House Arryn of the Eyrie

As High As Honor
House Description:
House Arryn have ruled over the lands of the Vale since long before the Conquerer came. When the Falcon Knight, Artys Arryn, claimed victory over the First Men in the Battle of the Seven Stars, he claimed the title of King of Mountain and Vale, and gave birth to one of the greatest noble dynasties Westeros has ever known. Ruling from the mountain fortress of the Eyrie atop the Giant's Lance, Artys' descendants carry a proud and pure Andal bloodline, acting as Lords of the Vale and Wardens of the East ever since Sharra Arryn bent the knee to Visenya Targaryen.
The lands they rule lie in the east; fertile soils, tranquil lakes, roaring rivers and jagged mountain peaks. The Vale sits somewhat isolated from the rest of Westeros, with steep impassable mountain ranges accounting for the majority of its borders and the few narrow passes well-guarded with sturdy fortresses. Rebellious mountain clans, originally opponents of King Artys' rule, terrorise the roads and raid from the hills, making travel unguarded through the Vale's mountains a particularly dangerous prospect. The Valemen are proud and pious, with a strong martial culture and an emphasis on honor, duty and justice. The fertile flatlands and valleys allow for the growing of plentiful supplies of barley, wheat, corn and fruit, and the thriving port of Gulltown allows for the sending of goods and food all over Westeros and across the Narrow Sea. There are many noble houses with holdings in the Vale. Chief amongst these are House Royce of Runestone, House Redfort of Redfort, House Corbray of Heart's Home and House Waynwood of Ironoaks, among many others.
Recent History:
In 202AC, House Arryn are enjoying an era of relative stability and prosperity. They have benefited from close relations with House Targaryen and the Iron Throne in the last century, with Lady Aemma Arryn the mother of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lady Alys Arryn currently the mother of two of King Daeron's grandchildren by his third son Rhaegel. The most recent threat to the house came in a succession struggle almost 70 years past; a marker of the security and opulence that the great House of Arryn have enjoyed in recent years.
Immediate Family Members:
- Donnel Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale and Warden of the East.
- Lonella Arryn, Lady of the Eyrie, sister of Gwayne Corbray and wife of Donnel.
- Darnold Arryn, firstborn son of Lord Donnel.
- Alys Arryn, eldest daughter of Lord Donnel and wife of Prince Rhaegel Targaryen.
- Robert Arryn, second son of Lord Donnel.
Extended Family Members:
- Denys Arryn, brother of Lord Donnel.
- Payton Arryn, only son of Denys.
- Aymee Arryn, only daughter of Denys.
- Howell, castellan at the Eyrie and a good friend of Donnel's late father.
- Dawsin, steward at the Eyrie.
- Maester Ronnel, maester at the Eyrie.
- Septon Eddin, septon at the Eyrie.
- Ser Mykel of Gulltown, Master-at-Arms at the Eyrie.
- Ser Denys Arryn, captain of the guard at the Eyrie.
- Ser Desmin of Ninestars, sworn shield at the Eyrie.
- Ser Rymon Redfort, sworn shield at the Eyrie.
- Ser Tomard Woodhull, sworn shield at the Eyrie.
- Ser Brandon Moore, Master of the Horse at the Eyrie.
- Arton Arryn, ward of Donnel at the Eyrie and son of Lord Joffrey Arryn of Gulltown.

Donnel Arryn
Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale and Warden of the East
Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale and Warden of the East
Age: 44 (Born 158AC)
Donnel is not a traditionally handsome man. He is rugged and pale, with a muscular frame and square jaw, and striking blonde hair courtesy of the pure Andal blood in his veins. His cautious eyes reinforce his nature by creating a constant look of seriousness and deep thought, and his small mouth only rarely manages to form a smile. He carries himself proudly, able to create an air of dignity without coming across as pretentious or intimidating.
Description & biography:
Lord Donnel Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale and Warden of the East. The elder of the two children born to Gerold and Yennefer Arryn, the other being his younger brother Denys, Donnel was betrothed to Lonella Corbray from the age of 10, marrying at 16 and going on to have three children together over the coming years.
Donnel has ruled as Warden of the East for just shy of a quarter of a century. A serious man, he places tremendous emphasis on duty and honor, frequently lecturing his children on their responsibilities as members of House Arryn. He actively tries to embody everything a good lord should be; he has genuine care for those he rules over, and lets his strong moral compass dictate his every decision. As a result he is held in very high regard by the men and women of the Vale, and generally well respected by the lords and ladies of Westeros.
Above all else, Donnel desires peace and stability. A capable swordsman and commander, thanks to copious training from knights of the Vale in his youth, Donnel will only turn to a sword when all other options have been exhausted. When the time comes, however, he will give everything he has in defense of his family and his people. Well aware of the growing tensions around the realm, Lord Donnel has travelled for the tourney at Summerhall. Despite not competing personally, he is hoping that time spent among his fellow lords will create opportunities for alliance and shed some light and what the future may hold for Westeros.

Darnold Arryn
Heir of House Arryn
Heir of House Arryn
Age: 25 (Born 177AC)
Darnold is a much more handsome man than his father.
Description & biography:
A pocket version of his father, Darnold has been groomed from the moment he could talk to assume the lordship of the Vale when the time comes. A patient and calculating man, Darnold has a fantastic understanding of the realities of Westerosi politics and the intricacies of successfully ruling over lands and people.
Much more business-minded and ambitious than his passive father, Darnold sees capacity for the Arryns to grow their wealth, and has spent years attempting to repair relations between the Arryns of the Eyrie and the Arryns of Gulltown so that they can collaborate to massively expand trade from the bustling port town. Expanding the trade flowing through Gulltown is one of Darnold's top priorities, as well as securing a strong strategic marriage and fathering an heir so that the lordship of the Vale cannot fall into his brother Robert's reckless hands. Now, Darnold is travelling to the Summerhall tourney with his father Donnel, always watching and learning, but not intending to compete.

Alys Arryn
Wife of Rhaegel Targaryen
Wife of Rhaegel Targaryen
Age: 22 (Born 180AC)
A beautiful young woman, Alys strongly resembles her mother Lonella in the eyes and mouth but has inherited her father's height and squared jaw. She is slender and graceful, with long blonde hair that falls in waves around her shoulders, pale skin and large brown eyes. Despite giving birth to Targaryen twins, Alys still looks as she did before the pregnancy.
Description & biography:
A lovely and reserved woman, Alys' quiet nature and general subservience have led many to believe that there is not much between her ears when she is in fact rather clever. Trapped in a loveless marriage to a Targaryen prince that many believe may be the unfortunate victim of the notorious coin flip, Alys spends very little time in her husband's company beyond keeping up appearances at court, despite the nature of their union long being common knowledge.
Instead, Alys pours her time into her two children, hoping that if she raises them with love and attention they will avoid the taint that afflicts their father. Besides that, her fondness for painting consumes much of her time. Commonly found gossiping among the noble ladies of the Red Keep's court, Alys is able to use her unassuming persona to draw information about the doings of the Westerosi nobility and feed this back to her father at the Eyrie in frequent letters.
Despite being far from home with few friends and a husband she resents, Alys is a gentle and kind woman. Her care for her children is the guiding influence on her life, and her only true ambition is to find true friendship in the capital to make her time there more bearable. Beyond that, she serves her family dutifully and without complaint, earning her much admiration from her father Donnel.

Robert Arryn
Second Son of House Arryn
Second Son of House Arryn
Age: 17 (Born 185AC)
Robert is Darnold's physical opposite; he is shorter than his father and very well built. Drilling daily with sword and shield have conditioned him to a physical peak, muscular and agile. He keeps his sandy blonde hair short, and unlike his brother keeps his face clean shaven. His angular features and small, cold eyes create an uncaring and somewhat intimidating impression, and like his father, Robert rarely smiles unless he is enjoying a woman or a fight.
Description & biography:
Rash, impetuous, and stubborn, all of the teachings that have turned Darnold into an exemplary noble have had the exact opposite effect on his younger brother. Robert has absolutely no interest in the lordship of the Vale, instead more than content to hide behind his title to bend rules and neglect consequence and responsibility. Interested in little more than women and swords, Robert has made little time for the studies that Donnel insisted upon in their youth, and has little awareness of the political landscape in Westeros beyond what directly effects him.
Robert possesses a good degree of charm and is a far better fighter than any recent Arryn could have claimed to be, squiring for Ser Rymon Redfort until the age of 16 when he was knighted. Ser Rymon thinks very highly of the young falcon, approving of his skill with a sword and his bravery in the face of danger. While his father places such a strong emphasis on honor, Robert is much more pragmatic; he is more than happy to abandon moral principles to win a fight, believing that cheating to win is a far superior option than dying honorably.
In recent months, rumours have been circulating that Robert has fathered a bastard, with his penchant for bedding any woman who will let him becoming common knowledge. The growing reputation of depravity surrounding his son causes Donnel great concern, but Robert almost takes pride in the rumours, although he is yet to formally akncowledge any son. Robert has spent time in the past year representing his house in fighting raids against the Mountain Clans that plague the roads into the Vale's mountains, witha view to travelling to compete at the tourney at Summerhall.