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    1. Resoan 8 yrs ago
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hi there! i recently finished ff16, and i'd love to write in the universe! preferably, i'd love to write in a canon-divergent au of some sort. imo it was an incredibly missed opportunity not to have all the dominants assembled at some point? but i digress.

anyway! a few things about me you may find handy to know:

  • 18+ writer with years of experience seeking another 18+ writer.
  • i don't shy away from dark or nsfw topics; not necessarily looking for nsfw/smut heavy threads by any means, but i can tell you right now i probably won't mesh well with someone who has to fade to black :c sorry.
  • i'll write over email, in gdocs, or via a discord server. i can't say i have much of a preference for any over the others; i'm also down for ooc over discord and the actual writing thread elsewhere. please note i do not write on-site.
  • given how recently the game came out and i finished it, i've not written for this fandom before. i certainly don't mind taking any constructive criticism if you think i've misrepresented/misconstrued a canon character.
  • i'm comfortable with canon/canon pairs and canon/oc ones of any genders/dynamics/orientations (m//, m/f, f//, trans + nb inclusive). if we can agree on a canon/canon pair, then i'm happy to leave it at that. if you'd like to go the canon/oc route, though, i do require us to double; like most everyone who's ever dabbled in fandom rp i won't be stuck writing the canon for the original without a little reciprocity.
  • i like long posts. how long is long, you ask? i like to stay at least around 3 paragraphs, though i can -- and do -- write more than that. all in all, i'm a mirror poster who enjoys fleshing out details and delving into characters' thoughts/feelings/motivations. my sweet spot is 4-6 paragraphs, but i'm more than willing to write novella/generally longer posts if you're game!
  • i don't do rapid-fire or one-liners or short, measly little single paragraphs. they make me sad and tend to indicate my partner's lack of interest or effort. that said, if your motivation is running dry and you need/want to stop, that's completely fine! honestly, if you ghost i won't chase after you, though i'll admit to a slight preference that you give me a chance to try and fix things up?
  • at the very least one post a week; i'd prefer around 3 a week, personally, but ofc irl stuff happens.
  • everything has to be in third person; absolutely no first or second. i default to past tense, but i'm perfectly fine with present if that's your preference!

beware spoilers below if you haven't finished the game!

so! i'm honestly not super sure about pairs, but i'm more than happy to talk them through with you? off the top of my head, i know i'd be interested in things like:

  • dion/joshua (it doesn't have to be in the terms of dion's perceived debt to joshua, but there's just such a nice familiarity there, especially after twinside and dion's drowning in guilt; maybe even bringing in memories of them meeting when they were younger)
  • hugo/benedikta (my favorite amoral duo who both just need to fuck off from dhalmekia and waloed and do whatever tf they want; also, hugo turning benedikta away from barnabas? his actual affection for her takes her by surprise; this dude doesn't actually just want to exploit and use her for his own ends? say whatttttt?)
  • dion/barnabas (i'm a terrible person; it's fine! :c but the whole dark v light theme? waloed v sanbreque? barnabas' whole crusade to kidnap bearers/dominants?)
  • benedikta/jill (mayhaps cid comes too late to save jill and benedikta absconds with her from the battlefield? i think they'd be able to relate to one another relatively well tbh, and plus i'd love to see jill a little more assertive/proactive)
  • cid/benedikta (purely platonic; i'd love to explore that dynamic, flesh out their background more; tbh, it'd probably be set in the background of an actual pair)
  • cid/barnabas (i’d loooooove the opportunity to explore their dynamic before cid up and left waloed; maybe cid even confided in barnabas at one point until barnabas’ loyalty to ultima comes out and cid feels betrayed? add benedikta into the mix and ooof. lots of drama potential, i think.)
  • clive/barnabas (especially in the scenario of clive having just lost to barnabas in a fight? won't master ultima be so pleased with you, mr warden of darkness? but then... wait. why won't you hand over mythos? clive somehow turning barnabas around? you love to see it)
  • clive/ultima (dark af and i'm not even sorry. but ultima...making it into clive's mind in a botched attempt to possess him? doesn't even need to be romantic or sexual, but just... a fucked up dynamic. ultima hitching a ride in the back of clive's consciousness? more than he already does?)

please note i have zero interest in writing clive/jill :c they're more of a brotp for me. sorry! there is another pair i'd like to write that you're welcome to ask about, and i'd at least be willing to hear out other canon/canon pairs, but please don't be offended if i don't want to write them :c

i'd also be incredibly down for some canon/oc shenanigans, and ofc i'd happily double! gonna be super basic and ask for my partner to write clive for me tho; could absolutely be down for poly (cough with cid cough) but that's not necessary at all. also, ngl, i'd love to write a leviathan oc (for whom i already have a great deal of ideas...) i know, i know, the medicine girl is who everyone kinda suspects to be leviathan but, shhhhhhh ;o au for a reason, yeah? it's not confirmed anyway.

miscellaneous ideas

  • dominants v ultima (as it should have been imo; dominants protecting humanity, working together to try and save it instead of clive having to do it all basically alone)
  • more fallen lore? ngl, i was hit with such similarities from this game and ff12 i was half-convinced it was like, a thousand+ years post-ff12. i know it's not, but it could be interesting to bring in ff12 wrinkles into the fold? all the crysts and crystals and incorporeal beings directing humanity in the directions they want? plus AIRSHIPS. aetherfloods = jagd/myst? we don't have to go in the ff12 direction for more fallen lore, tho.
  • time-au a la: dominants returning to the time of the fallen/helping in the fight against ultima at dzemekys
  • some sort of magic that allows the dominants to retain information from previous hosts? warnings about ultima/crystals/the blight/etc?
  • people have compared ultima and jenova and... lbr. it would be incredibly interesting to see. ultima wants a host? too bad. jenova's cells have infected it; he can't direct it anymore. too bad every time he keeps trying jenova's still there.

these aren't all the plots i'd be interested in writing by any means, but, well. i think i've rambled on long enough. i hope i've managed to pique some interest, and if i have, feel free to reach out! i'd love to work something out with you~

discord: resoan
email: grimms and hooks at gmail dot com (ofc without the spaces and the appropriate symbols/punctuation)

Do not leave comments in this thread or send me PMs! I will not see them.
hi there! 33 | she/her | est time zone

been rping for sixteen years now, if that matters to you. some info before getting to the good stuff~

  • only looking for partners 18+.
  • gdocs, email, and discord all work for me. discord's preferred for ooc, but it's not necessary. please note i do not write here on-site.
  • i'm not really a rapid-fire poster; please don't expect that of me. i can offer ~3-5 posts per week and would appreciate that in return. at the very least i'm looking for 1 post a week.
  • longer posts are great! 4+ paragraphs is my sweet spot, and i'm happy to delve into novella too. not looking for one-liners or super short paragraph replies!
  • depending on what we write, i'm absolutely open to doubling! i'm also potentially open to writing multiple characters, casts, and/or poly.
  • open to pairings of all types! i'm mainly looking for original m// or fandom m// and m/f (and to maybe include an intersex character or two), though if we double i'm cool with f//. nb, trans, and characters who don't fall in the binary are all good too!
  • many of my original ideas are, admittedly, smut-focused. not looking to fade to black, though i want a plot too (otherwise the smut gets super boring and redundant...). i'm happy to discuss limits and kinks!

as for the specs of what i'm looking for:

original m// ideas

all my ideas, tropes, limits/kinks and such can be found in the link above. i won't exclusively write tops for your bottoms, though!


you'll find the laundry-list of my fandoms in the link above. expect an amalgamation of canon/canon and canon/oc with a smattering of poly/polycules. to avoid wasting anybody's time, tho, here's the quicklist of fandoms i'm looking for:

  • star trek: the next generation + star trek: deep space nine
  • final fantasy vii + its associated media [cc, ac, doc]
  • fire emblem: three houses
  • hakuoki [yes, the otome]
  • the wayhaven chronicles
  • touchstarved [yes, the vn that hasn't even been released yet]
  • maybe persona 5
  • maybe the soul stone war
  • maybe fallen hero: rebirth + retribution

if you're interested or have any questions, pls feel free to reach out! you're welcome to add me on discord (Resoan#4408) or to send me an

please do not comment here in-thread or try to send me a pm!
Hi there! I’ve been playing Crisis Core Reunion (because The Three Firsts + Zack are everything to me), as well as the Remake and just really want to write in this fandom! You can call me Res; I’m 33, in EST, and go by she/her pronouns. I’ve also been RPing for 16 years now if that matters to you.

Before I scare you tell you exactly what I’m looking for, here are some specs and prefs on the way I generally write:

  • 18+ partners only. Non-negotiable.
  • I’ll write over discord, email, or gdocs. I’d really prefer discord for ooc chatter at the very least, but it’s not strictly-speaking necessary. PLEASE NOTE I do not write here on-site.
  • I’m very much looking to include NSFW material! As such I don’t like fading to black, so if that’s where you’re comfortable, then I’m not the partner for you.
  • I’m ideally looking for at least two posts a week. I’m absolutely on-board if you can give me more than that, but I’d really rather not go below a single post a week.
  • Long posts are my preference and default. Novella’s wonderful, but if you want to pare things down to 3-5+ substantial paragraphs, I’m cool with that too. Anything smaller/one-liners are absolutely not for me.
  • I write in third person past tense. I’m willing to write in present if that’s where you’re more comfortable, but I won’t budge on us writing in third person.
  • I’m absolutely fine writing multiple characters. Doubling/tripling/quadrupling//polyamory/whole casts of characters are all on the table. In fact, in this particular instance, I'd prefer it.
  • I don’t have any issues writing canon characters or characters of any gender/sexual orientation. Please note, however, I will not write only the tops to your bottoms.

So. The big kahuna. I played the original game years ago, though I never beat it (got stuck on the second disc from what I remember). I’ve played (and beaten!) the original Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, the Remake, Yuffie’s Intergrade DLC, and I’m tantalizingly close to beating the new Crisis Core Reunion. I’m also familiar with 8, 10 + 10-2, 12, and 13 (not its sequels though).

First off, I’m only looking for canon characters here. I have zero interest in including OCs. Please also note that while I’m certainly not opposed to plot-heavy threads, my main objective is character interaction and development.

I’d love to dabble in canon-divergent AUs! I’d also really love the chance to throw in specific characters from other games in the series into the fold (Squall and Lightning are the ones that come racing to mind). I’m also very amenable to the inclusion of an a/b/o-verse if that at all appeals to you!

Pairs/Poly I’d love to play:

  • Sephiroth/Genesis
  • Sephiroth/Angeal
  • Sephiroth/Genesis/Angeal
  • Sephiroth/Genesis/Angeal/Zack
  • Angeal/Zack/Genesis
  • Sephiroth/Zack/Genesis
  • Sephiroth/Genesis/Angeal/Zack/Cloud
  • Angeal/Zack
  • Genesis/Cloud
  • Angeal/Cloud
  • Genesis/Zack
  • Sephiroth/Zack
  • Squall/Cloud
  • Squall/Lightning
  • Sephiroth/Squall
  • Genesis/Lightning
  • Genesis/Squall
  • Sephiroth/Lightning
  • Sephiroth/Lightning/Genesis

Honestly, give me a mixture of Genesis, Sephiroth, Angeal, Zack, Cloud, Squall, and/or Lightning, and chances are I’ll be happy? Please note, though, that while I don’t mind Zack/Cloud or Seph/Cloud they're less of a priority.

Give me SOLDIER!Squall visiting from being on assignment and butting heads with Genesis at a briefing. Give me SOLDIER!Lightning who meets Sephiroth for the first time and finds him agreeable because he’s similarly level-headed and to business. Shinra’s Firsts all conspiring against the company together? Undermining them from within with the help of Rufus and the Turks? Hojo finally getting his comeuppance? There’s so much potential…

I’m also happy to discuss including other characters in some capacity? Vincent’s always a fave, and Auron as an ex-SOLDIER who’s now tactical advisor to Lazard and liaison to the Turks tickles me. Honestly, the sky’s the limit here. I’d prefer to keep things in Midgar, but it could be similarly fun to have the worlds connected by portals.

If you're interested or have any questions, please feel free to reach out! Contact info is below c:

still looking!

i'm looking for an 18+ partner who's smut-friendly (read: does not fade to black). i default to third person past tense, though i'm happy to write in present if that's your preference. posts that are ~3 paragraphs or more are what i'm looking for, and i'd be looking for posts at least 2-3 times per week? any fewer and i tend to lose interest. completely happy writing f//, m//, m/f pairs of all types (including trans + nb characters), though please be aware i lean towards m/f and m//.

doubling is totally fine. writing casts of characters is, similarly, totally fine. if you'd rather stick to one character a piece and we're both on board with it, totally fine. multiple threads? bring it on. polyamory? all about it. love triangles that end in poly? god yesss. i'd love to discuss kinks and limits too, so be sure to include them!

alternate universes and/or canon divergent lines are great, and i'm happy to discuss them. (i also have a weakness for a/b/o if you're at ALL interested in that!) let me add that while i have no issue 'topping' or 'bottoming' i ask that my partner be just as comfortable. if you only bottom, then i'm not the partner for you. i'm very open to the idea of smut-oriented or smut-heavy threads, though i do want some semblance of a plot.

i write over email primarily; you might convince me to move to gdocs or our own proboard, but i won't write the thread over discord or here on-site. sorry! discord's great for ooc chatter tho! pls reach out if you're at all interested or curious! email's under the spoiler c: pls don't reply to this thread or send me a pm.

fire emblem: three houses

  • sylvain/felix
  • hubert/ferdinand
  • miklan/glenn
  • claude/lorenz
  • claude/linhardt

yes, i've played all the routes and the dlc. pairs i'm less interested in but still willing to write for include: dimidue, dimileth, ashdue, balthuri, lambrigue, edelclaude. it's not a hard list; i'm usually willing to hear out what you'd like to play, though i make no guarantee i'll write it. pls also note i only mention these additional pairs on the off-chance you might wish to double; i don't want to focus solely on them.

the great ace attorney

not looking for ocs, and i'm not looking to write any other canon/canon pairs either. i am, however, happy to write any number of the listed pairs below if you're interested!

  • barok/ryuunosuke
  • kazuma/ryuunosuke
  • barok/kazuma
  • poly barok/kazuma/ryuunosuke
  • genshin/barok
  • klint/genshin

persona 5 (royal + strikers optional)

i've played vanilla p5, royal, and strikers, but am happy to limit myself to just vanilla if that's your preference or if you haven't played the others; i'm also good to go including strikers in a royal setting. any way you can think of to cross the games into each other, i'm probably good to play xD

canon/canon pairs, or maybe canon/oc pairs. if we're playing the latter, please be comfortable doubling up (or more) unless you're cool just playing a canon. pairs of all types are welcome -- m//, f//, m/f, trans and nb inclusive.

i'm looking for:

  • akechi/akiren (comfortable playing either, and I also have loads of plots for them -- ask if you're curious!)
  • maruki/akiren (my guilty pleasure. I'd prefer playing akiren, but we can possibly discuss.)
  • maruki/akiren/akechi (would definitely want to discuss this one!)
  • maruki/zenkichi? (it would definitely be new for me, but the more I think about it... I've got some thoughts about them rolling around...)

i'll say rn i'm not really looking to double for the canon/canon pairs unless it's for another pair on my list :c For canon/oc pairs:

  • akechi/oc (i'm... not really interested in writing akechi for an oc. sorry :x)
  • akiren/oc (i'm good with either, tbh.)
  • yusuke/oc (would be looking to write opposite yusuke.)
  • maruki/oc (Unsure, tho i'd prefer to play the oc here. never done this one before, but i'm curious...)

basically, i'm open to writing just about anyone for your oc except akechi, yusuke, or futaba. i'm also tentatively open to writing a canon/canon pair on your end that i didn't mention, but please don't be offended if i refuse to write it. also, please note i didn't add a gender indicator to the ocs ;o


if anyone's a hakuoki fan, i'm down for writing in this universe too! ;v; i've played everyone's route at least once, though depending on whom you ask for i may replay it. doubling's totally fine, and i'm looking for canon/oc pairs. if you wanna play the mc opposite a canon, that's totally fine so long as you're cool with me playing an oc opposite a canon. i'm mostly interested in sanosuke, saito, hijikata, and souji. i'm totally down for poly/love triangles (or more), so that's a possibility if you're down for it c;

original m// pairs

i do also have an original thread i'd like to write with an original character i have established. think quasi-feudal japan and a childhood best friend/bodyguard of your major lordling? am more than happy to discuss it if you're interested! it'd be m//.

i'm also just flat-out craving some m// pairs, poly, or even casts. pretty much any genre (historical, mythological, modern, fantasy, sci-fi), though i'm not big on post-apocalyptic. feel free to tell me if anything from the word bank sticks out to you:

rivalry (perhaps between partners or people on each side of the law) | jealousy | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | enemies with benefits | age gaps | grooming | inappropriate doctors/therapists | teacher/student | meeting someone you shouldn't on tinder | powerful people playing games | underdogs catching undue attention | childhood friends | soulmates | a/b/o stuff | princes falling for each other instead of their princesses | heretical/dark/unholy things happening at a monastery | protecting each other/getting wounded to save the other | dark plots with war prisoners | being forced to work together under dire circumstances | 'but i'm not gay' | monstrous aspects (physical) | SO MUCH UST | finding out the new, uptight boss' secret | your suggestions?

PLEASE NOTE. i do not want to only play a top for your bottom. i'm happy to double up so we can both have a shot at it, or there can be switches.

as the title indicates, i'm really craving some p5r/p5 x: mostly, i'm looking for akechi/akiren threads, but i wouldn't turn down some maruki/akiren. for the most part i tend to lean towards writing akiren, but i'm open to playing akechi as well. i also wouldn't turn down a poly between the three.

i would also consider doubling up for canon/oc pairs -- in which case, i'd be looking for someone to play akechi, yusuke, or akiren. i'm willing to play almost anyone in return; i won't write futaba, yusuke, or akechi for your oc though.

my 'rules', such as they are --

  • email only for the actual rp. discord's great for chatting and ooc!
  • 18+ partners only.
  • a couple replies a week at least would be nice. more is great but not expected or demanded. that said, i am not a rapid-fire poster.
    substantial replies are what i'm looking for (~2 paragraphs on up, please). anything less than that and i lose interest. longer replies are great!
  • my only hard limits are toiletplay, vore, gore, and feet. please tell me yours!
  • i like writing smut, and wouldn't turn down a more smut-focused thread. it isn't necessary, though.


you'll find they're mostly set in-universe with either a bit or a ton of canon divergence. i'll try to be as non-spoilery as possibly for those who haven't beaten royal yet.

  • post-royal, after akiren returns home. i have some thoughts about how to incorporate akechi there; if you're curious, please ask!
  • child!goro and child!akiren grew up together in the same neighborhood/as neighbors.
  • shujin!goro
  • dark!akiren leaving the PTs to be goro's partner in the metaverse instead
  • (kind of riding coattails from shujin!goro but...) akiren being trained in the metaverse by goro instead of morgana.
  • goro recognizing that akiren has feelings for him, and attempting to manipulate him for his own benefit. he plays along until he starts to realize maybe akiren's affections aren't so one-sided...
  • a pretty massive overhaul from game lore, but this plot would definitively change goro's past; suffice it to say wakaba and maruki play a fairly large role and by the time goro meets akiren he isn't shido's personal hitman. please ask for details because i do have more x: i would also prefer playing goro in this instance.
  • anything to do with goro and/or akiren having a palace? especially if one tries to trap the other there, or even succeeds. mind-fuckery ftw!
  • honestly, i'm not super picky. bring me a trope, spin it with these two in mind, and i'll probably be on-board so fast it'll make your head spin! aus based in worlds without the metaverse are a-okay too!

i'm also looking for a few fe3h or mystic messenger things, if you're at all curious, but p5r/p5 is where my main interest is right now.

if interested, please contact me at the email under the spoiler!

Still looking!
A Little About Me:

  • I'm well over 18, and as such only play with people 18+. No exceptions.
  • I only write over email. No, you will not convince me to move to discord. I will chat ooc over discord, though.
  • I'm looking for a few posts a week that are substantial in length (3+ paragraphs, please). Anything less and I lose interest.
  • While I'm happy to double up it's not an absolute necessity if we're playing a canon/canon pair(s) or if you're willing to play a canon for my OC.
  • M/F, F/F, M/M -- I'm good with it all, including characters that fall out of the binary or gender norms.
  • I don't fade to black. Please be okay writing out smut. I wouldn't say I'm only looking for smutty threads, but I wouldn't turn them down either x: Please let me know how you want to balance plot + smut.
  • I'm down for AU plots if you have ideas, or if you have ideas in general. Let's make something we both enjoy!
  • I'm open to the idea of poly relationships, love triangles/polygons, etc.
  • I am not the partner for you if you only play bottoms/women/OCs. I genuinely do not understand people who claim they 'can't do it'.
  • Characters in bold are ones I want to play. If neither is bolded, I'm open to playing either! PLEASE NOTE that I won't just write a canon for your OC. We'll double up for canon/OC pairs or play a single canon/canon that we both want to play. I've only included lists of canons I'll play for your reference and ease.
  • If anything below is unclear or you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Dragon Age

Tevinter Nights has dragged me back down into the depths of this fandom ;v; I'm familiar with all three games and their associated DLCs, all the novels, and all of the comics except for Blue Wraith. Please refer to the list below regarding characters I'm comfortable playing; you can certainly ask for someone else, but these are the characters I feel strongest writing. Please also note I will not write Cullen. Something in a current Thedas (i.e. post-Inquisition/Trespasser) would be greatly preferred.

  • Solas/f!Trevelyan Inquisitor
  • Strife/f!OC
  • Lucanis/f!OC
  • Viago/OC ??
  • Alistair/OC
  • Morrigan/OC
  • Zevran/OC
  • Anders/OC
  • Fenris/OC
  • Abelas/OC
  • Dorian/m!OC
  • Varric/OC

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

I've finished the main three routes (Azure Moon, Verdant Wind, & Crimson Flower), but not Silver Snow, and I've also completed the Ashen Wolves DLC. I would honestly prefer not to double here unless you want to play multiple pairs from the list below. I'm more than happy to include side pairings, or at the very least entertain the idea of other canon/canon pairs if you have something in mind. That said, please don't be offended if I decline a pair you want to play.

  • Dimitri/f!Byleth
  • Sylvain/Felix
  • Hubert/Ferdinand
  • Claude/m!Byleth
  • Glenn/Miklan
  • Yuri/f!Byleth

Mr. Love: Queen's Choice

I'm mostly caught up, though I think I still have a couple of chapters to get through; not being spoiled would be greatly appreciated. Canon/OC only, please.

  • Lucien/f!OC
  • Victor/f!OC
  • Gavin/OC
  • Kiro/OC

Mystic Messenger

I've played every route though not every dlc (notably the Rika back-story). I have No Desire to include Rika in any meaningful capacity; please do not ask. I would also prefer if there is no real 'MC' but rather our OCs. You miiight talk me into a canon/canon pair, though I will be incredibly picky. Canon/OC is more my interest for this particular fandom.

  • Jumin/f!OC
  • V/f!OC
  • Saeran/f!OC
  • Jaehee/OC
  • Yoosung/OC
  • Zen/OC
  • Seven/OC
  • Vanderwood/OC

Persona 5 (+ Royal)

I've literally just beaten Royal and my motivation is super high!

Please also note that I'd be more than happy to write just about any of the Phantom Thieves or one of the confidants for your OC(s) in return for you writing one of the characters I've indicated below. I'm also down to talk canon/canon pairs if that is your preference, though please note I will not write Futaba, Yusuke, or Akechi (the only exception to Akechi is if he's paired with Akira).

  • Akira/Akechi (super craving this one right now)
  • Akira/Maruki
  • Akira/Yusuke
  • Akechi/OC
  • Yusuke/OC
  • Akira/OC


I have a character that I'd really like to write in a quasi feudal Japanese setting. He's a commoner who befriended a noble boy in his youth, but their village is so far-removed from politics and war plaguing the country that neither find out about the other boy's nobility until his father dies and he's summoned to take up his rightful place. My character only gets to accompany him because the noble boy all-but-demands it.

Personality-wise, my character is a very stoic, sacrificing man. He's politically sharp and adept at strategizing, and in time becomes the bodyguard of the noble lord. He's wholly devoted to his lord. I'm very open in terms of how you create your noble lord. I'd personally prefer someone a little more hotheaded and impatient, but it's certainly something we can talk about.

M/M in case that wasn't clear. I will admit that my character falls a bit more to the submissive side of things, but I'm more than happy to switch as far as bedroom dynamics are concerned.

Themes include: pining, (perceived) unrequited love, political machinations, war, sacrifice, and more. I'm also open to the idea of an A/B/O AU for this as well.


Before you send me that email, please make sure you're including a little information about yourself -- what you want to play, which pairs, your limits, etc. Thank you!

hello! i'm looking for a few partners for some fandoms, but before diving into the specifics, here are my preferences so you can decide if we'll mesh as partners:

  • i only write with 18+ partners. no exceptions.
  • i only write in third person, though i can write in past or present tense -- i tend to default to past tho.
  • i'd like at least a few posts per week. i am not a rapid-fire writer, though depending on my schedule you might receive replies daily. at the very least i promise 3 replies a week, tho.
  • i like long, meaty posts (5+ paragraphs per character). i realize that's a lot, but i tend to write quite a bit and enjoy receiving posts in kind. if that's too much for you then i don't think we'll mesh very well.
  • i have zero issue with any/all types of pairings. i'm personally looking mostly for m/f or m// pairs, though everything else is fair game for the most part? canon/canon or canon/oc pairs; i'm not all that interested in oc/oc pairs. i'll get into more details for each fandom below.
  • doubling is awesome. i'm also down to triple/quadruple/have multiple pairs we switch between.
  • i will not write solely tops to your bottoms/men to your ladies/etc. i like having partners who are versatile; by all means have preferences, but please don't demand i play the same character in the same dynamic every time.
  • i write over email only. i have discord for chatting/ooc/plotting purposes, but i will not write over it. my posts are too long for discord's character limit x:
  • limit-wise, i have no interest in toiletplay, gore, feet, bestiality, and basically anything super outlandish. please tell me your limits! i don't fade to black; if you do, that's perfectly fine, but i don't think we'll be good partners. on that note, i enjoy writing my smut; i'm incredibly open to smuttier lines if that appeals to you at all.
  • i am incredibly open to aus! that said, i would prefer to keep things in fodlan for the most part for fe. i'm willing to talk about it, tho, if you have something specific in mind!

fire emblem: 3 houses

i've played through azure moon, verdant wind, and crimson flower, but i have yet to play through silver snow. please also note i played crimson flower before jeritza was recruitable/supportable. below you'll find a list of the pairs i'm looking to play; characters in bold are ones i want to play. if neither are bold, then i'm open to playing either.

  • dimitri/f!byleth
  • sylvain/felix
  • hubert/ferdinand (slight preference to play ferdie, but i'm open to either)
  • claude/m!byleth
  • miklan/glenn

i might be open to others, but please don't be offended if i decline.

mystic messenger

i've played through every route, including v and ray, though i've not played all of the dlc. i'm mostly looking to play an f!oc opposite jumin. if we play multiple pairs, i'd also love to play opposite v. i have experience writing zen, and i'm also open to writing jaehee, yoosung, luciel, or maybe vanderwood. i will not write rika nor include her in any significant capacity, and i'm incredibly hesitant to write ray. if ray's who you're after, then you can try to convince me, but i make no promises.

mr. love queen's choice

i've fallen for this game hard. i'm not entirely caught up on chapters, though to give you some idea i just finished chapter 13. i would greatly appreciate not being spoiled :c i would be most interested in writing opposite victor or lucien. that said, i would of course offer gavin or kiro in return.

persona 5

i'm so excited to play royal it isn't even funny. that said, if you've played royal please keep your spoilers away! i'm mostly looking to play an akechi/akira pair, and i'm happy to play either. i'm also open to writing an oc opposite akechi, yusuke, or akira and would be totally cool with doubling. please note that in the case of canon/oc pairs + doubling, i will not write futaba, yusuke, or akechi; i would also prefer staying away from teacher/student relationships or adult/minor ones.

if i've piqued your interest at all, or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me! you'll find my email under the cut.

also -- please do not send me a private message or reply here in this thread!
still looking!
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