delivers it. It is a neutral service used by many. Warlords, criminals, star-crossed lovers, employers sending notices of termination, alien races trying to contact each other, wizards exchanging spells, machine consciousnesses threatening their creators, etc. People use Courrier's service because John Everyman can have access to anyone and anyplace. Simply by walking up to the front door and ringing the bell. He is usually expected. Somehow. He transfers the information, leaves, and is forgotten. Not entirely forgotten, but simply, ignored. The information or package or spell. That was the important part. Some guy passed by... some... whatever.
Whatever. That's John Everyman's whole life. Whatever... and somehow, they keep coming to use his services.


Cool. I'll keep my eyes peeled. Might read the IC for fun :)

Hey there! If you guys pick this back up, it looks interesting. I'd like to join :) Got a few ideas, something along the Tleilaxu / Face Dancers of Dune - a race of people not at all focused on military, but rather a people that blends in to other races' slums and underworld. Something of an underworld power.

In any case, it's an idea. If you guys pick it up and this speaks to you, holla! I'll finish reading the rest of your RP :)
Godfleet of Taranis

Nation Name: Godfleet of Taranis / Ne'Dregaani Remnants.

Species's Appearance: There are three distinct types of beings that compose the forces of Taranis.
- First, there is Taranis himself. His species styles itself Star Gods. They are ancient and come from the early days of the universe but gained a measure of sentience only as the eons passed. They were born as clusters of energy inside the heart of very dense stars and only took notice of physical beings when those beings had already advanced to a fairly high degree of technology. To interact with these beings, the Star Gods took on physical form, first through machines that contained their consciousness but soon, by taking over the bodies of those they encountered. This allowed them to quickly understand and master the people and technologies they encountered. Unfortunately, it also had the side effect of stocking their ego and arrogance to unimaginable heights. That is when they first adopted the idea that they were in fact gods born of the stars themselves. Taranis styles himself as the Thundered, the Heavenborn, and the Lord of Battles. He generally appears in the body of a young, effeminate boy clad in baroque armor with an all-encompassing face mask that translates his "godly" features. His host upon entering the new galaxy is now dead however, and he has retreated inside a device within the bowels of his ship known as the Iron Sarcophagus. Having spent millennia in physical guise, he cannot easily return to a non-corporeal state. In fact, should he be forced to do so, it would probably kill him.
- Secondly, the servants of Taranis are known as Dregaani. Dregaani used to be the dominant species of the Dregaan galaxy until the awakening of the Star Gods. They are bipedal, hairless, mammals with albino skin, eyes of red, blue, violet or any mixture of these shades, about 5 to 6 feet tall. They have elongated ears that end in points, sharp teeth from a predatory past, and prehensile upper limbs (ie hands). In the thousands of years since the Star Gods first appeared, they have technologically regressed and now serve mostly as menial slaves mostly bred for brawn and not brains. A few, however, are allowed to be educated to serve their master in more complex roles.
- Finally, the warrior caste of the Star Gods' servants are the Kotra. Kotra warriors are Dregaan slaves that are possessed by the dormant infants of the Star Gods. While the infant matures, a process that can take hundreds of years, the Kotra does not age, gains superior strength, resistance to common ailments, and the ability to heal wounds at a rapid pace. This is seen as a blessing from the gods and makes them a fiercely loyal force. The Star Gods care little for their young though and therefore do not blink at sending tens of thousands of Kotra to die in their name.

General Description and history: Taranis used to rule a large empire comprised of hundreds of inhabited planets in another galaxy. A trap sprung by his rival Star Gods created an unstable hyperspace window that propelled him and a large fleet of his ships into the current galaxy. Though he rages at his defeat and vows revenge, Taranis also sees this as an opportunity to create a new domain for himself and gather more slaves.

Government type and societal organization: Taranis is a god, at least in his mind and that of his servants. The technologies he possesses and his ability to take over the mind and body of a host prove his godhood, but above all, it is his supposed immortality that grant him the divine right to rule.

Population: The bulk of Taranis' servants are soldiers of some sort. Being drawn from what remains of his fleet, it is a highly militarized society where everyone is expected to fight and die in the name of their god. Over 1.5 million Kotra warriors have survived the uncontrolled hyperspace journey and three times that number of Dregaan slaves are also present in Taranis' fleet. Each Kotra warrior contains a sliver of Taranis' essence that, if left to mature, could result in another Star God arising, but, for the moment, Taranis is the only one of his kind in this galaxy.

Number of Planets and Systems: Taranis will seek to establish a power base for himself, but he presently rules from his flagship, the Hand of Taranis. It is an immense craft nearly a thousand miles in diameter that serves as a roving space station for the Star God's fleet. Along with it, Taranis has access to over three dozen Dregaan Motherships, large vessels that contain housing for several thousand soldiers and their attendants as well as drones, bombers, fighters, atmospheric warheads, and all the necessary tools for space battles or planetary invasions. These vessels can notable land on planets where they form veritable city-fortresses. It is a small force compared to what Taranis used to possess, but he intends on growing it by any means necessary.

Number of ships: 1 flagship, 38 motherships, roughly 400,000 manned attack crafts with various configurations.

Alignment: Evil. Though Taranis is capable of reason, he has been a despotic ruler for thousands of years and never truly faced defeat. He is shrewd enough to recognize his own failings, but rarely admits to them. He can be dealt with on diplomatic terms, but it would be hard to force him to deal with anyone as an equal.

Technology level: Between tier 3 and tier 1. Taranis himself comes from a species that could conceivably be of tier 1 status and his eons of existence leave him in quite a unique position in terms of knowledge and technologies. But the arrogant desire to rule that results from the physical form he and his fellow Star Gods have employed for millennia have left him much diminished and reliant on several technologies and artifices. In fact, an obsession of his is in researching a way to return to his incorporeal state while maintaining the power he has accrued on physical beings. At the present, the death of his host and destruction of his flagship would probably end him, a fate he wishes to avoid Also, as a singular individual attempting to lord over masses, he is often not in a position to employ all of his arcane technological knowledge on a mass scale. Therefore, the Godfleet itself has a technological level closer to tier 2. Multiple singularity drives power their ships, they possess quantum energy shields, warp-based cloaking technologies and nanobots to repair bulkheads. The fleet moves around by mapping hyperspace lanes. This leaves its long range movement crippled in its new environment until it can acquire more information or explore this new galaxy. It's low numbers and severe state of disrepair also severely reduce its ability to project force, therefore, unless it meets a foe en masse, it is closer to tier 3. It is also noteworthy that many of their technologies are meant to counter their usual foes which employ similar devices. Their defenses against energy weapons are great, but much less effective against conventional arms. And adapting to new circumstances is not their forte.

@OfWindAndRainOch! Ice cold friend!

But I grant you, your first point's fair. It literally took me an hour to see/figure out the tabs at the top of the posts. I'm not the most adept forum user on the net x_X I'd written the IC aond did not have the time to write a complete Nation Sheet but I will rectify this faux-pas on the pronto, something very simple for use right away that I'll expand later today or tomorrow.

I must disagree on the second point - sci-fi is no science! FTL is basically sci-fi as per modern physics (beyond the entirely theoretical Alcubierre Drive and the likes). Plus you've already got bio-ships and energy beings in here! Maybe it wasn't very clear in my IC, but a supernova did not "push" the fleet, it overcharged the hypersapce window of the fleet fleeing its shockwave (very original idea that is totally not stolen from Stargate s04e22 and s05e01 when Apophis and co are thrown from the Milky Way to the Ida galaxy... no... I've totally not taken it from there and copied it exactly... shhh!!!)

Howdy folks! New here, hoping this isn't too dead-ish. Looks cool. Posted an IC post, will be filling out nation sheet at some later time if I get a response :) Basically, I've mixed a bunch of sci-fi themes from goa'ulds to necrons to cook something up. Left their arrival vague if anyone wants to reply. You can expect an excessively aggressive and arrogant response.

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