Caster Class Servant
Name: Moses
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality:Determined, but ultimately very pleasant. Upbeat but devoted to doing the 'right' thing. Always generally cheerful despite the conflicted feelings he endured when caught between his duty in life given to him by God and having to oppose the man he felt akin to a brother, Ramesses II. Moses does not truly feel hatred to anyone, not even his childhood friend for the treatment of the Israelites in captivity during the time. He follows the path given to him regardless of the sacrifices he had to make along the way to do so. Abandoning his home, the people he considered family, and all things he knew when heeding the word of God.
History: Moses was found by Nefertari as an infant along the Nile river. He was taken in and raised as the foster brother and aid to Ramesses II the future Pharoah of Egypt. He grew up with the two and became inseparably close during the time. Later in life Nefertari came to marry Ramesses. The three still remained close, until Moses received a message from God that sent him on a path to free his people from the Pharoah’s rule. Moses desperately tried to plead with his foster brother to see reason and assist. But the Pharoah refused.
Caught between family, friend, home and duty Moses ended up invoking the Ten Plagues of Egypt. Tormenting the city in efforts to force his friend to release the Israelites. Ramesses II continued to refuse despite his people’s suffering. He resisted until the final plague took the life of Ramesses II and Nefertari’s first born child. Something that pained Moses more than he could ever admit. Ramesses II agreed to let the people go to cease the plagues from claiming anymore. But ultimately was grief driven and chased after Moses. Only to witness the miracle of the red sea splitting. Ozymandias turned back. Still unable to hate his friend even during the grief.
Moses took his people across the Red Sea and traveled as a Nomad for forty years guiding them. At which point he created the Holy Relic the ten commandments which are engraved on the Ark of the Covenant. Uniting future tribes all in the name of the lord.
Weapon: Staff/Rod of Moses- Transforming Staff.
Parameters:STR: D+ CON: C+
Class Skills:Territory Creation: CMoses can create a study while set to an area. But once he has begun his journey he tends to act in a nomadic way. This causes him to instead create miniature workshops that are rapidly made and easily abandoned. This limits the effective creations that can be done in a make shift workshop, but does allow for spontaneous set up. In legends these Nomadic workshops were used as channeling points to communicate with the Lord. As it was in one of these territories that he channeled God to write the Ten Commandments.
Tool Creation: C:Moses ability to create was always inspired by the Lord. Creating the most renowned construct in the form of Tablet of the Ten Commandments. All creations tend to be aligned to a Blessed or Holy Nature. Aiding him in the creation of the summoning aspects of his magecraft.
Personal Skills:Charisma: B: Able to inspire and lead the Israelite's from their servitude under Ramesses II to seek out their rightful path of freedom in the name of God. Able to invoke in them a will that had long thought to have been beaten out of the slaves.
Jacob's Limb: A: The second practitioner of the Hand to Hand combat style inherited directly from Jacob. A Saint who has mastered this technique was able to surely beat even a divine being such as an 'Angel of Destruction' with nothing more than their fists.
Blessed Incantation: B: As one who followed the path of YHVH Moses acts not as himself, but as an instrument of God. This allows him access to magecraft based around limited recreation of the Plagues set upon Egypt.
Eye of the Mind (False): C: Often Moses awarded his insight to impending danger and his intuition as warnings from God. As such it allowed him to continue on believing in the Holy Foresight to aid him in his endeavors.
Noble Phantasm(s):Name: -Matteh Moshe-
Title: Rod of Trials and Tasks
Rank: A
NP Type: Anti-Unit (Self)
Range: 0
Maximum Number of Targets: 1.
Description: The Divine Construct, the Staff of Moses, powered by the Word of God and the command "Take this Rod in Thine Hands wherewith thou Shalt do signs". The Noble Phantasm actually originates from the tale of Leviathan and the Cruciform Snake Staff that connected to the legend holds a strong connection to Water. The wielder of the staff is granted transformative properties like that of Water. This allows them to adapt to their situation. These adaptions allow for increased parameters in both STR and CON when being applied.
By activating the staff's full transformative properties one is able to change their form phantasmagorically. Allowing them to alter their shape and take another form.
Name: -Matteh Moshe-
Title: -Radiant Light of the Lord-
Rank: A+
Np Type: Anti-Fortress
Range: 2-75
Maximum Targets: 100
Activating the Divine Construct requires invoking the letters Yod Hey Vav Hey, and speaking out the Ineffable name of the God of Israel. This can only be used while The staff is in its true form and not utilizing the transformative properties. The Staff of Moses calls upon God's holy light to aid him in his time of need. By harnessing the staff's fundamental blessed nature it is able to channel a miracle in the form of a radiating beam.
The beam was originally used to split the Red Sea during the escape from Ramesses II's forces. The beam itself burns hot enough to evaporate water instantly and the force of the blast is able to push away with enough intensity to force away the very sea long enough for the entirety of the Israelite's to pass across before receding back onto itself.