Someone drop me a message here, or discord if you wanna fantasy RP. I'm open to ideas. <3
7 yrs ago
Last Seen:
11 mos ago
8 yrs ago
( / day)
VMs: 2
Recent Statuses
7 yrs ago
Someone drop me a message here, or discord if you wanna fantasy RP. I'm open to ideas. <3
7 yrs ago
Trying to get it all together. Wanna roleplay again, here and finish my roleplay site too.
8 yrs ago
And I've lost who I am, and I can't understand; why my heart is so broken--rejecting your love? Without love gone, lifeless words carry on...
8 yrs ago
I do not want to be afraid. I do not want to die inside, just to breath in. I'm tired of feeling so numb; relief exists I find it when I am cut...
8 yrs ago
Don't mind me as I slowly slip into my own state of madness...
Active roleplayer, my posts are usually 4 to 6 sentences long; if not longer. I'm open to 1x1 and private roleplays, just drop me amessage. You can also message me on the follow;
Active roleplayer, my posts are usually 4 to 6 sentences long; if not longer. I'm open to 1x1 and private roleplays, just drop me amessage.
You can also message me on the follow;
KiK: LadyDae66
Discord: RenaKin90
Skype: RenaMoon90
Also creating my own roleplay forum, but please don't leave this one! If you like multiple--
Happy Roleplaying! <3
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Active roleplayer, my posts are usually 4 to 6 sentences long; if not longer. I'm open to 1x1 and private roleplays, just drop me amessage.<br>You can also message me on the follow;<br><br>KiK: LadyDae66<br>Discord: RenaKin90<br>Skype: RenaMoon90<br><br>Also creating my own roleplay forum, but please don't leave this one! If you like multiple-- <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><br><br>Happy Roleplaying! <3</div>