Cuttersbury: Guild"Gods," Amy quipped to herself. Especially after Quentin made his obnoxious 'QT' comment, there was no way in hell she'd take any of the men in this town seriously. She could've probably smacked around Jett for the look he gave Estelle alone, but she was confident the swordswoman and Moira got their messages across just fine. Then again... Amy rolled her eyes with a sigh, and crossed her arms. If only they knew their manners here as well as they did lumberjacking.
Saying that, though, Trixie wasn't doing much better either. The prankster didn't care so much about the potential dangers the parrot carried, even as he boasted his talons. Rather, Trixie's entire body jittered every time Cap opened his beak. She had been around animals long enough to know that they shouldn't be talking. Unless of course they transformed. Maybe... maybe that was it. Maybe this bird was like Nikki? Trixie shivered off her questions for now. So long as creepy featherbags kept away from her, she decided she'd be fine, mostly thanks to Aria's reassurance.
The girlie seemed to be in a hurry, though the guild secretary snapped back at her for it. And it was Trixie's gig to stick her nose where it didn't belong. 'Infestation,' huh? 'Larger team,' huh? 'Pay,' huh? Trixie couldn't help joining in after Syed's offer. "That sounds fun! Yeah, let's help out!" She went up and down on her tiptoes in excitement, though came to a stop upon hearing Moira's threat.
Only then did she notice Quentin and Jett had come around, thanks to the other Pride members' yammering. Trixie pursed her lips and leaned towards Lute. "Whoa, why are we so popular all of the sudden?"